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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Jargon  File  (4.2.3,  23  NOV  2000)  [jargon]: 
  boink  /boynk/  [Usenet:  variously  ascribed  to  the  TV  series 
  Cheers"  "Moonlighting",  and  "Soap"]  1.  v.  To  have  sex  with  compare 
  {bounce},  sense  3.  (This  is  mainstream  slang.)  In  Commonwealth  hackish 
  the  variant  `bonk'  is  more  common.  2.  n.  After  the  original  Peter  Korn 
  `Boinkon'  {Usenet}  parties,  used  for  almost  any  net  social  gathering, 
  e.g.,  Miniboink  a  small  boink  held  by  Nancy  Gillett  in  1988;  Minniboink 
  a  Boinkcon  in  Minnesota  in  1989;  Humpdayboinks  Wednesday  get-togethers 
  held  in  the  San  Francisco  Bay  Area.  Compare  {@-party}.  3.  Var  of 
  `bonk';  see  {bonk/oif}. 
  From  The  Free  On-line  Dictionary  of  Computing  (13  Mar  01)  [foldoc]: 
  /boynk/  [{Usenet}:  variously  ascribed  to  the  TV  series 
  Cheers"  "Moonlighting",  and  "Soap"]  1.  To  have  sex  with 
  compare  {bounce}.  (This  is  mainstream  slang.)  In  Commonwealth 
  hackish  the  variant  bonk"  is  more  common. 
  2.  After  the  original  Peter  Korn  Boinkon"  {Usenet}  parties, 
  used  for  almost  any  net  social  gathering,  e.g.  Miniboink  a 
  small  boink  held  by  Nancy  Gillett  in  1988;  Minniboink  a 
  Boinkcon  in  Minnesota  in  1989;  Humpdayboinks  Wednesday 
  get-togethers  held  in  the  San  Francisco  Bay  Area. 
  Compare  {@-party}. 
  3.  Variant  of  "bonk";  see  {bonk/oif}. 
  [{Jargon  File}]