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bees definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  be 
  8  of  13  senses  of  be 
  Sense  1 
  =>  suffer,  hurt 
  =>  be  well 
  =>  suffer 
  =>  feel 
  =>  stay,  remain,  rest 
  =>  continue 
  =>  sparkle,  scintillate 
  =>  confuse,  throw,  fox,  befuddle,  fuddle,  bedevil,  confound,  discombobulate 
  =>  rank 
  =>  point 
  =>  want  need  require 
  =>  rest 
  =>  cut 
  =>  seethe 
  =>  mope,  moon  around  moon  about 
  =>  sulk,  grizzle,  brood,  stew 
  =>  look  appear,  seem 
  =>  appear,  seem 
  =>  owe 
  =>  belong 
  =>  cover 
  =>  represent 
  =>  account 
  =>  cut  across 
  =>  begin,  start 
  =>  begin 
  =>  stand 
  =>  specify,  define,  delineate,  delimit,  delimitate 
  =>  go 
  =>  make  sense  add  up 
  =>  consist,  comprise 
  =>  prove,  turn  out  turn  up 
  =>  account  for 
  =>  remain 
  =>  stand  by  stick  by  stick  to  stick  with  adhere 
  =>  loiter,  lounge,  footle,  lollygag,  loaf,  lallygag,  hang  around  mess  about  tarry,  linger,  lurk,  mill  about  mill  around 
  =>  total,  number,  add  up  come  amount 
  =>  count  matter,  weigh 
  =>  rate,  deserve,  merit 
  =>  buy 
  =>  shine 
  =>  fall 
  =>  depend 
  =>  underlie 
  =>  stink 
  =>  subtend,  delimit 
  =>  incarnate,  body  forth,  embody 
  =>  contain,  take  hold 
  =>  cost,  be 
  =>  measure 
  =>  hum,  buzz,  seethe 
  =>  pass 
  =>  abound 
  =>  disagree,  disaccord,  discord 
  =>  gape,  yawn,  yaw 
  =>  tend,  be  given  lean,  incline,  run 
  =>  pride 
  =>  run,  go 
  =>  figure,  enter 
  =>  press 
  =>  rage 
  =>  relate,  interrelate 
  =>  rut 
  =>  stagnate 
  =>  stagnate 
  =>  come  in  handy 
  =>  squat 
  =>  hoodoo 
  =>  impend 
  =>  range,  run 
  =>  stay,  stay  on  continue,  remain 
  =>  sell 
  =>  translate 
  =>  head,  head  up 
  =>  come  in  for 
  =>  compare 
  =>  fall,  come 
  =>  run  into  encounter 
  =>  gravitate 
  =>  pay 
  =>  diverge 
  =>  shine 
  =>  iridesce 
  =>  lie 
  =>  stand 
  =>  hang 
  =>  litter 
  =>  suit 
  =>  end 
  =>  fit 
  =>  lend 
  =>  let  go 
  =>  belong 
  =>  belong 
  =>  wind,  curve 
  =>  jumble,  mingle 
  =>  promise 
  =>  accept  take 
  =>  clean 
  =>  draw 
  =>  wash 
  =>  balance 
  =>  hail,  come 
  =>  act 
  =>  test 
  =>  seem 
  =>  answer 
  =>  attend 
  =>  beat 
  =>  hold 
  =>  contain 
  =>  connect 
  =>  sell 
  =>  sell 
  =>  kill 
  =>  make 
  =>  deck,  adorn,  decorate,  grace,  embellish,  beautify 
  =>  consist 
  =>  work 
  =>  lubricate 
  =>  breathe 
  Sense  3 
  =>  stretch,  stretch  along 
  =>  attend,  go  to 
  =>  occupy,  fill 
  =>  dwell,  shack,  reside,  live,  inhabit,  people,  populate 
  =>  inhabit,  occupy 
  =>  stand  back  keep  one's  eyes  off  keep  one's  distance,  keep  one's  hands  off  stay  away 
  =>  reach,  extend  to  touch 
  =>  run,  go  pass,  lead,  extend 
  =>  go  lead 
  =>  cover,  extend 
  =>  extend,  stick  out  poke  out  reach  out 
  =>  lie 
  =>  sit 
  =>  face 
  =>  straddle 
  =>  follow 
  =>  center  on 
  =>  lie,  rest 
  =>  belong,  go 
  =>  come 
  Sense  4 
  exist,  be 
  =>  come 
  =>  preexist 
