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meretricious meretricious definition


  Grep  of  noun  meretricious 
  Overview  of  adj  meretricious 
  The  adj  meretricious  has  3  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  meretricious  --  ((archaic)  like  or  relating  to  a  prostitute;  "meretricious  relationships") 
  2.  brassy,  cheap,  flash,  flashy,  garish,  gaudy,  gimcrack,  loud,  meretricious,  tacky,  tatty,  tawdry,  trashy  --  (tastelessly  showy;  "a  flash  car";  "a  flashy  ring";  "garish  colors";  "a  gaudy  costume";  "loud  sport  shirts";  "a  meretricious  yet  stylish  book";  "tawdry  ornaments") 
  3.  gilded,  meretricious,  specious  --  (based  on  pretense;  deceptively  pleasing;  "the  gilded  and  perfumed  but  inwardly  rotten  nobility";  "meretricious  praise";  "a  meretricious  argument") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  meretricious 
  2  of  3  senses  of  meretricious 
  Sense  2 
  brassy,  cheap,  flash,  flashy,  garish,  gaudy,  gimcrack,  loud,  meretricious,  tacky,  tatty,  tawdry,  trashy 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  tasteless)  ->  tasteful,  in  good  taste 
  Sense  3 
  gilded,  meretricious,  specious 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  insincere)  ->  sincere 
  Similarity  of  adj  meretricious 
  3  senses  of  meretricious 
  Sense  1 
  Pertains  to  noun  prostitute  (Sense  1) 
  =>prostitute,  cocotte,  whore,  harlot,  trollop,  bawd,  tart,  cyprian,  fancy  woman,  working  girl,  sporting  lady,  lady  of  pleasure,  woman  of  the  street 
  =>  woman,  adult  female 
  Sense  2 
  brassy,  cheap,  flash,  flashy,  garish,  gaudy,  gimcrack,  loud,  meretricious,  tacky,  tatty,  tawdry,  trashy 
  =>  tasteless  (vs.  tasteful),  in  poor  taste(prenominal) 
  Sense  3 
  gilded,  meretricious,  specious 
  =>  insincere  (vs.  sincere) 
  Attributes  of  adj  meretricious 
  Familiarity  of  adj  meretricious 
  meretricious  used  as  an  adjective  is  uncommon  (polysemy  count  =  3) 
  Grep  of  adj  meretricious 
  Overview  of  adj  meretricious 
  The  adj  meretricious  has  3  senses  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  meretricious  --  ((archaic)  like  or  relating  to  a  prostitute;  "meretricious  relationships") 
  2.  brassy,  cheap,  flash,  flashy,  garish,  gaudy,  gimcrack,  loud,  meretricious,  tacky,  tatty,  tawdry,  trashy  --  (tastelessly  showy;  "a  flash  car";  "a  flashy  ring";  "garish  colors";  "a  gaudy  costume";  "loud  sport  shirts";  "a  meretricious  yet  stylish  book";  "tawdry  ornaments") 
  3.  gilded,  meretricious,  specious  --  (based  on  pretense;  deceptively  pleasing;  "the  gilded  and  perfumed  but  inwardly  rotten  nobility";  "meretricious  praise";  "a  meretricious  argument") 

meretricious definition