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ars definition
ars |
Grep of noun ars arrears arse arsehole arsenal arsenate arsenic arsenic acid arsenic group arsenic trioxide arsenide arsenopyrite arsenous anhydride arsenous oxide arsine arson arsonist baby's tears baby tears balkan wars bars bill of particulars binoculars boxcars community of scholars deer's-ears elegant cat's ears gears golden stars handle-bars jew's-ears job's tears mars medlars mule's ears napoleonic wars parallel bars pig's ears pruning shears punic wars rabbit ears shears stars and bars tears thinning shears veterans of foreign wars white-rayed mule's ears years Grep of noun ar 3d radar aar academic year acoustic guitar acular adar adzhar agar agar-agar air search radar alar alaska cedar alaskan brown bear alcazar algerian dinar alimentary tract smear all clear alligator pear alpine mouse-ear altar alveolar american black bear american civil war anchovy pear anomalistic year anshar ant bear antimacassar apar appointment calendar apricot bar ar ara arab arab-israeli war arab chief arab league arab republic of egypt arabesque arabia arabian arabian camel arabian coffee arabian desert arabian jasmine arabian nights arabian nights' entertainment arabian peninsula arabian sea arabic arabic alphabet arabic language arabic numeral arabic script arabidopsis arabidopsis lyrata arabidopsis thaliana arability arabis arabis canadensis arabis glabra arabis turrita arabist araceae arachis arachis hypogaea arachnid arachnida arachnoid arachnoid membrane aragon aragonite araguaia araguaia river araguaya araguaya river arak aral sea arales aralia aralia elata aralia hispida aralia nudicaulis aralia racemosa aralia spinosa aralia stipulata araliaceae aram aram ilich khachaturian aram khachaturian aramaic aramaic alphabet arame aramus aramus guarauna aramus pictus aran islands aranea aranea diademata araneae araneida araneus araneus cavaticus arapaho arapahoe ararat arariba araroba aras arauca araucaria araucaria araucana araucaria bidwillii araucaria columnaris araucaria cunninghamii araucaria excelsa araucaria family araucaria heterophylla araucariaceae araujia araujia sericofera arava arawak arawakan arawn araxes arb arbalest arbalist arbiter arbitrage arbitrager arbitrageur arbitrament arbitrariness arbitration arbitration clause arbitrator arbitrement arbor arbor day arboreal salamander arborescent plant arboretum arboriculture arboriculturist arborist arborolatry arborvitae arbour arbutus arbutus menziesii arbutus unedo arc arc-boutant arc lamp arc light arca arcade arcadia arcadian arcadic arcanum arcdegree arcella arcellidae arceuthobium arceuthobium pusillum arch arch support archaebacteria archaebacterium archaeobacteria archaeologist archaeology archaeopteryx archaeopteryx lithographica archaeornis archaeornithes archaeozoic archaeozoic era archaicism archaism archangel archbishop archbishopric archdeacon archdeaconry archdiocese archduchess archduchy archduke archean archean era archegonium archenteron archeobacteria archeological remains archeologist archeology archeopteryx archeozoic archeozoic era archer archerfish archery arches national park archespore archesporium archetype archiannelid archiannelida archibald macleish archibald percival wavell archidiaconate archidiskidon archidiskidon imperator archil archilochus archilochus colubris archimandrite archimedes archimedes' principle archine archipallium archipelago architect architectonics architectural engineering architectural ornament architectural plan architectural style architecture architeuthis architrave archive archives archivist archness archosargus archosargus probatocephalus archosargus rhomboidalis archosaur archosauria archosaurian archosaurian reptile archpriest archway arcidae arcminute arcsecond arctic arctic char arctic circle arctic fox arctic ground squirrel arctic hare arctic moss arctic mouse-ear arctic ocean arctic poppy arctic skua arctic willow arctic wolf arctic zone arctictis arctictis bintourong arctiid arctiid moth arctiidae arctium arctium lappa arctium minus arctocebus arctocebus calabarensis arctocephalus arctocephalus philippi arctonyx arctonyx collaris arctostaphylos arctostaphylos alpina arctostaphylos andersonii arctostaphylos manzanita arctostaphylos tomentosa arctostaphylos uva-ursi arctotis arctotis stoechadifolia arctotis venusta arcturus arcuate artery arcuate artery of the kidney arcuate vein of the kidney arcus arcus senilis arcus zygomaticus ardea ardea herodius ardea occidentalis ardeb ardeidae ardennes ardennes counteroffensive ardent spirits ardisia ardisia crenata ardisia escallonoides ardisia paniculata ardor ardour ards arduousness are area area code area of cardiac dullness area unit areaway areca areca catechu areca