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suborder suborder definition


  Grep  of  noun  suborder 
  suborder  alcyonacea 
  suborder  anisoptera 
  suborder  anseres 
  suborder  anthropoidea 
  suborder  blattaria 
  suborder  blattodea 
  suborder  blennioidea 
  suborder  brachyura 
  suborder  carnosaura 
  suborder  cephalaspida 
  suborder  ceratopsia 
  suborder  ceratosaura 
  suborder  charadrii 
  suborder  clamatores 
  suborder  euronithopoda 
  suborder  eurylaimi 
  suborder  gorgonacea 
  suborder  gorgoniacea 
  suborder  heteroptera 
  suborder  heterostraci 
  suborder  homoptera 
  suborder  hyperoartia 
  suborder  hyperotreta 
  suborder  hystricomorpha 
  suborder  lacertilia 
  suborder  lari 
  suborder  lemuroidea 
  suborder  limicolae 
  suborder  lipotyphla 
  suborder  maniraptora 
  suborder  manteodea 
  suborder  marginocephalia 
  suborder  megachiroptera 
  suborder  megaloptera 
  suborder  menotyphla 
  suborder  menurae 
  suborder  microchiroptera 
  suborder  mugiloidea 
  suborder  myomorpha 
  suborder  mysticeti 
  suborder  myxiniformes 
  suborder  myxinoidei 
  suborder  natantia 
  suborder  nematocera 
  suborder  nothosauria 
  suborder  odontoceti 
  suborder  ophidia 
  suborder  ornithomimida 
  suborder  ornithopoda 
  suborder  oscines 
  suborder  osteostraci 
  suborder  otides 
  suborder  pachycephalosaurus 
  suborder  passeres 
  suborder  percoidea 
  suborder  petromyzoniformes 
  suborder  pinnipedia 
  suborder  plesiosauria 
  suborder  prosauropoda 
  suborder  prosimii 
  suborder  reptantia 
  suborder  ruminantia 
  suborder  sauria 
  suborder  sauropoda 
  suborder  sauropodomorpha 
  suborder  sciuromorpha 
  suborder  scombroidea 
  suborder  scorpaenoidea 
  suborder  serpentes 
  suborder  strepsirhini 
  suborder  tarsioidea 
  suborder  theropoda 
  suborder  thyreophora 
  suborder  tyranni 
  suborder  xenarthra 
  suborder  zygoptera 
  Overview  of  noun  suborder 
  The  noun  suborder  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  suborder  --  ((biology)  taxonomic  group  that  is  a  subdivision  of  an  order) 
  Overview  of  noun  suborder 
  The  noun  suborder  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  suborder  --  ((biology)  taxonomic  group  that  is  a  subdivision  of  an  order) 

suborder definition