  =>  kick  around  knock  about  kick  about 
  =>  coexist 
  =>  prevail,  hold  obtain 
  =>  dwell,  consist,  lie,  belong,  lie  in 
  =>  endanger,  jeopardize,  jeopardise,  menace,  threaten,  imperil,  peril 
  =>  flow 
  Sense  6 
  equal,  be 
  =>  equate,  correspond 
  =>  match,  fit  correspond,  check,  jibe,  gibe,  tally,  agree 
  =>  represent,  stand  for  correspond 
  Sense  7 
  constitute,  represent,  make  up  comprise,  be 
  =>  make 
  =>  compose 
  =>  form  constitute,  make 
  =>  range,  straddle 
  =>  fall  into  fall  under 
  =>  present,  pose 
  Sense  8 
  be  follow 
  =>  vet 
  =>  cox 
  Sense  9 
  embody,  be  personify 
  =>  body,  personify 
  =>  exemplify,  represent,  typify 
  Sense  13 
  cost,  be 
  =>  set  back  knock  back  put  back 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  be 
  8  of  13  senses  of  be 
  Sense  1 
  =>  suffer,  hurt 
  =>  have 
  =>  gag,  choke,  suffocate 
  =>  ail 
  =>  starve,  hunger,  famish 
  =>  be  well 
  =>  suffer 
  =>  freeze 
  =>  swelter 
  =>  feel 
  =>  suffocate 
  =>  stay,  remain,  rest 
  =>  sit  tight 
  =>  stick  together,  stay  together 
  =>  stand 
  =>  keep  stay  fresh 
  =>  be 
  =>  continue 
  =>  carry,  extend 
  =>  last 
  =>  prevail,  persist,  die  hard,  run,  endure 
  =>  carry  over 
  =>  stand 
  =>  wash 
  =>  sparkle,  scintillate 
  =>  confuse,  throw,  fox,  befuddle,  fuddle,  bedevil,  confound,  discombobulate 
  =>  perplex,  get  puzzle,  mystify,  baffle,  beat  bewilder,  flummox,  stupefy,  stupify,  nonplus,  gravel,  amaze,  dumbfound 
  =>  stump,  mix  up 
  =>  stagger 
  =>  riddle 
  =>  elude,  escape 
  =>  defy,  resist,  refuse 
  =>  beggar 
  =>  disorient,  disorientate 
  =>  rank 
  =>  place  come  in  come  out 
  =>  come 
  =>  point 
  =>  want  need  require 
  =>  cry 
  =>  rest 
  =>  kneel 
  =>  stand  stand  up 
  =>  ramp 
  =>  stand  back 
  =>  line  up  queue  up  queue 
  =>  cut 
  =>  seethe 
  =>  bubble  over  overflow,  spill  over 
  =>  mope,  moon  around  moon  about 
  =>  sulk,  grizzle,  brood,  stew 
  =>  look  appear,  seem 
  =>  make 
  =>  cut 
  =>  feel 
  =>  pass  off 
  =>  sound 
  =>  come  across 
  =>  glow,  beam,  radiate,  shine 
  =>  glitter,  glisten,  glint,  gleam,  shine 
  =>  spangle 
  =>  shimmer 
  =>  leap  out  jump  out  jump,  stand  out  stick  out 
  =>  rise,  lift,  rear 
  =>  loom,  tower,  hulk 
  =>  loom 
  =>  feel 
  =>  crawl 
  =>  appear,  seem 
  =>  seem 
  =>  owe 
  =>  mortgage 
  =>  bond 
  =>  belong 
  =>  cover 
  =>  represent 
  =>  instantiate 
  =>  speak  for 
  =>  account 
  =>  cut  across 
  =>  begin,  start 
  =>  begin 
  =>  stand 
  =>  specify,  define,  delineate,  delimit,  delimitate 
  =>  determine 
  =>  pin  down  peg  down  nail  down  narrow  down  narrow,  specify 
  =>  concretize 
  =>  redefine 
  =>  go 
  =>  make  sense  add  up 
  =>  consist,  comprise 
  =>  prove,  turn  out  turn  up 
  =>  result,  ensue 
  =>  come 
  =>  be  due,  flow  from 
  =>  follow 
  =>  follow  come  after 
  =>  account  for 
  =>  remain 
  =>  stand  by  stick  by  stick  to  stick  with  adhere 
