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  1  definition  found 
  From  The  Free  On-line  Dictionary  of  Computing  (13  Mar  01)  [foldoc]: 
    (Or  "multiple  access")  Combining  several 
  signals  for  transmission  on  some  shared  medium  (e.g.  a 
  telephone  wire).  The  signals  are  combined  at  the  transmitter 
  by  a  multiplexor  (a  "mux")  and  split  up  at  the  receiver  by  a 
  demultiplexor  The  communications  channel  may  be  shared 
  between  the  independent  signals  in  one  of  several  different 
  ways:  {time  division  multiplexing},  {frequency  division 
  multiplexing}  or  {code  division  multiplexing}. 
  If  the  inputs  take  turns  to  use  the  output  channel  ({time 
  division  multiplexing})  then  the  output  bandwidth  need  be  no 
  greater  than  the  maximum  bandwidth  of  any  input. 
  If  many  inputs  may  be  active  simultaneously  then  the  output 
  bandwidth  must  be  at  least  as  great  as  the  total  bandwidth  of 
  all  simultaneously  active  inputs.  In  this  case  the 
  multiplexor  is  also  known  as  a  {concentrator}. 