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more about hobbledehoy


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Hobbledehoy  \Hob"ble*de*hoy`\,  Hobbletehoy  \Hob"ble*te*hoy`\,  n. 
  [Written  also  {hobbetyhoy},  {hobbarddehoy},  {hobbedehoy}, 
  {hobdehoy}.]  [  Cf  Prob.  E.  hobbledygee  with  a  limping 
  movement;  also  F.  hobereau  a  country  squire,  E.  hobby,  and 
  OF  hoi  to-day;  perh.  the  orig.  sense  was  an  upstart  of 
  A  youth  between  boy  and  man;  an  awkward,  gawky  young  fellow  . 
  All  the  men,  boys,  and  hobbledehoys  attached  to  the 
  farm.  --Dickens.  . 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  n  :  an  awkward  bad-mannered  adolescent  boy 

more about hobbledehoy