  =>  loiter,  lounge,  footle,  lollygag,  loaf,  lallygag,  hang  around  mess  about  tarry,  linger,  lurk,  mill  about  mill  around 
  =>  prowl,  lurch 
  =>  total,  number,  add  up  come  amount 
  =>  work  out 
  =>  outnumber 
  =>  average,  average  out 
  =>  make 
  =>  count  matter,  weigh 
  =>  weigh,  press 
  =>  rate,  deserve,  merit 
  =>  buy 
  =>  shine 
  =>  fall 
  =>  depend 
  =>  underlie 
  =>  stink 
  =>  subtend,  delimit 
  =>  incarnate,  body  forth,  embody 
  =>  reincarnate 
  =>  contain,  take  hold 
  =>  sleep 
  =>  seat 
  =>  cost,  be 
  =>  set  back  knock  back  put  back 
  =>  measure 
  =>  stand 
  =>  weigh 
  =>  last  endure 
  =>  run,  run  for 
  =>  wear,  hold  out  endure 
  =>  drag  on  drag  out 
  =>  scale 
  =>  hum,  buzz,  seethe 
  =>  teem,  swarm 
  =>  crawl 
  =>  pass 
  =>  abound 
  =>  disagree,  disaccord,  discord 
  =>  gape,  yawn,  yaw 
  =>  tend,  be  given  lean,  incline,  run 
  =>  take  kindly  to 
  =>  suffer 
  =>  gravitate 
  =>  pride 
  =>  run,  go 
  =>  figure,  enter 
  =>  press 
  =>  rage 
  =>  relate,  interrelate 
  =>  predicate 
  =>  tutor 
  =>  tie  in 
  =>  rut 
  =>  stagnate 
  =>  stagnate 
  =>  come  in  handy 
  =>  squat 
  =>  hoodoo 
  =>  impend 
  =>  range,  run 
  =>  stay,  stay  on  continue,  remain 
  =>  bide,  abide,  stay 
  =>  overstay,  outstay 
  =>  sell 
  =>  retail 
  =>  trade 
  =>  translate 
  =>  head,  head  up 
  =>  come  in  for 
  =>  compare 
  =>  go 
  =>  fall,  come 
  =>  run  into  encounter 
  =>  gravitate 
  =>  pay 
  =>  diverge 
  =>  shine 
  =>  iridesce 
  =>  opalesce 
  =>  lie 
  =>  stand 
  =>  hang 
  =>  brood,  hover,  loom,  bulk  large 
  =>  litter 
  =>  suit 
  =>  agree 
  =>  end 
  =>  close 
  =>  fit 
  =>  fit  go 
  =>  joint 
  =>  lend 
  =>  let  go 
  =>  belong 
  =>  belong 
  =>  wind,  curve 
  =>  circumvolute 
  =>  spiral 
  =>  snake 
  =>  jumble,  mingle 
  =>  promise 
  =>  accept  take 
  =>  clean 
  =>  draw 
  =>  wash 
  =>  balance 
  =>  hail,  come 
  =>  act 
  =>  test 
  =>  seem 
  =>  answer 
  =>  attend 
  =>  beat 
  =>  hold 
  =>  contain 
  =>  connect 
  =>  sell 
  =>  sell 
  =>  kill 
  =>  make 
  =>  deck,  adorn,  decorate,  grace,  embellish,  beautify 
  =>  consist 
  =>  work 
  =>  lubricate 
  =>  breathe 
  Sense  3 
  =>  stretch,  stretch  along 
  =>  attend,  go  to 
  =>  sit  in 
  =>  worship 
  =>  offer,  offer  up 
  =>  sacrifice 
  =>  immolate 
  =>  occupy,  fill 
  =>  deluge,  flood,  inundate 
  =>  crowd 
  =>  take  up 
  =>  dwell,  shack,  reside,  live,  inhabit,  people,  populate 
  =>  neighbor,  neighbour 
  =>  rusticate 
  =>  occupy,  reside,  lodge  in 
  =>  move  in 
  =>  stay  at 
  =>  squat 
  =>  crash 
  =>  cohabit,  shack  up 
  =>  miscegenate 
  =>  lodge 
  =>  sleep  over 
  =>  camp,  encamp,  camp  out  bivouac,  tent 
  =>  board,  room 
  =>  inhabit,  occupy 
  =>  tenant 
  =>  infest 
  =>  invade,  overrun,  infest 
  =>  nest 
  =>  stand  back  keep  one's  eyes  off  keep  one's  distance,  keep  one's  hands  off  stay  away 
  =>  reach,  extend  to  touch 
  =>  reach  into 
  =>  run,  go  pass,  lead,  extend 
  =>  come 
  =>  radiate,  ray 
  =>  go  far  go  deep 
  =>  go  lead 
