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  3  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Demit  \De*mit"\,  n. 
  The  act  of  demitting;  also  a  letter,  certificate,  or  the 
  like  certifying  that  a  person  has  (honorably)  demitted,  as 
  from  a  Masonic  lodge. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Demit  \De*mit"\,  v.  i.  [F.  d['e]mettre  to  remove,  se  d['e]mettre 
  to  resign;  d['e]-  (L.  dis-)  +  mettre  to  put  fr  L.  mittere 
  to  send  Cf  {Dismiss}.] 
  To  lay  down  or  relinquish  an  office,  membership,  authority, 
  or  the  like  to  resign,  as  from  a  Masonic  lodge;  --  generally 
  used  with  an  implication  that  the  act  is  voluntary. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Demit  \De*mit"\,  v.  t.  [imp.  &  p.  p.  {Demitted};  p.  pr  &  vb  n. 
  {Demitting}.]  [L.  demittere  to  send  or  bring  down  to  lower; 
  de-  +  mittere  to  send  Cf  {Demise}.] 
  1.  To  let  fall;  to  depress.  [R.] 
  They  [peacocks]  demit  and  let  fall  the  same  [i.  e., 
  their  train].  --Sir  T. 
  2.  To  yield  or  submit;  to  humble;  to  lower;  as  to  demit 
  one's  self  to  humble  duties.  [R.] 
  3.  To  lay  down  as  an  office;  to  resign.  [Scot.] 
  General  Conway  demitted  his  office.  --Hume.