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more about decently


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Decent  \De"cent\,  a.  [L.  decens,  decentis  p.  pr  of  decere  to 
  be  fitting  or  becoming;  akin  to  decus  glory,  honor,  ornament, 
  Gr  ?  to  seem  good,  to  seem,  think;  cf  Skr.  d?c  to  grant,  to 
  give  and  perh.  akin  to  E.  attire,  tire:  cf  F.  d['e]cent. 
  Cf  {Decorate},  {Decorum},  {Deig?}.] 
  1.  Suitable  in  words  behavior,  dress,  or  ceremony;  becoming; 
  fit  decorous;  proper;  seemly;  as  decent  conduct;  decent 
  language.  --Shak. 
  Before  his  decent  steps.  --Milton. 
  2.  Free  from  immodesty  or  obscenity;  modest. 
  3.  Comely;  shapely;  well-formed.  [Archaic] 
  A  sable  stole  of  cyprus  lawn  Over  thy  decent 
  shoulders  drawn.  --Milton. 
  By  foreign  hands  thy  decent  limbs  composed.  --Pope. 
  4.  Moderate,  but  competent;  sufficient;  hence  respectable; 
  fairly  good;  reasonably  comfortable  or  satisfying;  as  a 
  decent  fortune;  a  decent  person. 
  A  decent  retreat  in  the  mutability  of  human  affairs. 
  --  {De"cent*ly},  adv  --  {De"cent*ness},  n. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  adv  1:  in  a  decent  manner;  "they  don't  know  how  to  dress  decently" 
  [ant:  {indecently}] 
  2:  in  the  right  manner;  "please  do  your  job  properly!"  "can't 
  you  carry  me  decent?"  [syn:  {properly},  {decent},  {in  good 
  order},  {right},  {the  right  way}]  [ant:  {improperly}] 

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