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more about allspice


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Allspice  \All"spice`\,  n. 
  The  berry  of  the  pimento  ({Eugenia  pimenta}),  a  tree  of  the 
  West  Indies;  a  spice  of  a  mildly  pungent  taste,  and  agreeably 
  aromatic;  Jamaica  pepper;  pimento.  It  has  been  supposed  to 
  combine  the  flavor  of  cinnamon,  nutmegs,  and  cloves;  and 
  hence  the  name  The  name  is  also  given  to  other  aromatic 
  shrubs;  as  the  {Carolina  allspice}  ({Calycanthus  floridus}); 
  {wild  allspice}  ({Lindera  benzoin}),  called  also  {spicebush}, 
  {spicewood},  and  {feverbush}. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  n  1:  aromatic  West  Indian  tree  that  produces  allspice  berries 
  [syn:  {allspice  tree},  {pimento  tree},  {Pimenta  dioica}] 
  2:  deciduous  shrubs  having  aromatic  bark;  eastern  China; 
  southwestern  and  eastern  United  States 
  3:  ground  dried  berrylike  fruit  of  a  West  Indian  allspice  tree; 
  suggesting  combined  flavors  of  cinnamon  and  nutmeg  and 

more about allspice