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splits splits definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  split 
  5  senses  of  split 
  Sense  1 
  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up 
  =>  format,  initialize,  initialise 
  =>  triangulate 
  =>  break 
  =>  unitize,  unitise 
  =>  lot 
  =>  parcel 
  =>  sliver,  splinter 
  =>  paragraph 
  =>  canton 
  =>  balkanize 
  Sense  2 
  cleave,  split,  rive 
  =>  maul 
  Sense  3 
  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up 
  =>  disunify,  break  apart 
  =>  disassociate,  dissociate,  divorce,  disunite,  disjoint 
  =>  break  with 
  =>  divorce,  split  up 
  =>  secede,  splinter,  break  away 
  =>  break,  break  away 
  Sense  4 
  separate,  part  split 
  =>  disperse,  dissipate,  scatter,  spread  out 
  =>  break  up 
  =>  diffract 
  Sense  5 
  burst,  split,  break  open 
  =>  blow 
  =>  stave,  stave  in 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  split 
  5  senses  of  split 
  Sense  1 
  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up 
  =>  format,  initialize,  initialise 
  =>  triangulate 
  =>  break 
  =>  unitize,  unitise 
  =>  lot 
  =>  parcel 
  =>  sliver,  splinter 
  =>  paragraph 
  =>  canton 
  =>  balkanize 
  Sense  2 
  cleave,  split,  rive 
  =>  maul 
  Sense  3 
  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up 
  =>  disunify,  break  apart 
  =>  disassociate,  dissociate,  divorce,  disunite,  disjoint 
  =>  break  with 
  =>  divorce,  split  up 
  =>  secede,  splinter,  break  away 
  =>  break,  break  away 
  Sense  4 
  separate,  part  split 
  =>  disperse,  dissipate,  scatter,  spread  out 
  =>  aerosolize 
  =>  break 
  =>  volley 
  =>  break  up 
  =>  disband,  dissolve 
  =>  diffract 
  Sense  5 
  burst,  split,  break  open 
  =>  blow 
  =>  stave,  stave  in 
  Entailment  of  verb  split 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  split 
  5  senses  of  split 
  Sense  1 
  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up 
  =>  change  integrity 
  Sense  2 
  cleave,  split,  rive 
  =>  tear 
  Sense  3 
  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up 
  Sense  4 
  separate,  part  split 
  =>  move 
  Sense  5 
  burst,  split,  break  open 
  =>  break,  separate,  split  up  fall  apart,  come  apart 
  Familiarity  of  verb  split 
  split  used  as  a  verb  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  5) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  split 
  Sense  1 
  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up 
  =>  change  integrity 
  Sense  2 
  cleave,  split,  rive 
  =>  tear 
  Sense  3 
  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up 
  Sense  4 
  separate,  part  split 
  =>  move 
  Sense  5 
  burst,  split,  break  open 
  =>  break,  separate,  split  up  fall  apart,  come  apart 
  Grep  of  noun  splits 
  Grep  of  noun  split 
  banana  split 
  reverse  split 
  reverse  stock  split 
  split-brain  technique 
  split-half  correlation 
  split-pea  soup 
  split  decision 
  split  down 
  split  end 
  split  infinitive 
  split  personality 
  split  rail 
  split  second 
  split  shift 
  split  ticket 
  split  up 
  stock  split 
  Overview  of  noun  split 
  The  noun  split  has  11  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (5)  split  --  (extending  the  legs  at  right  angles  to  the  trunks  (one  in  front  and  the  other  in  back)) 
  2.  split  --  (a  bottle  containing  half  the  usual  amount) 
  3.  split  --  (a  promised  or  claimed  share  of  loot  or  money;  "he  demanded  his  split  before  they  disbanded") 
  4.  split  --  (a  lengthwise  crack  in  wood;  "he  inserted  the  wedge  into  a  split  in  the  log") 
  5.  rip,  rent,  split,  tear  --  (an  opening  made  forcibly  as  by  pulling  apart;  "there  was  a  rip  in  his  pants") 
  6.  Split  --  (an  old  Croatian  city  on  the  Adriatic  Sea) 
  7.  split  --  (a  dessert  of  sliced  fruit  and  ice  cream  covered  with  whipped  cream  and  cherries  and  nuts) 
