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fainter definition


  Overview  of  adj  faint 
  The  adj  faint  has  6  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (5)  faint  --  (barely  perceptible;  lacking  clarity  or  brightness  or  loudness  etc  "a  faint  outline";  "the  wan  sun  cast  faint  shadows";  "the  faint  light  of  a  distant  candle";  "faint  colors";  "a  faint  hissing  sound";  "a  faint  aroma") 
  2.  (5)  dim,  faint,  shadowy,  vague,  wispy  --  (lacking  clarity  or  distinctness;  "a  dim  figure  in  the  distance";  "only  a  faint  recollection";  "shadowy  figures  in  the  gloom";  "saw  a  vague  outline  of  a  building  through  the  fog";  "a  few  wispy  memories  of  childhood") 
  3.  (4)  faint,  feeble  --  (lacking  strength  or  vigor;  "damning  with  faint  praise";  "faint  resistance";  "feeble  efforts";  "a  feeble  voice") 
  4.  (1)  faint,  light,  swooning,  light-headed,  lightheaded  --  (weak  and  likely  to  lose  consciousness;  "suddenly  felt  faint  from  the  pain";  "was  sick  and  faint  from  hunger";  "felt  light  in  the  head";  "a  swooning  fit";  "light-headed  with  wine";  "light-headed  from  lack  of  sleep") 
  5.  faint  --  (indistinctly  understood  or  felt  or  perceived;  "a  faint  clue  to  the  origin  of  the  mystery";  "haven't  the  faintest  idea") 
  6.  faint,  fainthearted,  timid  --  (lacking  conviction  or  boldness  or  courage;  "faint  heart  ne'er  won  fair  lady") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  faint 
  6  senses  of  faint 
  Sense  1 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  perceptible)  ->  imperceptible,  unperceivable 
  Sense  2 
  dim,  faint,  shadowy,  vague,  wispy 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  indistinct)  ->  distinct 
  Sense  3 
  faint,  feeble 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  weak)  ->  strong 
  Sense  4 
  faint,  light,  swooning,  light-headed,  lightheaded 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  ill)  ->  well 
  Sense  5 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  indistinct)  ->  distinct 
  Sense  6 
  faint,  fainthearted,  timid 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  cowardly)  ->  brave,  courageous,  fearless 
  Similarity  of  adj  faint 
  6  senses  of  faint 
  Sense  1 
  =>  perceptible  (vs.  imperceptible) 
  Sense  2 
  dim,  faint,  shadowy,  vague,  wispy 
  =>  indistinct  (vs.  distinct) 
  Sense  3 
  faint,  feeble 
  =>  weak  (vs.  strong) 
  Sense  4 
  faint,  light,  swooning,  light-headed,  lightheaded 
  =>  ill  (vs.  well),  sick 
  Sense  5 
  =>  indistinct  (vs.  distinct) 
  Sense  6 
  faint,  fainthearted,  timid 
  =>  cowardly  (vs.  brave),  coward(postnominal),  fearful 
  Attributes  of  adj  faint 
  Familiarity  of  adj  faint 
  faint  used  as  an  adjective  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  6) 
  Grep  of  adj  faint 
  Overview  of  adj  faint 
  The  adj  faint  has  6  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (5)  faint  --  (barely  perceptible;  lacking  clarity  or  brightness  or  loudness  etc  "a  faint  outline";  "the  wan  sun  cast  faint  shadows";  "the  faint  light  of  a  distant  candle";  "faint  colors";  "a  faint  hissing  sound";  "a  faint  aroma") 
  2.  (5)  dim,  faint,  shadowy,  vague,  wispy  --  (lacking  clarity  or  distinctness;  "a  dim  figure  in  the  distance";  "only  a  faint  recollection";  "shadowy  figures  in  the  gloom";  "saw  a  vague  outline  of  a  building  through  the  fog";  "a  few  wispy  memories  of  childhood") 
  3.  (4)  faint,  feeble  --  (lacking  strength  or  vigor;  "damning  with  faint  praise";  "faint  resistance";  "feeble  efforts";  "a  feeble  voice") 
  4.  (1)  faint,  light,  swooning,  light-headed,  lightheaded  --  (weak  and  likely  to  lose  consciousness;  "suddenly  felt  faint  from  the  pain";  "was  sick  and  faint  from  hunger";  "felt  light  in  the  head";  "a  swooning  fit";  "light-headed  with  wine";  "light-headed  from  lack  of  sleep") 
  5.  faint  --  (indistinctly  understood  or  felt  or  perceived;  "a  faint  clue  to  the  origin  of  the  mystery";  "haven't  the  faintest  idea") 
  6.  faint,  fainthearted,  timid  --  (lacking  conviction  or  boldness  or  courage;  "faint  heart  ne'er  won  fair  lady") 

fainter definition