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altering definition
altering |
Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb alter 3 of 5 senses of alter Sense 1 change, alter => awaken, wake, waken, rouse, wake up arouse => cause to sleep => affect => refresh, freshen, refreshen => inseminate, fertilize, fertilise => indispose => cry => brutalize, brutalise => convert => opalize, opalise => mutate => arterialize, arterialise => make get => counterchange, transpose, interchange => vascularize => decrepitate => suburbanize, suburbanise => revolutionize, revolutionise, overturn => etiolate => barbarize, barbarise => alkalinize, alkalinise => mythologize, mythologise => allegorize, allegorise => demythologize, demythologise => bring land => coarsen => affect, impact, bear upon bear on touch on touch => alchemize, alchemise => alcoholize, alcoholise => shape, form => round off round down round out round => suspend => sober => reconstruct => increase => assimilate => dissimilate => commute, convert, exchange => unclutter, clear => activate => activate => activate, aerate => activate => inactivate, deactivate => deaden, blunt => remodel, reconstruct, redo => edit, redact => edit, cut, edit out => tame, chasten, subdue => chasten, moderate, temper => better, improve, amend, ameliorate, meliorate => worsen, aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate => wet => dry, dry out => lubricate => strengthen, beef up fortify => spike, lace, fortify => weaken => blunt => oxidize, oxidise => reduce, simplify => unite, unify, merge => age => ripen => antique, antiquate => antiquate => develop, make grow => soften => damage => acerbate => stabilize, stabilise => destabilize, destabilise => sensitize, sensitise, sensify, sensibilize, sensibilise => desensitize, desensitise => habituate, accustom => familiarize, familiarise => disorder, disarray => discolor => color, colorize, colorise, colourise, colourize, colour, color in colour in => stain => hue => uglify => set => disqualify, unfit, indispose => domesticate, domesticize, domesticise, tame => widen => dehydrogenate => hydrogenate => oxygenize, oxygenise => darken => brighten, lighten up lighten => blur, blear => clarify => obscure, bedim, overcloud => obscure, blot out obliterate, hide => cook => slenderize, slenderise => crack => end terminate, cease => end terminate => demist => condense, concentrate, contract => cool, chill, cool down => heat, heat up => warm => boil => freeze => switch, change over shift => transpose => convert, change over => transmute => transform, transmute => ash => translate, transform => convert => invert, reverse => invert => customize, customise => personalize, personalise, individualize, individualise => depersonalize, depersonalise, objectify => sharpen => flatten, drop => magnetize, magnetise => simplify => complicate, refine, rarify, elaborate => refine => complicate, perplex => supercharge, pressurize, pressurise => centralize, centralise, concentrate => decentralize, deconcentrate, decentralise => socialize, socialise => prepare, set up ready, gear up set => internationalize, internationalise => communize, communise, bolshevize, bolshevise => Europeanize, Europeanise => Europeanize, Europeanise => bestialize, bestialise => Americanize, Americanise => anglicize, anglicise => Frenchify => civilize, civilise, modernize, modernise, develop => nationalize, nationalise => denationalize, denationalise => naturalize, naturalise => denaturalize, denaturalise => naturalize, naturalise => denaturalize, denaturalise => even even out => equal, match, equalize, equalise, equate => stiffen => loosen, loose => tighten, fasten => transitivize, transitivise => detransitivize, detransitivise, intransitivize, intransitivise => thicken => full => diversify => deaden => check, retard => decrease, lessen, minify => harden => liquefy, liquify, liquidize, liquidise => solvate => validate => invalidate, void, vitiate => empty => fill, fill up make full => saturate => louden => normalize, normalise, renormalize, renormalise => morph => neutralize, neutralise => commercialize, commercialise, market => mechanize, mechanise => automatize, automatise, automate => automatize, automatise => mechanize, mechanise => harmonize, harmonise, chord => polarize, polarise => glorify => contaminate => devalue => insulate => calcify => urbanize, urbanise => emulsify => demulsify => Nazify => fertilize, fertilise => clarify => mark => barb => nick => disable, disenable, incapacitate => enable => deemphasize, destress => tender, tenderize, tenderise => sweeten => iodinate => ionate => archaize, arachaise => inform => officialize, officialise => occidentalize, occidentalise, Westernize, Westernise, westernize, westernise => orientalize, orientalise => acetylate, acetylize, acetylise => achromatize, achromatise => parallel, collimate => camp => classicize, classicise => conventionalize, conventionalise => decimalize, decimalise => dizzy => poison, envenom => exteriorize, exteriorise, externalize, externalise, objectify => glamorize, glamourise => introvert => laicize, laicise => politicize, politicise => proof => romanticize, romanticise => rusticate => sauce => shallow, shoal => tense => steepen => scramble => unscramble => unsex => vitrify => pall => saponify => extend, expand => suspend, set aside => muddy => transform => lift, raise, elevate => harshen => dinge => demonize, demonise => devilize, devilise, diabolize, diabolise => etherealize, etherialise => immaterialize, immaterialise, unsubstantialize, unsubstantialise => animize, animise, animate => clear => dynamize, dynamise => dynamize, dynamise => rarefy, sublimate, subtilize => volatilize, volatilise => uniformize, uniformise => symmetrize, symmetrise => immortalize, immortalise, eternize, eternise, eternalize, eternalise => denature => denature => denature => sanitize, sanitise => verbify => shift => sputter => draw => make => dope => prostrate => excite => excite, energize, energise => shake => outmode => spice, spice up zest => shorten => think => make => deflate => inflate => digitize, digitise, digitalize, digitalise => gelatinize, gelatinise => recombine => feminize, effeminize, womanize => dissonate => sexualize, sexualise => schematize, schematise => patent => constitutionalize, constitutionalise => rationalize, rationalise => plasticize, plasticise => rarefy => paganize => incandesce => confuse, blur, obscure => confuse => tone down moderate, tame => obfuscate => synchronize => mince, soften, moderate => militarize, militarise => break down crush => fatten, fat, flesh out fill out plump, plump out fatten out fatten up => touch, disturb => dull => dull, blunt => sharpen => coarsen => loosen => untie, undo, loosen => barb => string => straighten, straighten out => close fill, fill up => bring => mix, mingle, commix, unify, amalgamate => charge => put => clean, make clean => dirty, soil, begrime, grime, colly, bemire => lower, depress => deform => form => break, break up => alter => decorate, adorn, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify => humanize, humanise => humble => estrange, alienate, alien, disaffect => right => desensitize, desensitise => deodorize => develop => blur => blind => change intensity => change taste => capture => lend, impart, bestow, contribute, add bring => restore, reinstate, reestablish => liberalize => right compensate, redress, correct => democratize => neutralize => corrupt, pervert, demoralize, demoralise, debauch, debase, profane, vitiate, deprave, misdirect => turn => make possible Sense 2 change, alter, vary => alternate, jump => crackle => modulate => avianize, avianise => move => adapt, accommodate => let out widen => take in => diversify, branch out broaden => diversify => specialize, specialise, narrow, narrow down => honeycomb => break Sense 5 alter, spay, neuter => defeminize Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb alter 3 of 5 senses of alter Sense 1 change, alter => awaken, wake, waken, rouse, wake up arouse => reawaken => bring to bring back bring round, bring around => resuscitate, revive => boot, reboot, bring up => resurrect, raise, upraise => call => cause to sleep => affect => attack => ulcerate => stimulate, arouse, brace, energize, energise, perk up => cathect => animate, recreate, reanimate, revive, quicken, vivify, revivify => enliven, animate => invigorate, reinvigorate => enliven, liven, liven up invigorate, animate => jazz up juice up pep up ginger up => spirit, spirit up inspirit => tense, strain, tense up => crick => stretch, extend => spread-eagle => crane, stretch out => relax, unstrain, unlax, loosen up unwind, make relaxed => unbend => jaundice => register => intoxicate, soak, inebriate => befuddle, fuddle => refresh, freshen, refreshen => inseminate, fertilize, fertilise => stratify => impregnate, knock up bang up prang up => cross-fertilize, cross-fertilise => pollinate, cross-pollinate => indispose => hurt => injure, wound => trample => sabre, saber => concuss => calk => torture, excruciate, torment => rack => martyr, martyrize => pull overstretch => traumatize, traumatise, shock => maim => mutilate, mar => gouge, force out => cripple, lame => hamstring => twist, sprain, wrench, turn, wrick, rick => disable, invalid, incapacitate, handicap => stub, scrape, skin, abrade => harm => sicken => gag, choke => run down run over => shoot, hit, pip => gun down => grass => kneecap => knife, stab => poniard => bayonet => skin, scrape => bruise, contuse => jam, crush => graze => afflict, trouble, ail, pain => disagree with => erupt, recrudesce, break out => constipate, bind => tire, wear upon tire out wear, weary, jade, wear out outwear, wear down fag out fag, fatigue => exhaust, wash up beat tucker, tucker out => frazzle => play => overtire, overweary, overfatigue => cry => brutalize, brutalise => convert => caramelize, caramelise => deaden => opalize, opalise => receive => reconvert => malt => malt => ferment, work => vinify => transcribe => scrap => opalize, opalise => mutate => arterialize, arterialise => make get => render => get let have => leave => counterchange, transpose, interchange => vascularize => decrepitate => suburbanize, suburbanise => revolutionize, revolutionise, overturn => etiolate => barbarize, barbarise => alkalinize, alkalinise => mythologize, mythologise => allegorize, allegorise => demythologize, demythologise => bring land => coarsen => affect, impact, bear upon bear on touch on touch => strike a blow => repercuss => tell on => redound => process, treat => iodize, iodise => nitrate => tank => oxygenate, oxygenize, oxygenise, aerate => mercerize, mercerise => malt => fluoridate, fluoridize, fluoridise => creosote => chlorinate => carbonate => camphorate => bromate, brominate => ammoniate => irradiate, ray => refine => nitrify, nitrogenize, nitrogenise => curry => seed => dose => winnow => sulphur, sulfur => vulcanize, vulcanise => chrome => bituminize, bituminise => Agenize, Agenise => run => rerun => carboxylate => digest => stomach => predigest => fumigate, fume => air-condition => queer, expose, scupper, endanger, peril => compromise => subject => incur => run => hit, strike => clap => subject => bacterize, bacterise => put => shipwreck => refract => expose => sun => air out air, aerate => overexpose => underexpose => expose => overexpose => underexpose => trouble, put out inconvenience, disoblige, discommode, incommode, bother => influence, act upon work => prejudice, prepossess => bias, predetermine => slant, angle, weight => bias => handicap => imprint, form => militate => manipulate, pull strings, pull wires => color, colour => swing, swing over => blackmail, blackjack, pressure => carry, persuade, sway => get at => dominate => overbear => possess => alchemize, alchemise => alcoholize, alcoholise => shape, form => individuate => tie => terrace => fork => dimension => roll => draw => strike => crystallize, crystallise, crystalise, crystalize => twist => culminate => granulate, grain => sliver => ridge => plume => round, round out round off => purse => pooch, pooch out => scallop, scollop => square, square up => dish => fit => dovetail => flatten => splat => roll out roll => cog => mill => laminate => deform, distort, strain => jaundice => blow => block => block => cup => encircle, circle => round off round down round out round => suspend => resuspend => sober => reconstruct => increase => extend, stretch => augment => build up => snowball => enlarge => expand => develop => inflate, blow up => reflate => billow, surge, heave => ream => deepen => up => raise => bump up => blow up enlarge, magnify => multiply, manifold => double, duplicate => redouble => geminate => triple, treble => quadruple => quintuple => proliferate => build up work up build => inflate, blow up expand, amplify => puff up => escalate, intensify, step up => redouble => boost => lengthen => prolong, protract, extend, draw out => extend => temporize, temporise => spin, spin out => elongate, stretch => regenerate => maximize, maximise => heighten => heighten, rise => rev up rev => rev up step up => boost, advance, supercharge => widen, broaden, extend => broaden => globalize, globalise => stretch => assimilate => dissimilate => commute, convert, exchange => unclutter, clear => activate => reactivate => activate => activate, aerate => activate => inactivate, deactivate => paralyze => deaden, blunt => obtund => petrify => dampen, damp, soften, weaken, break => deafen => remodel, reconstruct, redo => edit, redact => blue-pencil, delete => interpolate, alter, falsify => hack, cut up => black out => blank out => copyread, subedit, copyedit => bracket, bracket out => edit, cut, edit out => tame, chasten, subdue => chasten, moderate, temper => better, improve, amend, ameliorate, meliorate => relieve, alleviate, palliate, assuage => soothe => comfort, ease => help, aid => cure, heal => benefit, do good => rehabilitate => regenerate, revitalize => rejuvenate => enrich => round out fill out => choke, throttle => fertilize, fertilise, feed => nitrify => dung => topdress => develop => redevelop => settle => turn around => help => upgrade => condition => recondition => emend => iron out straighten out put right => enhance => touch up retouch => repair, mend, fix, bushel, doctor, furbish up