  8.  split  --  ((tenpin  bowling)  a  divided  formation  of  pins  left  standing  after  the  first  bowl;  "he  was  winning  until  he  got  a  split  in  the  tenth  frame") 
  9.  split,  stock  split,  split  up  --  (an  increase  in  the  number  of  outstanding  shares  of  a  corporation  without  changing  the  shareholders'  equity;  "they  announced  a  two-for-one  split  of  the  common  stock") 
  10.  rent,  rip,  split  --  (the  act  of  rending  or  ripping  or  splitting  something  "he  gave  the  envelope  a  vigorous  rip") 
  11.  schism,  split  --  (division  of  a  group  into  opposing  factions;  "another  schism  like  that  and  they  will  wind  up  in  bankruptcy") 
  Overview  of  verb  split 
  The  verb  split  has  5  senses  (first  5  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (4)  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up  --  (separate  into  parts  or  portions;  "divide  the  cake  into  three  equal  parts";  "The  British  carved  up  the  Ottoman  Empire  after  World  War  I") 
  2.  (3)  cleave,  split,  rive  --  (separate  or  cut  with  a  tool,  such  as  a  sharp  instrument;  "cleave  the  bone") 
  3.  (2)  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up  --  (discontinue  an  association  or  relation;  go  different  ways;  "The  business  partners  broke  over  a  tax  question";  "The  couple  separated  after  25  years  of  marriage";  "My  friend  and  I  split  up") 
  4.  (2)  separate,  part  split  --  (go  one's  own  away  move  apart;  "The  friends  separated  after  the  party") 
  5.  (2)  burst,  split,  break  open  --  (break  open  or  apart  suddenly;  "The  bubble  burst") 
  Overview  of  noun  split 
  The  noun  split  has  11  senses  (first  1  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (5)  split  --  (extending  the  legs  at  right  angles  to  the  trunks  (one  in  front  and  the  other  in  back)) 
  2.  split  --  (a  bottle  containing  half  the  usual  amount) 
  3.  split  --  (a  promised  or  claimed  share  of  loot  or  money;  "he  demanded  his  split  before  they  disbanded") 
  4.  split  --  (a  lengthwise  crack  in  wood;  "he  inserted  the  wedge  into  a  split  in  the  log") 
  5.  rip,  rent,  split,  tear  --  (an  opening  made  forcibly  as  by  pulling  apart;  "there  was  a  rip  in  his  pants") 
  6.  Split  --  (an  old  Croatian  city  on  the  Adriatic  Sea) 
  7.  split  --  (a  dessert  of  sliced  fruit  and  ice  cream  covered  with  whipped  cream  and  cherries  and  nuts) 
  8.  split  --  ((tenpin  bowling)  a  divided  formation  of  pins  left  standing  after  the  first  bowl;  "he  was  winning  until  he  got  a  split  in  the  tenth  frame") 
  9.  split,  stock  split,  split  up  --  (an  increase  in  the  number  of  outstanding  shares  of  a  corporation  without  changing  the  shareholders'  equity;  "they  announced  a  two-for-one  split  of  the  common  stock") 
  10.  rent,  rip,  split  --  (the  act  of  rending  or  ripping  or  splitting  something  "he  gave  the  envelope  a  vigorous  rip") 
  11.  schism,  split  --  (division  of  a  group  into  opposing  factions;  "another  schism  like  that  and  they  will  wind  up  in  bankruptcy") 
  Overview  of  verb  split 
  The  verb  split  has  5  senses  (first  5  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (4)  divide,  split,  split  up  separate,  dissever,  carve  up  --  (separate  into  parts  or  portions;  "divide  the  cake  into  three  equal  parts";  "The  British  carved  up  the  Ottoman  Empire  after  World  War  I") 
  2.  (3)  cleave,  split,  rive  --  (separate  or  cut  with  a  tool,  such  as  a  sharp  instrument;  "cleave  the  bone") 
  3.  (2)  separate,  part  split  up  split,  break,  break  up  --  (discontinue  an  association  or  relation;  go  different  ways;  "The  business  partners  broke  over  a  tax  question";  "The  couple  separated  after  25  years  of  marriage";  "My  friend  and  I  split  up") 
  4.  (2)  separate,  part  split  --  (go  one's  own  away  move  apart;  "The  friends  separated  after  the  party") 
  5.  (2)  burst,  split,  break  open  --  (break  open  or  apart  suddenly;  "The  bubble  burst") 

splits definition