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ominous ominous definition


  Overview  of  adj  ominous 
  The  adj  ominous  has  2  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (10)  baleful,  forbidding,  menacing,  minacious,  minatory,  ominous,  sinister,  threatening,  ugly  --  (threatening  or  foreshadowing  evil  or  tragic  developments;  "a  baleful  look";  "forbidding  thunderclouds";  "his  tone  became  menacing";  "ominous  rumblings  of  discontent";  "sinister  storm  clouds";  "a  sinister  smile";  "his  threatening  behavior";  "ugly  black  clouds";  "the  situation  became  ugly") 
  2.  ill,  inauspicious,  ominous  --  (presaging  ill-fortune;  "ill  omens";  "ill  predictions";  "my  words  with  inauspicious  thunderings  shook  heaven"-  P.B.Shelley;"a  dead  and  ominous  silence  prevailed";  "a  by-election  at  a  time  highly  unpropitious  for  the  Government") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  ominous 
  2  senses  of  ominous 
  Sense  1 
  baleful,  forbidding,  menacing,  minacious,  minatory,  ominous,  sinister,  threatening,  ugly 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  alarming)  ->  unalarming 
  Sense  2 
  ill,  inauspicious,  ominous 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unpropitious)  ->  propitious 
  Similarity  of  adj  ominous 
  2  senses  of  ominous 
  Sense  1 
  baleful,  forbidding,  menacing,  minacious,  minatory,  ominous,  sinister,  threatening,  ugly 
  =>  alarming  (vs.  unalarming) 
  Sense  2 
  ill,  inauspicious,  ominous 
  =>  unpropitious  (vs.  propitious) 
  Attributes  of  adj  ominous 
  Familiarity  of  adj  ominous 
  ominous  used  as  an  adjective  is  rare  (polysemy  count  =  2) 
  Grep  of  adj  ominous 
  Overview  of  adj  ominous 
  The  adj  ominous  has  2  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (10)  baleful,  forbidding,  menacing,  minacious,  minatory,  ominous,  sinister,  threatening,  ugly  --  (threatening  or  foreshadowing  evil  or  tragic  developments;  "a  baleful  look";  "forbidding  thunderclouds";  "his  tone  became  menacing";  "ominous  rumblings  of  discontent";  "sinister  storm  clouds";  "a  sinister  smile";  "his  threatening  behavior";  "ugly  black  clouds";  "the  situation  became  ugly") 
  2.  ill,  inauspicious,  ominous  --  (presaging  ill-fortune;  "ill  omens";  "ill  predictions";  "my  words  with  inauspicious  thunderings  shook  heaven"-  P.B.Shelley;"a  dead  and  ominous  silence  prevailed";  "a  by-election  at  a  time  highly  unpropitious  for  the  Government") 

ominous definition