  =>  cover,  extend 
  =>  cross,  traverse,  span,  sweep 
  =>  sweep 
  =>  rake 
  =>  enfilade 
  =>  overlap 
  =>  spread,  overspread 
  =>  ridge 
  =>  dot,  stud,  constellate 
  =>  extend,  stick  out  poke  out  reach  out 
  =>  lie 
  =>  ride 
  =>  lap 
  =>  localize,  localise 
  =>  slant 
  =>  precede,  predate 
  =>  underlie 
  =>  cap,  crest 
  =>  front,  look  face 
  =>  confront 
  =>  back 
  =>  flank 
  =>  head 
  =>  surmount 
  =>  pinnacle 
  =>  crown 
  =>  dominate,  command,  overlook,  overtop 
  =>  shadow,  overshadow,  dwarf 
  =>  line  run  along 
  =>  rim 
  =>  beard 
  =>  orient,  point 
  =>  look  out  on  look  out  over  overlook,  look  across 
  =>  sit 
  =>  face 
  =>  straddle 
  =>  follow 
  =>  center  on 
  =>  lie,  rest 
  =>  belong,  go 
  =>  come 
  Sense  4 
  exist,  be 
  =>  come 
  =>  preexist 
  =>  kick  around  knock  about  kick  about 
  =>  coexist 
  =>  coexist 
  =>  coincide,  cooccur 
  =>  overlap 
  =>  prevail,  hold  obtain 
  =>  dwell,  consist,  lie,  belong,  lie  in 
  =>  inhere 
  =>  pertain,  appertain 
  =>  endanger,  jeopardize,  jeopardise,  menace,  threaten,  imperil,  peril 
  =>  flow 
  Sense  6 
  equal,  be 
  =>  equate,  correspond 
  =>  match,  fit  correspond,  check,  jibe,  gibe,  tally,  agree 
  =>  consist 
  =>  look 
  =>  answer 
  =>  coincide 
  =>  align 
  =>  correlate 
  =>  parallel 
  =>  twin,  duplicate,  parallel 
  =>  square 
  =>  corroborate,  underpin,  bear  out  support 
  =>  resemble 
  =>  look  like 
  =>  come  to  life 
  =>  take  after 
  =>  approximate,  come  close 
  =>  border  on  approach 
  =>  converge 
  =>  imitate,  copy 
  =>  make 
  =>  ape 
  =>  emulate 
  =>  follow  suit 
  =>  echo,  recall 
  =>  meet  fit  conform  to 
  =>  coordinate 
  =>  behoove,  behove 
  =>  satisfy,  fulfill,  fulfil,  live  up  to 
  =>  suffice,  do  answer,  serve 
  =>  tide  over  bridge  over  keep  going 
  =>  go  a  long  way 
  =>  serve,  function 
  =>  prelude 
  =>  act  as 
  =>  qualify,  measure  up 
  =>  go  around 
  =>  cover 
  =>  suit,  accommodate,  fit 
  =>  homologize 
  =>  befit,  suit,  beseem 
  =>  harmonize,  harmonise,  consort,  accord,  concord,  fit  in  agree 
  =>  blend,  go  blend  in 
  =>  pattern 
  =>  accede,  adhere 
  =>  overlap 
  =>  share 
  =>  partake 
  =>  osculate 
  =>  rhyme,  rime 
  =>  assonate 
  =>  represent,  stand  for  correspond 
  Sense  7 
  constitute,  represent,  make  up  comprise,  be 
  =>  make 
  =>  compose 
  =>  form  constitute,  make 
  =>  constellate 
  =>  conglobate,  conglobe 
  =>  chelate 
  =>  add 
  =>  range,  straddle 
  =>  spread-eagle 
  =>  fall  into  fall  under 
  =>  present,  pose 
  Sense  8 
  be  follow 
  =>  vet 
  =>  cox 
  Sense  9 
  embody,  be  personify 
  =>  body,  personify 
  =>  exemplify,  represent,  typify 
  Sense  13 
  cost,  be 
  =>  set  back  knock  back  put  back 
  Entailment  of  verb  be 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  be 
  13  senses  of  be 
  Sense  1 
  Sense  2 
  Sense  3 
  Sense  4 
  exist,  be 
  Sense  5 
  Sense  6 
  equal,  be 
  Sense  7 
  constitute,  represent,  make  up  comprise,  be 
  Sense  8 
