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equally definition


  Overview  of  adv  equally 
  The  adv  equally  has  2  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (15)  equally,  as  every  bit  --  ((often  followed  by  `as')  to  the  same  degree;  "they  were  equally  beautiful";  "birds  were  singing  and  the  child  sang  as  sweetly";  "sang  as  sweetly  as  a  nightingale";  (`every  bit'  is  informal  as  in  "he  is  every  bit  as  mean  as  she  is")) 
  2.  (3)  evenly,  equally  --  (in  equal  amounts  or  shares;  in  a  balanced  or  impartial  way  "a  class  evenly  divided  between  girls  and  boys";  "they  split  their  winnings  equally";  "deal  equally  with  rich  and  poor") 
  Overview  of  adv  equally 
  The  adv  equally  has  2  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (15)  equally,  as  every  bit  --  ((often  followed  by  `as')  to  the  same  degree;  "they  were  equally  beautiful";  "birds  were  singing  and  the  child  sang  as  sweetly";  "sang  as  sweetly  as  a  nightingale";  (`every  bit'  is  informal  as  in  "he  is  every  bit  as  mean  as  she  is")) 
  2.  (3)  evenly,  equally  --  (in  equal  amounts  or  shares;  in  a  balanced  or  impartial  way  "a  class  evenly  divided  between  girls  and  boys";  "they  split  their  winnings  equally";  "deal  equally  with  rich  and  poor") 

equally definition