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more about incumbencies


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Incumbency  \In*cum"ben*cy\,  n.;  pl  {Incumbencies}.  [From 
  1.  The  state  of  being  incumbent;  a  lying  or  resting  on 
  2.  That  which  is  physically  incumbent;  that  which  lies  as  a 
  burden;  a  weight.  --Evelyn. 
  3.  That  which  is  morally  incumbent,  or  is  imposed,  as  a  rule 
  a  duty,  obligation,  or  responsibility.  ``The  incumbencies 
  of  a  family.''  --Donne. 
  4.  The  state  of  holding  a  benefice;  the  full  possession  and 
  exercise  of  any  office. 
  These  fines  are  only  to  be  paid  to  the  bishop  during 
  his  incumbency.  --Swift. 

more about incumbencies