  be  follow 
  Sense  9 
  embody,  be  personify 
  =>  symbolize,  symbolise,  stand  for  represent 
  Sense  10 
  =>  take  occupy,  use  up 
  Sense  11 
  be  live 
  Sense  12 
  =>  stay,  remain,  rest 
  Sense  13 
  cost,  be 
  =>  be 
  Familiarity  of  verb  be 
  be  used  as  a  verb  is  familiar  (polysemy  count  =  13) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  be 
  Sense  1 
  Sense  2 
  Sense  3 
  Sense  4 
  exist,  be 
  Sense  5 
  Sense  6 
  equal,  be 
  Sense  7 
  constitute,  represent,  make  up  comprise,  be 
  Sense  8 
  be  follow 
  Sense  9 
  embody,  be  personify 
  =>  symbolize,  symbolise,  stand  for  represent 
  Sense  10 
  =>  take  occupy,  use  up 
  Sense  11 
  be  live 
  Sense  12 
  =>  stay,  remain,  rest 
  Sense  13 
  cost,  be 
  =>  be 
  Grep  of  noun  bees 
  Grep  of  noun  bee 
  africanized  bee 
  africanized  honey  bee 
  alkali  bee 
  arnold  joseph  toynbee 
  arnold  toynbee 
  bee  balm 
  bee  beetle 
  bee  eater 
  bee  fly 
  bee  house 
  bee  killer 
  bee  moth 
  bee  orchid 
  bee  sting 
  beech  family 
  beech  fern 
  beech  marten 
  beech  tree 
  beef  bourguignonne 
  beef  broth 
  beef  burrito 
  beef  cattle 
  beef  fondue 
  beef  goulash 
  beef  jerky 
  beef  loin 
  beef  man 
  beef  neck 
  beef  patty 
  beef  plant 
  beef  roast 
  beef  stew 
  beef  stock 
  beef  stroganoff 
  beef  tallow 
  beef  tea 
  beef  tenderloin 
  beef  tongue 
  beef  wellington 
  beefsteak  begonia 
  beefsteak  fungus 
  beefsteak  geranium 
  beefsteak  morel 
  beefsteak  plant 
  beehive  state 
  beer  barrel 
  beer  bottle 
  beer  can 
  beer  drinker 
  beer  garden 
  beer  glass 
  beer  hall 
  beer  keg 
  beer  maker 
  beer  mug 
  beet  armyworm 
  beet  blight 
  beet  green 
  beet  sugar 
  black  bee 
  busy  bee 
  carniolan  bee 
  carpenter  bee 
  edward  albee 
  german  bee 
  husking  bee 
  italian  bee 
  killer  bee 
  lake  okeechobee 
  leaf-cutter  bee 
  leaf-cutting  bee 
  mason  bee 
  mining  bee 
  potter  bee 
  queen  bee 
  quilting  bee 
  rocky  mountain  bee  plant 
  spelling  bee 
  ultimate  frisbee 
  worker  bee 
  Overview  of  noun  bee 
  The  noun  bee  has  2  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (20)  bee  --  (any  of  numerous  hairy-bodied  insects  including  social  and  solitary  species) 
  2.  bee  --  (a  social  gathering  to  carry  out  some  communal  task  or  to  hold  competitions) 
  Overview  of  verb  be 
  The  verb  be  has  13  senses  (first  11  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (10720)  be  --  (have  the  quality  of  being  (copula,  used  with  an  adjective  or  a  predicate  noun);  "John  is  rich";  "This  is  not  a  good  answer") 
  2.  (3033)  be  --  (be  identical  to  be  someone  or  something  as  in  "The  president  of  the  company  is  John  Smith";  "This  is  my  house") 
  3.  (921)  be  --  (occupy  a  certain  position  or  area;  be  somewhere;  "Where  is  my  umbrella?"  "The  toolshed  is  in  the  back";  also  for  abstract  situations  and  relations:  "What  is  behind  this  behavior?") 
  4.  (698)  exist,  be  --  (have  an  existence,  be  extant;  "Is  there  a  God?") 
