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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Among  \A*mong"\,  Amongst  \A*mongst"\,  prep.  [OE.  amongist 
  amonges  amonge  among,  AS  onmang  ongemang  gemang  in  a 
  crowd  or  mixture.  For  the  ending  -st  see  {Amidst}.  See 
  1.  Mixed  or  mingled;  surrounded  by 
  They  heard,  And  from  his  presence  hid  themselves 
  among  The  thickest  trees.  --Milton. 
  2.  Conjoined,  or  associated  with  or  making  part  of  the 
  number  of  in  the  number  or  class  of 
  Blessed  art  thou  among  women.  --Luke  i.  28. 
  3.  Expressing  a  relation  of  dispersion,  distribution,  etc.; 
  also  a  relation  of  reciprocal  action 
  What  news  among  the  merchants?  --Shak. 
  Human  sacrifices  were  practiced  among  them  --Hume. 
  Divide  that  gold  amongst  you  --Marlowe. 
  Whether  they  quarreled  among  themselves,  or  with 
  their  neighbors.  --Addison. 
  Syn:  Amidst;  between.  See  {Amidst},  {Between}.