restore, touch on => fill => piece, patch => cobble => point, repoint => trouble-shoot => patch, patch up => sole, resole => vamp, revamp => heel, reheel => darn => reform => beautify, embellish, prettify => groom, neaten => cleanse, clean => bathe => shower => wash => wash, lave => sponge down => scrub, scrub up => gargle, rinse => shampoo => condition => hush => soap, lather => bathe, bath => douche => floss => decontaminate => shave => razor => tonsure => comb, comb out disentangle => slick, slick down sleek down => tease, fluff => dress, arrange, set do coif, coiffe, coiffure => bob => wave => marcel => perm => mousse, gel => pomade => clean up => make up => lipstick => rouge => powder => talc => manicure => barber => pedicure => doll up do up pretty up glam up => spruce up spruce, slick up smarten up => perfume, scent => dress, groom, curry => dress up window-dress => spruce up spruce, titivate, tittivate, smarten up slick up spiff up => polish, smooth, smoothen, shine => Simonize => slick, sleek => buff, burnish, furbish, flush => become suit => build => perfect, hone => optimize, optimise => polish, round, round off polish up brush up => polish, refine, fine-tune, down => educate, school, train, cultivate, civilize, civilise => sophisticate => purify, sublimate, make pure, distill => refine => purge => fructify => raise, lift => advance => educate => socialize => prepare, groom, train => qualify, dispose => habilitate => capacitate => school => worsen, aggravate, exacerbate, exasperate => irritate => chafe, gall, fret => rub, scratch, itch => inflame => degrade, cheapen => devalue, devaluate => demonetize, demonetise => wet => bedew => drench, douse, dowse, soak, sop, souse => brine => bedraggle => bate => ret => sluice, flush => moisten, wash, dampen => humidify, moisturize, moisturise => hydrate => slack, slake => air-slake => baste => water, irrigate => syringe => hose, hose down => hush => sprinkle, besprinkle => squirt => spritz => squish => douse, dowse => dry, dry out => dehydrate, dry up desiccate => tumble => spin-dry => tumble dry => spray-dry => dehumidify => parch, scorch, sear => rough-dry => blow-dry => drip-dry => air => lubricate => strengthen, beef up fortify => vitalize, vitalise => restrengthen => undergird, brace up => confirm => reinforce, reenforce => buttress => line => substantiate, back back up => vouch => support, bolster, bolster up => mine => countermine => buttress => brace, steady => batten => batten, batten down secure => spike, lace, fortify => weaken => de-energize => break => devitalize, devitalise => shake => depress => unbrace => etiolate => cripple => dilute, thin, thin out reduce, cut => water down => rarefy, attenuate => blunt => temper, season => enfeeble, debilitate, drain => waste, emaciate, macerate => enervate => dampen => neutralize, neutralise, nullify => emasculate => wash out => blunt => oxidize, oxidise => catabolize, catabolise => breath => reduce, simplify => abbreviate => unite, unify, merge => consolidate => weld => unitize, unitise => age => ripen => antique, antiquate => antiquate => develop, make grow => evolve, work out work up => elaborate, work out => foliate => discipline, train, check, condition => soften => mellow => mollify => macerate => damage => burn => scald => singe, swinge, scorch => char, blacken, scorch => bilge => break => bruise => disturb => afflict, smite => blight, plague => hurt, injure => impair => flaw, blemish => corrode, eat, rust => erode, eat away fret => wash => mutilate, mangle, disfigure, cut up => deface => mar, impair, spoil, deflower, vitiate => defile, sully, corrupt, taint, cloud => deface, disfigure, blemish => maul, mangle => scar, mark, pock, pit => pockmark => scarify => cicatrize => whittle away whittle down wear away => bang up smash up smash => acerbate => stabilize, stabilise => peg => destabilize, destabilise => sensitize, sensitise, sensify, sensibilize, sensibilise => desensitize, desensitise => habituate, accustom => inure, harden => callous => steel oneself against, steel onself for brace oneself for prepare for => teach => addict, hook => familiarize, familiarise => disorder, disarray => mess, mess up => perturb, derange, throw out of kilter => disarrange => randomize, randomise => scramble, jumble, throw together => tumble => discolor => bleach, bleach out decolor, decolour, decolorize, decolourize, decolorise, decolourise, discolorize, discolourise, discolorise => sallow => wash out => infuscate => color, colorize, colorise, colourise, colourize, colour, color in colour in => blackwash => motley, parti-color => polychrome, polychromize, polychromise => azure => purple, empurple, purpurate => aurify => verdigris => pinkify => incarnadine => embrown => handcolour => pigment => retouch => silver => gray, grey => tone => redden => madder => encrimson => vermilion => carmine => rubify => rubric => ruddle => mottle, streak, blotch => stain => smut => hue => pigment => uglify => set => pitch => pitch => keynote => disqualify, unfit, indispose => domesticate, domesticize, domesticise, tame => break in break => widen => white-out => dehydrogenate => oxygenize, oxygenise => hydrogenate => oxygenize, oxygenise => darken => embrown => murk => dun => blind, dim => dim => obscure, benight, bedim => overcast, cloud => fog up => brighten, lighten up lighten => blur, blear => clarify => demystify => obscure, bedim, overcloud => mystify => eclipse => shadow, shade, shade off => obscure, blot out obliterate, hide => cook => slenderize, slenderise => crack => check, chink => fissure => end terminate, cease => halt => close out => conclude => find feel => end terminate => finish => abort => culminate => lift, raise => ax axe => stamp out kill => dissolve, break up => break, break off discontinue, stop => fracture => bog down bog => interrupt, disrupt, break up cut off => cut, cut off => punctuate => break => put away => pause, intermit, break => rest, breathe, catch one's breath, take a breather => take five => take ten => chime in cut in put in butt in chisel in barge in break in => interrupt, disrupt => cut in => cut short => burst in on burst upon => heckle, harass => interject, come in interpose, put in throw in inject => jam, block => take off take time off => interrupt, break => break, hold on stop => cut short, break short, break off => hang up => freeze, suspend => stub out crush out extinguish, press out => finalize, finalise, settle, nail down => complete, finish => get through wrap up finish off mop up polish off clear up finish up => cap off top off => see through => round out finish out => follow through carry out implement, put through go through => adhere => carry through accomplish, execute, carry out fulfill, fulfil => get over => run => perfect, consummate => consummate => do perform => turn => underachieve, underperform => misdo => go all out give one's best, do one's best => ply => closure, cloture => decide, settle, resolve => judge => referee, umpire => adjust => close => phase out => close => demist => condense, concentrate, contract => cool, chill, cool down => quench => ice => refrigerate => heat, heat up => toast, crisp => soak => calcine => preheat => overheat => sear, scorch => sizzle => broil, bake => reheat => warm => chafe => boil => decoct => freeze => deep freeze => quick-freeze, flash-freeze => switch, change over shift => back => transpose => convert, change over => commutate => transduce => immobilize, immobilise => metricize, metricise => flour => reclaim => nitrify => fossilize, fossilise => lapidify, petrify => tan => bark => dress => compost => decimalize, decimalise => float => transmute => transform, transmute => sorcerize, sorcerise => stalinize, stalinise => destalinize, destalinise => work work on process => coldwork => overwork => rework, make over retread => rack => tool => till => plow, plough, turn => ridge => harrow, disk => hoe => ash => translate, transform => prepare => preserve, keep => freeze-dry => lyophilize, lyophilise => pickle => salt => can, tin, put up => refrigerate => cure => dun => corn => dress, dress out => metricize, metricise => diagonalize, diagonalise => convert => reform, regenerate => evangelize, evangelise => catholicize, catholicise, latinize, latinise => invert, reverse => invert => customize, customise => personalize, personalise, individualize, individualise => depersonalize, depersonalise, objectify => sharpen => flatten, drop => magnetize, magnetise => simplify => oversimplify => complicate, refine, rarify, elaborate => involve => develop => sophisticate => refine => complicate, perplex => complexify => snarl, snarl up embrangle => snafu => supercharge, pressurize, pressurise => centralize, centralise, concentrate => decentralize, deconcentrate, decentralise => socialize, socialise => prepare, set up ready, gear up set => socialize, socialise => cram => precondition => fix => mount => set up lay out set => winterize => summerize => prime => cultivate, crop, work => overcrop, overcultivate => brace, poise => steel, nerve => internationalize, internationalise => communize, communise, bolshevize, bolshevise => Europeanize, Europeanise => Europeanize, Europeanise => bestialize, bestialise => Americanize, Americanise => anglicize, anglicise => Frenchify => civilize, civilise, modernize, modernise, develop => nationalize, nationalise => communize, communise => denationalize, denationalise => privatize, privatise => naturalize, naturalise => denaturalize, denaturalise => naturalize, naturalise => denaturalize, denaturalise => even even out => equal, match, equalize, equalise, equate => homologize, homologise => homogenize, homogenise => tie, draw => stiffen => starch => buckram => rigidify => loosen, loose => relax, unbend => unbrace => slacken, remit => douse, dowse => slack => unscrew => unscrew => tighten, fasten => frap => tauten, firm => wind, wind up => screw => wind, wind up => transitivize, transitivise => detransitivize, detransitivise, intransitivize, intransitivise => thicken => full => diversify => vary, variegate, motley => checker, chequer => deaden => check, retard => dampen => stay, detain, delay => decrease, lessen, minify => moderate, mitigate => relieve => pare, pare down => limit, circumscribe, confine => number, keep down => cap => restrict, curtail, curb, cut back => immobilize, immobilise => paralyze, paralyse => palsy => stun, stupefy, stupify => demarcate, delimit, delimitate => reduce, boil down concentrate => shrink, reduce => reduce, scale down => reef => miniaturize, miniaturise => depopulate, desolate => contract => purse, wrinkle => abridge, foreshorten, abbreviate, shorten, cut, contract, reduce => bowdlerize, bowdlerise, expurgate, shorten => condense, concentrate => encapsulate, capsule, capsulize => telescope => slake, abate, slack => turn down lower, lour => de-escalate, weaken, step down => minimize, minimise => reduce, cut down cut back trim, trim down trim back cut, bring down => shorten => foreshorten => clip, curtail, cut short => syncopate => truncate, cut short => quench => cut => retrench => slash => thin out => snip, clip, crop, trim, lop, dress, prune, cut back => shear => poll, pollard => top pinch => tail => disbud => thin => draw => take away detract => deflate => inflate => shave, knock off => mark down => discount => allow => rebate => slack, slacken, slack up => diminish, belittle => harden => face-harden => callus => liquefy, liquify, liquidize, liquidise => solvate => validate => invalidate, void, vitiate => empty => bail => clean out clear out => clinker => evacuate => evacuate, exhaust => void => clear => clear => exhaust => knock out => drain => bleed => hollow, hollow out core out => rout, gouge, groove => scallop, scollop => hole => suck in draw in => scoop out => cavern, cavern out => cave, undermine => sap => dig, dig out => lift => trench => dibble => excavate => core => gut => fill, fill up make full => clutter, clutter up => clog, overload => brim => stuff => pad, bolster => people => heap => overfill => ink => replenish, refill, fill again => prime => line => complete => saturate, soak, imbue => steep, brew, infuse => marinade, marinate => decoct => draw => impregnate, saturate => medicate => alcoholize, alcoholise => ammonify => thoriate => stuff => charge => imbrue, drench => impregnate, infuse, instill, tincture => electrify => lubricate, lube => surcharge => load, lade, laden, load up => reload => stack => load, charge => recharge, reload => deluge, flood, inundate, swamp => stuff => jam, jampack, ram, chock up cram, wad, pack => overstuff => pad, fill out => rat => pack => saturate => louden => normalize, normalise, renormalize, renormalise => morph => neutralize, neutralise => commercialize, commercialise, market => mechanize, mechanise => automatize, automatise, automate => semi-automatize, semi-automatise => automatize, automatise => mechanize, mechanise => harmonize, harmonise, chord => key => polarize, polarise => glorify => contaminate => devalue => depreciate => write off => debase, alloy => lower, lour => derate => insulate => weatherstrip => soundproof => calcify => urbanize, urbanise => emulsify => demulsify => Nazify => fertilize, fertilise => clarify => mark => dot => raddle => striate => red-ink => line => reline => dimple => spot => freckle => mottle, dapple, cloud => harlequin => stipple, speckle => crisscross => honeycomb => star, asterisk => flag => tip => underline, underscore => stripe => speck => bespot => trace, draw, line outline, describe, delineate => construct => inscribe => circumscribe => circumscribe => write => superscribe => superscribe => capitalize, capitalise => letter => print => misprint => scribble, scrawl => copy => recopy => copy out => print, impress => letter => typeset => prove => multigraph => overprint, print over => surcharge => cyclostyle => boldface => italicize, italicise => stake, post => brand => barb => nick => disable, disenable, incapacitate => lay up => nobble => pinion => restrain, confine, hold => tie down tie up bind, truss => chain up => hog-tie => fetter, shackle => manacle, cuff, handcuff => enchain => pinion, shackle => impound, pound => pound, pound up => pen up fold => ground => enable => equip => endow, indue, gift, empower, invest, endue => cover => deemphasize, destress => tender, tenderize, tenderise => sweeten => iodinate => ionate => archaize, arachaise => inform => officialize, officialise => occidentalize, occidentalise, Westernize, Westernise, westernize, westernise => orientalize, orientalise => acetylate, acetylize, acetylise => achromatize, achromatise => parallel, collimate => camp => classicize, classicise => conventionalize, conventionalise => decimalize, decimalise => dizzy => poison, envenom => exteriorize, exteriorise, externalize, externalise, objectify => glamorize, glamourise => introvert => laicize, laicise => politicize, politicise => proof => romanticize, romanticise => rusticate => sauce => shallow, shoal => tense => steepen => scramble => unscramble => unsex => vitrify => pall => saponify => extend, expand => suspend, set aside => muddy => transform => lift, raise, elevate => exalt => harshen => dinge => demonize, demonise => devilize, devilise, diabolize, diabolise => etherealize, etherialise => immaterialize, immaterialise, unsubstantialize, unsubstantialise => disincarnate => animize, animise, animate => clear => dynamize, dynamise => dynamize, dynamise => rarefy, sublimate, subtilize => volatilize, volatilise => uniformize, uniformise => symmetrize, symmetrise => immortalize, immortalise, eternize, eternise, eternalize, eternalise => denature => denature => denature => sanitize, sanitise => verbify => shift => transfer, transpose, transplant => sputter => draw => make => dope => prostrate => excite => excite, energize, energise => shake => outmode => spice, spice up zest => shorten => cut => shave, trim => fleece, shear => crop, cut short => think => make => deflate => inflate => digitize, digitise, digitalize, digitalise => gelatinize, gelatinise => recombine => feminize, effeminize, womanize => dissonate => sexualize, sexualise => schematize, schematise => patent => constitutionalize, constitutionalise => rationalize, rationalise => plasticize, plasticise => rarefy => paganize => incandesce => confuse, blur, obscure => muddy => confuse => tone down moderate, tame => obfuscate => synchronize => dub => mince, soften, moderate => militarize, militarise => mobilize, mobilise => remilitarize, remilitarise => break down crush => fatten, fat, flesh out fill out plump, plump out fatten out fatten up => touch, disturb => upset => violate => dull => dull, blunt => sharpen => strap => edge => strop => whet => hone => set => coarsen => loosen => scarify => ruffle, fluff => untie, undo, loosen => barb => string => straighten, straighten out => untwist => unbend => extend => channelize => untwine => unweave => comb => heckle, hackle, hatchel => close fill, fill up => seal => plug, stop up secure => stopper, stopple => tampon => chink => cork, cork up => coapt, conglutinate => bring => mix, mingle, commix, unify, amalgamate => aggregate, combine => unitize, unitise => concoct => compound, combine => integrate, incorporate => fold => reintegrate => build in => re-incorporate => heterodyne => sulfurette, sulphurette => carburet => blend, intermix, immingle, intermingle => commingle => charge => burden, burthen, weight, weight down => overburden => plumb => saddle => load => pack, load down => bomb up => overload, surcharge, overcharge => freight => put => put to sleep => clean, make clean => disinfect => sterilize, sterilise => autoclave => chlorinate => brush => dust => vacuum, vacuum-clean, hoover => sanitize, sanitise, hygienize => bream => steam, steam clean => preen, plume => sweep => wash up do the dishes => pipe-clay => scavenge => dry clean => wash, launder => water-wash => wash, rinse => elute => wash out => pressure-wash, powerwash => suds => rinse, rinse off => flush, scour => cradle => stonewash => handwash => machine wash => acid-wash => dirty, soil, begrime, grime, colly, bemire => foul => pollute, foul, contaminate => infect, taint => superinfect => smut => smear => moil => smirch, besmirch => slime => muddy, muddy up => splash => mire, muck, mud, muck up => crock => blemish, spot => lower, depress => deform => form => layer => bunch, bunch up bundle, cluster, clump => agglomerate => cut out => rabbet => turn => brecciate => reticulate => flake => strickle => break, break up => alter => decorate, adorn, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify => wreathe => encrust, beset => braid => embroider, broider => purl => purl => illustrate => garland => fledge, flight => spangle, bespangle => foliate => flag => caparison, bard, dress up => bead => pipe => applique => smock => hang => prank => tinsel => tart up => stucco => redecorate => panel => bejewel, jewel => fillet, filet => scallop => bedizen => dress ship => trim, garnish, dress => trim => deck, bedight, bedeck => plume => festoon => enamel => inlay => hatch => damascene => gloss, polish => glaze => lacquer => japan => gild, begild, engild => illuminate => miniate, rubricate => emblazon, blazon => color, colour, emblazon => miniate => fringe => fret => landscape => humanize, humanise => humble => efface => estrange, alienate, alien, disaffect => drift apart, drift away => wean => right => desensitize, desensitise => numb, benumb, blunt, dull => stun, bedaze, daze => besot, stupefy, stupify => deafen, deaf => deodorize => develop => redevelop => blur => blind => change intensity => darken, dim => dim, dip => brighten => quieten, hush, quiet, quiesce, quiet down pipe down => louden => soften => muffle, mute, dull, damp, dampen, tone down => sharpen => focus => refocus => change taste => sweeten, dulcify, edulcorate, dulcorate => honey => sugar, saccharify => sugarcoat, glaze, candy => mull => bitter => sour, acidify, acidulate, acetify => capture => lend, impart, bestow, contribute, add bring => instill, transfuse => breathe => tinsel => throw in => restore, reinstate, reestablish => liberalize => decontrol => right compensate, redress, correct => over-correct, overcompensate => expiate, aby, abye, atone => democratize => neutralize => corrupt, pervert, demoralize, demoralise, debauch, debase, profane, vitiate, deprave, misdirect => sensualize, sensualise, carnalize, carnalise => lead off lead astray => whore => poison => bastardize, bastardise => suborn => turn => make possible Sense 2 change, alter, vary => alternate, jump => crackle => modulate => avianize, avianise => move => scroll => sink, pass, lapse => adapt, accommodate => adjust => gear, pitch => fit => anglicise, anglicize => shoehorn, tailor => domesticate, tame => domesticate, cultivate, naturalize, naturalise, tame => naturalize, naturalise => electrify, wire => transcribe => let out widen => take in => diversify, branch out broaden => diversify => specialize, specialise, narrow, narrow down => overspecialize, overspecialise => honeycomb => break Sense 5 alter, spay, neuter => defeminize Entailment of verb alter 1 of 5 senses of alter Sense 3 alter => sew, tailor, tailor-make Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Frequency) of verb alter 5 senses of alter Sense 1 change, alter Sense 2 change, alter, vary Sense 3 alter => change, alter Sense 4 interpolate, alter, falsify => edit, redact Sense 5 alter, spay, neuter => sterilize, sterilise, desex, unsex, desexualize, fix Familiarity of verb alter alter used as a verb is common (polysemy count = 5) Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning) of verb alter Sense 1 change, alter -------------- Sense 2 change, alter, vary -------------- Sense 3 alter => change, alter -------------- Sense 4 interpolate, alter, falsify => edit, redact -------------- Sense 5 alter, spay, neuter => sterilize, sterilise, desex, unsex, desexualize, fix -------------- Grep of noun altering altering consciousness-altering drug faltering mind-altering drug paltering Overview of noun altering The noun altering has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. neutering, fixing, altering -- (the sterilization of an animal; "they took him to the vet for neutering") Overview of verb alter The verb alter has 5 senses (first 3 from tagged texts) 1. (26) change, alter -- (cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue") 2. (2) change, alter, vary -- (make or become different in some particular way without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season") 3. (1) alter -- (make an alteration to "This dress needs to be altered") 4. interpolate, alter, falsify -- (insert words into texts) 5. alter, spay, neuter -- (castrate, used with animals; "Is your dog neutered?") Grep of adj altering faltering mind-altering unfaltering Overview of noun altering The noun altering has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. neutering, fixing, altering -- (the sterilization of an animal; "they took him to the vet for neutering") Overview of verb alter The verb alter has 5 senses (first 3 from tagged texts) 1. (26) change, alter -- (cause to change; make different; cause a transformation; "The advent of the automobile may have altered the growth pattern of the city"; "The discussion has changed my thinking about the issue") 2. (2) change, alter, vary -- (make or become different in some particular way without permanently losing one's or its former characteristics or essence; "her mood changes in accordance with the weather"; "The supermarket's selection of vegetables varies according to the season") 3. (1) alter -- (make an alteration to "This dress needs to be altered") 4. interpolate, alter, falsify -- (insert words into texts) 5. alter, spay, neuter -- (castrate, used with animals; "Is your dog neutered?")
altering definition