  5.  (634)  be  --  (happen,  occur,  take  place  ""I  lost  my  wallet;  this  was  during  the  visit  to  my  parents'  house";  "There  were  two  hundred  people  at  his  funeral";  "There  was  a  lot  of  noise  in  the  kitchen") 
  6.  (270)  equal,  be  --  (be  identical  or  equivalent  to:  "One  dollar  equals  1,000  rubles  these  days!") 
  7.  (188)  constitute,  represent,  make  up  comprise,  be  --  (form  or  compose;  "This  money  is  my  only  income";  "The  stone  wall  was  the  backdrop  for  the  performance";  "These  constitute  my  entire  belonging";  "The  children  made  up  the  chorus";  "This  sum  represents  my  entire  income  for  a  year";  "These  few  men  comprise  his  entire  army") 
  8.  (86)  be  follow  --  (work  in  a  specific  place  with  a  specific  subject,  or  in  a  specific  function;  "He  is  a  herpetologist;  "She  is  our  resident  philosopher") 
  9.  (56)  embody,  be  personify  --  (represent,  as  of  a  character  on  stage;  "Derek  Jacobi  was  Hamlet") 
  10.  (2)  be  --  (spend  or  use  time:  "I  may  be  an  hour") 
  11.  (1)  be  live  --  (have  life,  be  alive;  "Our  great  leader  is  no  more";  "My  grandfather  lived  until  the  end  of  war") 
  12.  be  --  (to  remain  unmolested,  undisturbed,  or  uninterrupted  --  used  only  in  infinitive  form  "let  her  be") 
  13.  cost,  be  --  (be  priced  at  "These  shoes  cost  $100") 
  Overview  of  noun  bee 
  The  noun  bee  has  2  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (20)  bee  --  (any  of  numerous  hairy-bodied  insects  including  social  and  solitary  species) 
  2.  bee  --  (a  social  gathering  to  carry  out  some  communal  task  or  to  hold  competitions) 
  Overview  of  verb  be 
  The  verb  be  has  13  senses  (first  11  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (10720)  be  --  (have  the  quality  of  being  (copula,  used  with  an  adjective  or  a  predicate  noun);  "John  is  rich";  "This  is  not  a  good  answer") 
  2.  (3033)  be  --  (be  identical  to  be  someone  or  something  as  in  "The  president  of  the  company  is  John  Smith";  "This  is  my  house") 
  3.  (921)  be  --  (occupy  a  certain  position  or  area;  be  somewhere;  "Where  is  my  umbrella?"  "The  toolshed  is  in  the  back";  also  for  abstract  situations  and  relations:  "What  is  behind  this  behavior?") 
  4.  (698)  exist,  be  --  (have  an  existence,  be  extant;  "Is  there  a  God?") 
  5.  (634)  be  --  (happen,  occur,  take  place  ""I  lost  my  wallet;  this  was  during  the  visit  to  my  parents'  house";  "There  were  two  hundred  people  at  his  funeral";  "There  was  a  lot  of  noise  in  the  kitchen") 
  6.  (270)  equal,  be  --  (be  identical  or  equivalent  to:  "One  dollar  equals  1,000  rubles  these  days!") 
  7.  (188)  constitute,  represent,  make  up  comprise,  be  --  (form  or  compose;  "This  money  is  my  only  income";  "The  stone  wall  was  the  backdrop  for  the  performance";  "These  constitute  my  entire  belonging";  "The  children  made  up  the  chorus";  "This  sum  represents  my  entire  income  for  a  year";  "These  few  men  comprise  his  entire  army") 
  8.  (86)  be  follow  --  (work  in  a  specific  place  with  a  specific  subject,  or  in  a  specific  function;  "He  is  a  herpetologist;  "She  is  our  resident  philosopher") 
  9.  (56)  embody,  be  personify  --  (represent,  as  of  a  character  on  stage;  "Derek  Jacobi  was  Hamlet") 
  10.  (2)  be  --  (spend  or  use  time:  "I  may  be  an  hour") 
  11.  (1)  be  live  --  (have  life,  be  alive;  "Our  great  leader  is  no  more";  "My  grandfather  lived  until  the  end  of  war") 
  12.  be  --  (to  remain  unmolested,  undisturbed,  or  uninterrupted  --  used  only  in  infinitive  form  "let  her  be") 
  13.  cost,  be  --  (be  priced  at  "These  shoes  cost  $100") 

bees definition