nut arecaceae arecidae areflexia arena arena theater arenaceous rock arenaria arenaria-melanocephala arenaria caroliniana arenaria groenlandica arenaria interpres arenaria peploides arenaria serpyllifolia arenaria stricta arenga arenga pinnata areola areolar tissue arequipa arere ares arete areteria cervicalis arethusa arethusa bulbosa argal argali argasid argasidae argemone argemone mexicana argent argentina argentine argentine monetary unit argentine republic argentinian argentinidae argentinosaur argentite argillaceous rock argillite arginine argiope argiope aurantia argiopidae argo argon argonaut argonauta argonauta argo argonautidae argonne argonne forest argonon argos argosy argot arguer arguing argument argumentation argus argus pheasant argusianus argyle argyles argynnis argyranthemum argyranthemum frutescens argyreia argyrodite argyrol argyrotaenia argyrotaenia citrana argyroxiphium argyroxiphium sandwicense arhant arhat arhus aria ariadne arianism arianist arianrhod arianrod aricara aridity aridness aries aries the ram arietta ariidae arikara aril arilus arilus cristatus ariocarpus ariocarpus fissuratus ariomma arioso arisaema arisaema atrorubens arisaema dracontium arisaema triphyllum arisarum arisarum vulgare arishth arista aristarchus aristarchus of samos aristide maillol aristocort aristocracy aristocrat aristolochia aristolochia clematitis aristolochia durior aristolochia macrophylla aristolochia serpentaria aristolochiaceae aristolochiales aristopak aristophanes aristotelean aristotelia aristotelia racemosa aristotelia serrata aristotelian aristotelianism aristotle aristotlean logic arithmetic arithmetic mean arithmetic operation arithmetic progression arithmetician arius arizona arizona ash arizona cypress arizona elegans arizona sycamore arizona white oak arizona wild cotton arizonan arizonian arjuna ark ark of the covenant ark shell arkansan arkansas arkansas kingbird arkansas river arkansawyer arm arm's length arm band arm bone arm exercise arm guard arm pad armada armadillidiidae armadillidium armadillo armageddon armagnac armament armamentarium armand jean du plessis armature armband armchair armed bullhead armed combat armed forces armed forces censorship armed forces day armed robbery armed service armenia armenian armenian alphabet armenian language armeria armeria maritima armet armful armhole armiger armillaria armillaria caligata armillaria ponderosa armillaria zelleri armillariella armillariella mellea armillary sphere armin arming arminian arminian baptist arminian church arminianism arminius armistice armistice day armlet armoire armor armor-bearer armor plate armor plating armoracia armoracia rusticana armored catfish armored combat vehicle armored dinosaur armored scale armored sea robin armored searobin armorer armorial bearing armory armour armour plate armourer armoury armpit armrest arms arms-runner arms control arms deal arms industry arms manufacturer arms race armstrong army army ant army base army cutworm army engineer army hut army officer army tank army unit army worm armyworm arnica arnica bud arnica cordifolia arnica montana arno arnold arnold-chiari deformity arnold daniel palmer arnold gesell arnold joseph toynbee arnold lucius gesell arnold palmer arnold schoenberg arnold schonberg arnold toynbee arnoseris arnoseris minima aroeira blanca aroid arolla pine aroma aromatic aster arouet arousal arouser arp arpeggio arpent arquebus arrack arraignment arrangement arranger arranging arras array arrears arrest arrest warrant arrested development arrester arrester hook arrhenatherum arrhenatherum elatius arrhenius arrhenius theory of dissociation arrhythmia arriere pensee arrival arrival gate arrival time arrivederci arriver arroba arrogance arrogation arrogator arrow arrow-grass family arrow arum arrow grass arrow leaved aster arrow wood arrowhead arrowleaf groundsel arrowroot arrowroot family arrowsmith arrowworm arroyo arroyo willow arroz con pollo arse arsehole arsenal arsenate arsenic arsenic acid arsenic group arsenic trioxide arsenide arsenopyrite arsenous anhydride arsenous oxide arsine arson arsonist art art class art collection art critic art dealer art deco art department art director art editor art exhibition art form art gallery art historian art movement art nouveau art paper art rock art school art student art tatum art teacher artamidae artamus artaxerxes i artaxerxes ii artefact artemia artemia salina artemis artemis pontica artemis spinescens artemisia artemisia abrotanum artemisia absinthium artemisia annua artemisia californica artemisia campestris artemisia cana artemisia dracunculus artemisia filifolia artemisia frigida artemisia gnaphalodes artemisia ludoviciana artemisia maritima artemisia stelleriana artemisia tridentata artemisia