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liberal liberal definition


  Grep  of  noun  liberal 
  liberal  arts 
  liberal  party 
  Overview  of  noun  liberal 
  The  noun  liberal  has  2  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (27)  liberal,  progressive  --  (a  person  who  favors  a  political  philosophy  of  progress  and  reform  and  the  protection  of  civil  liberties) 
  2.  (1)  liberal  --  (a  person  who  favors  an  economic  theory  of  laissez-faire  and  self-regulating  markets) 
  Overview  of  adj  liberal 
  The  adj  liberal  has  5  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (6)  broad,  liberal,  tolerant  --  (showing  or  characterized  by  broad-mindedness;  "a  broad  political  stance";  "generous  and  broad  sympathies";  "a  liberal  newspaper";  "tolerant  of  his  opponent's  opinions") 
  2.  (4)  liberal  --  (having  political  or  social  views  favoring  reform  and  progress) 
  3.  (3)  liberal  --  (tolerant  of  change;  not  bound  by  authoritarianism,  orthodoxy,  or  tradition) 
  4.  (3)  big  bighearted,  bounteous,  bountiful,  freehanded,  handsome,  giving,  liberal,  openhanded  --  (given  or  giving  freely;  "was  a  big  tipper";  "the  bounteous  goodness  of  God";  "bountiful  compliments";  "a  freehanded  host";  "a  handsome  allowance";  "Saturday's  child  is  loving  and  giving";  "a  liberal  backer  of  the  arts";  "a  munificent  gift";  "her  fond  and  openhanded  grandfather") 
  5.  free  loose,  liberal  --  (not  literal;  "a  loose  interpretation  of  what  she  had  been  told";  "a  free  translation  of  the  poem") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  liberal 
  5  senses  of  liberal 
  Sense  1 
  broad,  liberal,  tolerant 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  broad-minded)  ->  narrow-minded,  narrow 
  Sense  2 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  right  left)  ->  center 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  left  center)  ->  right 
  Sense  3 
  liberal  (vs.  conservative) 
  conservative  (vs.  liberal) 
  =>  blimpish 
  =>  buttoned-up 
  =>  fusty,  standpat(postnominal),  unprogressive,  nonprogressive 
  =>  hidebound,  traditionalist 
  =>  ultraconservative 
  Sense  4 
  big  bighearted,  bounteous,  bountiful,  freehanded,  handsome,  giving,  liberal,  openhanded 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  generous)  ->  stingy,  ungenerous 
  Sense  5 
  free  loose,  liberal 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  inexact)  ->  exact 
  Similarity  of  adj  liberal 
  5  senses  of  liberal 
  Sense  1 
  broad,  liberal,  tolerant 
  =>  broad-minded  (vs.  narrow-minded) 
  Sense  2 
  =>  left  (vs.  center)  (vs.  right) 
  Sense  3 
  liberal  (vs.  conservative) 
  =>  civil-libertarian 
  =>  liberalistic 
  =>  neoliberal 
  =>  progressive,  reformist 
  =>  socialized,  socialised 
  =>  welfarist,  welfare(postnominal),  welfare-statist 
  Also  See->  left#4 
  Sense  4 
  big  bighearted,  bounteous,  bountiful,  freehanded,  handsome,  giving,  liberal,  openhanded 
  =>  generous  (vs.  stingy) 
  Sense  5 
  free  loose,  liberal 
  =>  inexact  (vs.  exact) 
  Attributes  of  adj  liberal 
  1  of  5  senses  of  liberal 
  Sense  3 
  liberal  (vs.  conservative) 
  =>  political  orientation,  ideology,  political  theory 
  Familiarity  of  adj  liberal 
  liberal  used  as  an  adjective  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  5) 
  Grep  of  adj  liberal 
  Overview  of  noun  liberal 
  The  noun  liberal  has  2  senses  (first  2  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (27)  liberal,  progressive  --  (a  person  who  favors  a  political  philosophy  of  progress  and  reform  and  the  protection  of  civil  liberties) 
  2.  (1)  liberal  --  (a  person  who  favors  an  economic  theory  of  laissez-faire  and  self-regulating  markets) 
  Overview  of  adj  liberal 
  The  adj  liberal  has  5  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (6)  broad,  liberal,  tolerant  --  (showing  or  characterized  by  broad-mindedness;  "a  broad  political  stance";  "generous  and  broad  sympathies";  "a  liberal  newspaper";  "tolerant  of  his  opponent's  opinions") 
  2.  (4)  liberal  --  (having  political  or  social  views  favoring  reform  and  progress) 
  3.  (3)  liberal  --  (tolerant  of  change;  not  bound  by  authoritarianism,  orthodoxy,  or  tradition) 
  4.  (3)  big  bighearted,  bounteous,  bountiful,  freehanded,  handsome,  giving,  liberal,  openhanded  --  (given  or  giving  freely;  "was  a  big  tipper";  "the  bounteous  goodness  of  God";  "bountiful  compliments";  "a  freehanded  host";  "a  handsome  allowance";  "Saturday's  child  is  loving  and  giving";  "a  liberal  backer  of  the  arts";  "a  munificent  gift";  "her  fond  and  openhanded  grandfather") 
  5.  free  loose,  liberal  --  (not  literal;  "a  loose  interpretation  of  what  she  had  been  told";  "a  free  translation  of  the  poem") 

liberal definition