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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Automatic  \Au`to*mat"ic\,  Automatical  \Au`to*mat"ic*al\,  a.  [Cf. 
  F.  automatique  See  {Automaton}.] 
  1.  Having  an  inherent  power  of  action  or  motion. 
  Nothing  can  be  said  to  be  automatic.  --Sir  H.  Davy. 
  2.  Pertaining  to  or  produced  by  an  automaton;  of  the  nature 
  of  an  automaton;  self-acting  or  self-regulating  under 
  fixed  conditions;  --  esp.  applied  to  machinery  or  devices 
  in  which  certain  things  formerly  or  usually  done  by  hand 
  are  done  by  the  machine  or  device  itself  as  the 
  automatic  feed  of  a  lathe;  automatic  gas  lighting;  an 
  automatic  engine  or  switch;  an  automatic  mouse. 
  3.  Not  voluntary;  not  depending  on  the  will  mechanical;  as 
  automatic  movements  or  functions. 
  Unconscious  or  automatic  reasoning.  --H.  Spenser. 
  {Automatic  arts},  such  economic  arts  or  manufacture  as  are 
  carried  on  by  self-acting  machinery.  --Ure.