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  4  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Arrive  \Ar*rive"\,  v.  t. 
  1.  To  bring  to  shore.  [Obs.] 
  And  made  the  sea-trod  ship  arrive  them  --Chapman. 
  2.  To  reach;  to  come  to  [Archaic] 
  Ere  he  arrive  the  happy  isle.  --Milton. 
  Ere  we  could  arrive  the  point  proposed.  --Shak. 
  Arrive  at  last  the  blessed  goal.  --Tennyson. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Arrive  \Ar*rive"\,  n. 
  Arrival.  [Obs.]  --Chaucer. 
  How  should  I  joy  of  thy  arrive  to  hear!  --Drayton. 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Arrive  \Ar*rive"\,  v.  i.  [imp.  &  p.  p.  {Arrived};  p.  pr  &  vb 
  n.  {Arriving}.]  [OE.  ariven  to  arrive,  land,  OF  ariver,  F. 
  arriver,  fr  LL  arripare  adripare  to  come  to  shore;  L.  ad 
  +  ripa  the  shore  or  sloping  bank  of  a  river.  Cf  {Riparian}.] 
  1.  To  come  to  the  shore  or  bank.  In  present  usage:  To  come  in 
  progress  by  water,  or  by  traveling  on  land;  to  reach  by 
  water  or  by  land;  --  followed  by  at  (formerly  sometimes  by 
  to),  also  by  in  and  from  ``Arrived  in  Padua.''  --Shak. 
  [[AE]neas]  sailing  with  a  fleet  from  Sicily,  arrived 
  .  .  .  and  landed  in  the  country  of  Laurentum 
  There  was  no  outbreak  till  the  regiment  arrived  at 
  Ipswich.  --Macaulay. 
  2.  To  reach  a  point  by  progressive  motion;  to  gain  or  compass 
  an  object  by  effort,  practice,  study,  inquiry,  reasoning, 
  or  experiment. 
  {To  arrive  at},  or  attain  to 
  When  he  arrived  at  manhood.  --Rogers. 
  We  arrive  at  knowledge  of  a  law  of  nature  by  the 
  generalization  of  facts.  --McCosh. 
  If  at  great  things  thou  wouldst  arrive.  --Milton. 
  3.  To  come  said  of  time;  as  the  time  arrived. 
  4.  To  happen  or  occur.  [Archaic] 
  Happy!  to  whom  this  glorious  death  arrives. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  v  1:  reach  a  destination;  arrive  by  movement  or  by  making 
  progress;  "She  arrived  home  at  7  o'clock";  "He  got  into 
  college";  "She  didn't  get  to  Chicago  until  after 
  midnight"  [syn:  {get},  {come}]  [ant:  {leave}] 
  2:  succeed  in  a  big  way  get  to  the  top  "After  he  published 
  his  book,  he  had  arrived";  "I  don't  know  whether  I  can 
  make  it  in  science!";  "You  will  go  far  my  boy!"  [syn:  {make 
  it},  {get  in},  {go  far}] 

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