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fewer definition


  Overview  of  adj  fewer 
  The  adj  fewer  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (11)  fewer  --  ((comparative  of  `few'  used  with  count  nouns)  quantifier  meaning  a  smaller  number  of  "fewer  birds  came  this  year";  "the  birds  are  fewer  this  year";  "fewer  trains  were  late") 
  Overview  of  adj  few 
  The  adj  few  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (80)  few  --  ((quantifier  used  with  count  nouns;  often  preceded  by  `a')  a  small  number;  "a  few  weeks  ago";  "a  few  more  wagons  than  usual";  "an  invalid's  pleasures  are  few  and  far  between";  "few  roses  were  still  blooming";  "few  women  have  led  troops  in  battle") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  fewer 
  1  sense  of  fewer 
  Sense  1 
  fewer  (vs.  more) 
  more(postnominal)  (vs.  fewer) 
  =>  more  than 
  =>  many  more(postnominal) 
  Antonyms  of  adj  few 
  1  sense  of  few 
  Sense  1 
  few  (vs.  many) 
  many  (vs.  few) 
  =>  galore(predicate) 
  =>  many  a(postnominal),  many  an(postnominal),  many  another(postnominal) 
  =>  numerous 
  =>  some(postnominal) 
  =>  umpteen,  umteen 
  Similarity  of  adj  fewer 
  1  sense  of  fewer 
  Sense  1 
  fewer  (vs.  more) 
  =>  less 
  Also  See->  few#1;  less#1 
  Similarity  of  adj  few 
  1  sense  of  few 
  Sense  1 
  few  (vs.  many) 
  =>  a  few(postnominal),  a  couple  of(postnominal) 
  =>  hardly  a(postnominal) 
  Also  See->  fewer#1;  some#1 
  Attributes  of  adj  fewer 
  Attributes  of  adj  few 
  1  sense  of  few 
  Sense  1 
  few  (vs.  many) 
  =>  numerousness,  numerosity,  multiplicity 
  Familiarity  of  adj  fewer 
  fewer  used  as  an  adjective  is  very  rare  (polysemy  count  =  1) 
  Familiarity  of  adj  few 
  few  used  as  an  adjective  is  very  rare  (polysemy  count  =  1) 
  Grep  of  adj  fewer 
  Grep  of  adj  few 
  a  few 
  Overview  of  adj  fewer 
  The  adj  fewer  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (11)  fewer  --  ((comparative  of  `few'  used  with  count  nouns)  quantifier  meaning  a  smaller  number  of  "fewer  birds  came  this  year";  "the  birds  are  fewer  this  year";  "fewer  trains  were  late") 
  Overview  of  adj  few 
  The  adj  few  has  1  sense  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (80)  few  --  ((quantifier  used  with  count  nouns;  often  preceded  by  `a')  a  small  number;  "a  few  weeks  ago";  "a  few  more  wagons  than  usual";  "an  invalid's  pleasures  are  few  and  far  between";  "few  roses  were  still  blooming";  "few  women  have  led  troops  in  battle") 

fewer definition