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lengths lengths definition


  Grep  of  noun  length 
  arm's  length 
  body  length 
  cable's  length 
  cable  length 
  focal  length 
  length  of  service 
  Overview  of  noun  length 
  The  noun  length  has  5  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (56)  length  --  (the  linear  extent  in  space  from  one  end  to  the  other  the  longest  horizontal  dimension  of  something  that  is  fixed  in  place  "the  length  of  the  table  was  5  feet") 
  2.  (7)  duration,  length  --  (continuance  in  time;  "the  ceremony  was  of  short  duration";  "he  complained  about  the  length  of  time  required") 
  3.  (3)  length  --  (the  property  of  being  the  extent  of  something  from  beginning  to  end  "the  editor  limited  the  length  of  my  article  to  500  words") 
  4.  (1)  distance,  length  --  (size  of  the  gap  between  two  places;  "the  distance  from  New  York  to  Chicago";  "he  determined  the  length  of  the  shortest  line  segment  joining  the  two  points") 
  5.  length  --  (a  section  of  something  that  is  long  and  narrow;  "a  length  of  timber";  "a  length  of  tubing") 
  Overview  of  noun  length 
  The  noun  length  has  5  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (56)  length  --  (the  linear  extent  in  space  from  one  end  to  the  other  the  longest  horizontal  dimension  of  something  that  is  fixed  in  place  "the  length  of  the  table  was  5  feet") 
  2.  (7)  duration,  length  --  (continuance  in  time;  "the  ceremony  was  of  short  duration";  "he  complained  about  the  length  of  time  required") 
  3.  (3)  length  --  (the  property  of  being  the  extent  of  something  from  beginning  to  end  "the  editor  limited  the  length  of  my  article  to  500  words") 
  4.  (1)  distance,  length  --  (size  of  the  gap  between  two  places;  "the  distance  from  New  York  to  Chicago";  "he  determined  the  length  of  the  shortest  line  segment  joining  the  two  points") 
  5.  length  --  (a  section  of  something  that  is  long  and  narrow;  "a  length  of  timber";  "a  length  of  tubing") 

lengths definition