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  Overview  of  adj  honest 
  The  adj  honest  has  7  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (10)  honest,  honorable  --  (not  disposed  to  cheat  or  defraud;  not  deceptive  or  fraudulent;  "honest  lawyers";  "honest  reporting";  "an  honest  wage";  "honest  weight") 
  2.  (5)  honest  --  (without  dissimulation;  frank;  "my  honest  opinion") 
  3.  (2)  dependable,  honest,  reliable,  true  --  (worthy  of  being  depended  on  "a  dependable  worker";  "an  honest  working  stiff";  "a  reliable  source  of  information";  "he  was  true  to  his  word";  "I  would  be  true  for  there  are  those  who  trust  me") 
  4.  (1)  guileless,  honest  --  (free  from  guile;  "his  answer  was  simple  and  honest") 
  5.  honest  --  (without  pretensions;  "worked  at  an  honest  trade";  "good  honest  food") 
  6.  veracious,  honest  --  (habitually  speaking  the  truth;  "an  honest  man";  "a  veracious  witness") 
  7.  honest  --  (marked  by  truth;  "gave  honest  answers") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  honest 
  7  senses  of  honest 
  Sense  1 
  honest  (vs.  dishonest),  honorable 
  dishonest  (vs.  honest),  dishonorable 
  =>  ambidextrous,  deceitful,  double-dealing,  duplicitous,  Janus-faced,  two-faced,  double-faced,  double-tongued 
  =>  beguiling 
  =>  deceitful,  fallacious,  fraudulent 
  =>  deceptive,  misleading 
  =>  false 
  =>  picaresque 
  =>  rascally,  roguish,  scoundrelly,  blackguardly 
  =>  thieving(postnominal),  thievish 
  Sense  2 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  sincere)  ->  insincere 
  Sense  3 
  dependable,  honest,  reliable,  true(prenominal) 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  trustworthy)  ->  untrustworthy,  untrusty 
  Sense  4 
  guileless,  honest 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  artless)  ->  artful 
  Sense  5 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unpretentious)  ->  pretentious 
  Sense  6 
  veracious,  honest 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  truthful)  ->  untruthful 
  Sense  7 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  truthful)  ->  untruthful 
  Similarity  of  adj  honest 
  7  senses  of  honest 
  Sense  1 
  honest  (vs.  dishonest),  honorable 
  =>  downright 
  =>  open 
  =>  square,  straight 
  Also  See->  direct#3;  genuine#1,  echt#1;  honorable#2,  honourable#1;  sincere#1;  straight#6;  true#1;  trustworthy#1,  trusty#1 
  Sense  2 
  =>  sincere  (vs.  insincere) 
  Sense  3 
  dependable,  honest,  reliable,  true(prenominal) 
  =>  trustworthy  (vs.  untrustworthy),  trusty 
  Sense  4 
  guileless,  honest 
  =>  artless  (vs.  artful) 
  Sense  5 
  =>  unpretentious  (vs.  pretentious) 
  Sense  6 
  veracious,  honest 
  =>  truthful  (vs.  untruthful),  true 
  Sense  7 
  =>  truthful  (vs.  untruthful),  true 
  Attributes  of  adj  honest 
  Familiarity  of  adj  honest 
  honest  used  as  an  adjective  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  7) 
  Grep  of  adj  honest 
  Overview  of  adj  honest 
  The  adj  honest  has  7  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (10)  honest,  honorable  --  (not  disposed  to  cheat  or  defraud;  not  deceptive  or  fraudulent;  "honest  lawyers";  "honest  reporting";  "an  honest  wage";  "honest  weight") 
  2.  (5)  honest  --  (without  dissimulation;  frank;  "my  honest  opinion") 
  3.  (2)  dependable,  honest,  reliable,  true  --  (worthy  of  being  depended  on  "a  dependable  worker";  "an  honest  working  stiff";  "a  reliable  source  of  information";  "he  was  true  to  his  word";  "I  would  be  true  for  there  are  those  who  trust  me") 
  4.  (1)  guileless,  honest  --  (free  from  guile;  "his  answer  was  simple  and  honest") 
  5.  honest  --  (without  pretensions;  "worked  at  an  honest  trade";  "good  honest  food") 
  6.  veracious,  honest  --  (habitually  speaking  the  truth;  "an  honest  man";  "a  veracious  witness") 
  7.  honest  --  (marked  by  truth;  "gave  honest  answers")