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inclination definition


  Grep  of  noun  inclination 
  angle  of  inclination 
  inclination  of  an  orbit 
  magnetic  inclination 
  Overview  of  noun  inclination 
  The  noun  inclination  has  8  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (2)  inclination,  disposition,  tendency  --  (an  attitude  of  mind  especially  one  that  favors  one  alternative  over  others  "he  had  an  inclination  to  give  up  too  easily";  "a  tendency  to  be  too  strict") 
  2.  (1)  inclination,  inclination  of  an  orbit  --  ((astronomy)  the  angle  between  the  plane  of  the  orbit  and  the  plane  of  the  ecliptic  stated  in  degrees) 
  3.  (1)  inclination,  angle  of  inclination  --  ((geometry)  the  angle  formed  by  the  x-axis  and  a  given  line  (measured  counterclockwise  from  the  positive  half  of  the  x-axis)) 
  4.  dip,  angle  of  dip,  magnetic  dip,  magnetic  inclination,  inclination  --  ((physics)  the  angle  that  a  magnetic  needle  makes  with  the  plane  of  the  horizon) 
  5.  inclination  --  (that  toward  which  you  are  inclined  to  feel  a  liking;  "her  inclination  is  for  classical  music") 
  6.  tilt,  list,  inclination,  lean,  leaning  --  (the  property  possessed  by  a  line  or  surface  that  departs  from  the  vertical;  "the  tower  had  a  pronounced  tilt";  "the  ship  developed  a  list  to  starboard";  "he  walked  with  a  heavy  inclination  to  the  right") 
  7.  tendency,  inclination  --  (a  characteristic  likelihood  of  or  natural  disposition  toward  a  certain  condition  or  character  or  effect:  "the  alkaline  inclination  of  the  local  waters";  "fabric  with  a  tendency  to  shrink") 
  8.  inclination,  inclining  --  (the  act  of  inclining;  bending  forward;  "an  inclination  of  his  head  indicated  his  agreement") 
  Overview  of  noun  inclination 
  The  noun  inclination  has  8  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (2)  inclination,  disposition,  tendency  --  (an  attitude  of  mind  especially  one  that  favors  one  alternative  over  others  "he  had  an  inclination  to  give  up  too  easily";  "a  tendency  to  be  too  strict") 
  2.  (1)  inclination,  inclination  of  an  orbit  --  ((astronomy)  the  angle  between  the  plane  of  the  orbit  and  the  plane  of  the  ecliptic  stated  in  degrees) 
  3.  (1)  inclination,  angle  of  inclination  --  ((geometry)  the  angle  formed  by  the  x-axis  and  a  given  line  (measured  counterclockwise  from  the  positive  half  of  the  x-axis)) 
  4.  dip,  angle  of  dip,  magnetic  dip,  magnetic  inclination,  inclination  --  ((physics)  the  angle  that  a  magnetic  needle  makes  with  the  plane  of  the  horizon) 
  5.  inclination  --  (that  toward  which  you  are  inclined  to  feel  a  liking;  "her  inclination  is  for  classical  music") 
  6.  tilt,  list,  inclination,  lean,  leaning  --  (the  property  possessed  by  a  line  or  surface  that  departs  from  the  vertical;  "the  tower  had  a  pronounced  tilt";  "the  ship  developed  a  list  to  starboard";  "he  walked  with  a  heavy  inclination  to  the  right") 
  7.  tendency,  inclination  --  (a  characteristic  likelihood  of  or  natural  disposition  toward  a  certain  condition  or  character  or  effect:  "the  alkaline  inclination  of  the  local  waters";  "fabric  with  a  tendency  to  shrink") 
  8.  inclination,  inclining  --  (the  act  of  inclining;  bending  forward;  "an  inclination  of  his  head  indicated  his  agreement") 

inclination definition