vulgaris artemus ward arteria arteria alveolaris arteria alveolaris inferior arteria alveolaris superior arteria angularis arteria appendicularis arteria arcuata arteria ascendens arteria auricularis arteria axillaris arteria basilaris arteria brachialis arteria buccalis arteria bulbi penis arteria bulbi vestibuli arteria carotis arteria celiaca arteria centralis retinae arteria cerebelli arteria cerebri arteria choroidea arteria ciliaris arteria circumflexa femoris arteria circumflexa humeri arteria circumflexa ilium arteria circumflexa scapulae arteria colica arteria communicans arteria coronaria arteria cystica arteria digitalis arteria epigastrica arteria ethmoidalis arteria facialis arteria femoralis arteria gastrica arteria gastrica breves arteria gastrica sinistra arteria glutes arteria hepatica arteria ileocolica arteria ileum arteria iliaca arteria iliolumbalis arteria infraorbitalis arteria intercostalis arteria labialis arteria labialis inferior arteria labialis superior arteria lacrimalis arteria laryngea arteria lienalis arteria lingualis arteria lumbalis arteria maxillaris arteria meningea arteria mesenterica arteria metacarpea arteria metatarsea arteria musculophrenica arteria nutricia arteria ophthalmica arteria ovarica arteria palatina arteria pancreatica arteria perinealis arteria poplitea arteria pudenda arteria pulmonalis arteria radialis arteria rectalis arteria renalis arteria subclavia arteria temporalis anterior arteria temporalis intermedia arteria temporalis posterior arteria testicularis arteria ulnaris arteria uterina arteria vaginalis arteria vertebralis arterial blood arterial blood gases arterial pressure arterial road arterial sclerosis arteriectasia arteriectasis arteriogram arteriography arteriola arteriole arteriolosclerosis arteriosclerosis arteriosclerosis obliterans arteritis artery artery of the labyrinth artery of the penis bulb artery of the vestibule bulb artesian well artfulness arthralgia arthritis arthrocentesis arthrogram arthrography arthromere arthroplasty arthropod arthropod family arthropod genus arthropoda arthropteris arthroscope arthroscopy arthrospore arthur arthur ashe arthur compton arthur conan doyle arthur edwin kennelly arthur evans arthur fiedler arthur garfield hays arthur holly compton arthur holmes arthur honegger arthur james balfour arthur john gielgud arthur koestler arthur laffer arthur marx arthur meier schlesinger arthur meier schlesinger jr arthur miller arthur mitchell arthur neville chamberlain arthur rimbaud arthur robert ashe arthur rubinstein arthur schlesinger arthur schlesinger jr arthur schopenhauer arthur seymour sullivan arthur stanley jefferson laurel arthur sullivan arthur symons arthur tappan arthur tatum arthur wellesley arthurian legend artichoke artichoke heart artichoke plant article article of clothing article of commerce article of faith article of furniture articles of agreement articles of confederation articles of incorporation articular muscle articulated lorry articulateness articulatio articulatio coxae articulatio cubiti articulatio genus articulatio humeri articulatio plana articulatio radiocarpea articulatio spheroidea articulatio synovialis articulatio talocruralis articulatio temporomandibularis articulatio trochoidea articulation articulator articulatory system artifact artifice artificer artificial additive artificial blood artificial flower artificial heart artificial horizon artificial insemination artificial intelligence artificial joint artificial kidney artificial lake artificial language artificial pacemaker artificial respiration artificial satellite artificial skin artificiality artillery artillery fire artillery plant artillery unit artilleryman artiodactyl artiodactyl mammal artiodactyla artisan artisan's lien artist artist's loft artist's model artist's workroom artiste artistic creation artistic movement artistic production artistic style artistry artium baccalaurens artium magister artlessness artocarpus artocarpus altilis artocarpus communis artocarpus heterophyllus artocarpus odoratissima artois arts artsd artur rubinstein artur schnabel arturo toscanini artwork aruba arugula arui arulo arum arum family arum lily arum maculatum arum palaestinum arundinaria arundinaria gigantea arundinaria tecta arundo arundo conspicua arundo donax arundo richardii aruru arvicola arvicola amphibius aryan arytaenoid arytenoid arytenoid cartilage ashlar asiatic black bear aspen poplar astronomical year atar athar atlantic white cedar atlas cedar attar aurar austin friar australian dollar avatar avocado pear axle bar babar baggage car bahamian dollar bahrain dinar balsam pear balsam poplar balthasar balthazar bar barbados dollar barley-sugar bartlett pear basket star battle of trafalgar bazaar