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more about altos


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Alto  \Al"to\,  n.;  pl  {Altos}.  [It.  alto  high,  fr  L.  altus.  Cf 
  1.  (Mus.)  Formerly  the  part  sung  by  the  highest  male,  or 
  counter-tenor,  voices;  now  the  part  sung  by  the  lowest 
  female,  or  contralto,  voices,  between  in  tenor  and 
  soprano.  In  instrumental  music  it  now  signifies  the  tenor. 
  2.  An  alto  singer. 
  {Alto  clef}  (Mus.)  the  counter-tenor  clef,  or  the  C  clef, 
  placed  so  that  the  two  strokes  include  the  middle  line  of 
  the  staff.  --Moore. 

more about altos