bazar beachwear bear bear's ear beet sugar beggar belize dollar bell jar belshazzar beluga caviar bermuda cedar bermuda dollar bevel gear bihar binary star binocular bissextile year black bear black english vernacular black friar black poplar blackfriar blazing star blood agar blood sugar blue star boar boer war bog star bolivar boxcar brain sugar briar bricks and mortar brittle star brittlestar bronchoscopic smear bronze star brown bear brown sugar brunei dollar budgerigar buffet car bugbear bumper car burglar bursar busbar buspar cabin car cable car caesar calendar calendar year canadian dollar candy bar cane sugar canoe cedar canopic jar cape fear capital of madagascar capital of qatar car caramelized sugar carob bar caryocar cash bar caspar cat's-ear cat bear cat burglar caterpillar cattle car cauliflower ear caviar cayman islands dollar cedar cellar cervical smear chadar chaddar chafing gear chair car chanar char charles goodyear cheddar chilean cedar chili vinegar chinning bar chino-japanese war chocolate bar christian year christmas star chuddar church calendar church year cider vinegar cigar cigar-box cedar cinnabar cinnamon bear circular civil war civil year class war classical scholar clear clerical collar club car co-star coal car coal tar coast white cedar coffee bar cold war collar color bar colour bar commissar common year compact car cookie jar cooky jar coon bear corn sugar cottar cougar cream of tartar crimean war crossbar crowbar cudbear cuidad bolivar cultivar cyclone cellar cytologic smear cytosmear czar dakar damar dammar date bar daystar dear deer's-ear dense blazing star deodar deodar cedar devil's cigar dewar differential gear dinar dining car dog-ear dog collar dog star dollar dominican dollar donar double bar double star downy poplar drawbar drawing-room car duodenal smear durbar dyaus-pitar ear early warning radar earthenware jar earthstar east african cedar eastern red cedar ecclesiastical calendar edgar edward lear eggar elasticity of shear electric car electric guitar elephant's ear elephant ear elevator car elgar elinvar elspar english civil war epicyclic gear equinoctial year eschar escolar esophageal smear estate car eton collar eurodollar european nightjar evening star eveningwear exemplar external ear familiar farmer's calendar fear feather star feldspar felspar ferenc molnar field mouse-ear fiji dollar film star financial year fire control radar first gear first world war fiscal year fishing gear fixed star flare star flatcar fluorspar footgear footwear forbear forebear forest tent caterpillar formalwear foul-weather gear franco-prussian war franz lehar freight car french and indian war friar fruit bar fruit sugar fulmar funicular gaius caesar gaius julius caesar gar gaspar gastric smear gear genus caryocar genus liquidambar genus nuphar genus selar giant fulmar giant star gibraltar gidar gill bar god of war golden star gondola car goodyear grab bar grammar granola bar grape sugar gray friar gray poplar great bear great war great year greenland spar gregorian calendar grenada dollar grizzly bear ground cedar guar guitar gum dammar guyana dollar half dollar handcar handlebar handwear hangar hawaiian guitar headgear heavy spar hebrew calendar hershey bar high altar high bar high gear himalayan cedar hindu calendar hire car hitching bar hoar holy year honey bear hong kong dollar horizontal bar horsecar hot war hundred years' war hussar hylobates lar ice bear iceland spar implements of war incense cedar inner ear instar intercalary year internal ear invar invert sugar iran-iraq war iranian dinar iraqi dinar iron collar irregular ishtar isobar issachar iyar iyyar jacamar jack-tar jaguar jamaican dollar jamjar japan cedar japanese cedar japanese medlar jar jaunting car jaunty car jew's-ear jewels-of-opar jewish calendar jewish new year jordanian dinar jugular julian calendar julius caesar justiciar kala-azar kangaroo bear katar ketalar khowar king's spear king lear kiribati dollar kishar knight templar knitwear koala bear kodiak bear korean war kotar kuwaiti dinar lahar landing gear lappet caterpillar lascar lawson's cedar lazar leap year lear lehar leiden jar leisure wear lekvar leyden jar liar liberian dollar libyan dinar light year limited war lion's-ear liquidambar little bear loadstar loaf sugar lodestar lombardy poplar long underwear lontar louis the far lounge car louvar low gear lower respiratory tract smear lump sugar lunar calendar lunar year lunisolar calendar lymantria dispar maar madagascar magyar mail car malt sugar man-of-war maple sugar mar mason jar medawar medlar metal bar mexican war microbar microwave radar middle ear milk bar milk sugar millibar mineral tar minibar minicar mohammedan calendar molar molnar mongol tatar morning star mortar moslem calendar motorcar mouse ear movie star muhammadan calendar multiple star muslim calendar myanmar mylar namtar native bear native pear naval radar navicular nebuchadnezzar nebuchadrezzar neckar necklace poplar neckwear nectar neutron star new year new zealand dollar nightjar nightwear nonsmoking car north star northern white cedar nougat bar nuphar nut bar nutrient agar oar ocular odovacar odovakar off year opera star operatic star oral smear oregon cedar oscar ottar outer ear outerwear oyster bar pace car palace car panda bear pandar pap smear papanicolaou smear par paraduodenal smear parlor car parlour car particular passenger car patrol car peanut bar pear pedlar peloponnesian war pencil cedar perpendicular perpetual calendar persian gulf war peter medawar philippine cedar pillar pinch bar pindar pine tar pinion and ring gear planet gear planetary gear platonic year polar bear polar star polestar police car political commissar polo-neck collar poplar port orford cedar portuguese man-of-war prairie star premolar price war prickly pear prisoner of war prowl car pry bar pullman car pulsar qatar qintar quasar race car racing car radar railcar railroad car railway car ravi shankar realgar rear red cedar red dwarf star red giant star reduction gear refined sugar refrigerator car registrar regular rent-a-car republic of madagascar revolutionary calendar rhodes scholar ripping bar river pear roar rock of gibraltar rock star roman calendar roman collar root cellar rule of grammar russo-japanese war sabbatical year safar salad bar salmo salar saltcellar sambar samovar sand bar sand dollar sandbar saphar savitar scalar scapular scar schmear scholar school year scimitar scout car sea-ear sea star seckel pear second gear second world war secpar secretary of war selar seminar serpent star seven years' war shankar shear shmear shofar shooting star shophar sidebar sidecar sidereal year silver-leaved poplar silver dollar silver star simon bolivar simple sugar singapore dollar singular sir edward elgar sir james dewar sir peter brian medawar sirdar sitar six day war skunk bear sleeping car slice bar sloop of war slop jar sloth bear smear smoking car snack bar soar solar calendar solar year sonar southern red cedar southern white cedar southern yemeni dinar space bar spanish-american war spanish cedar spanish war spar spear spectacular sport car sports car sportswear spun sugar spur gear sputum smear squad car stable gear stall bar star state of katar state of qatar state of war steel guitar steering gear stinking cedar stock car stockcar storm cellar strait of gibraltar streetcar subcompact car sugar sun gear surface search radar susan b anthony dollar sushi bar swamp poplar sweep oar sweetbriar syrian bear t-bar taiwan dollar tank car tar tartar tatar tear teddy bear television star templar tent caterpillar texas star thenar third gear thirty years' war three-dimensional radar time of year tollbar tornado cellar touring car tow car towel bar track star trafalgar tramcar trench mortar trichobezoar trinidad and tobago dollar trochlear trojan war trolley car tropical year true cedar tsar tug-of-war tulip poplar tunisian dinar turko-tatar turtleneck collar tussock caterpillar tuvalu dollar tv star tzar ulaanbaatar underwear united states dollar uproar vaginal smear var variable star veadar vernacular vestibule of the ear vicar vidar vietnam war vina del mar vinegar vithar war war to end war warning of war wash-and-wear wear wear and tear weather radar weimar western balsam poplar western red cedar wet bar wheatear white cedar white dwarf star white feldspar white friar white poplar wild boar wild medlar wine bar wine cellar wine vinegar wood sugar wood tar wood vinegar woodland star woody pear woolly bear woolly bear caterpillar world war worm gear wrecking bar year yellow cedar yellow poplar yemeni dinar yesteryear yom kippur war yugoslavian dinar zaar zanzibar zimbabwean dollar Overview of noun ar The noun ar has 2 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. argon, Ar atomic number 18 -- (a colorless and odorless inert gas; one of the six inert gases; comprises approximately 1% of the earth's atmosphere) 2. Arkansas, Land of Opportunity, AR -- (a state in south central United States; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War) Grep of adj ars arsenical arsenious in arrears wet behind the ears Overview of noun ar The noun ar has 2 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. argon, Ar atomic number 18 -- (a colorless and odorless inert gas; one of the six inert gases; comprises approximately 1% of the earth's atmosphere) 2. Arkansas, Land of Opportunity, AR -- (a state in south central United States; one of the Confederate states during the American Civil War)
ars definition