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ces definition
ces |
Grep of noun ces actinomyces alces alces alces appurtenances armed forces auspices blastomyces braces cesar chavez cesar estrada chavez cesar ritz cesare borgia cesarean cesarean delivery cesarean section cesarian cesarian section cesium cesium 137 cessation cession cesspit cesspool cestida cestidae cestoda cestode cestrum cestrum diurnum cestrum nocturnum cestum cestum veneris circumstances coma berenices conveniences dacrymyces department of health and human services devices eumeces faeces fasces fauces feces finances genus actinomyces genus alces genus blastomyces genus dacrymyces genus eumeces genus macrozoarces genus saccharomyces genus schizosaccharomyces genus streptomyces genus strobilomyces genus zoarces health and human services inner resources labor resources lady's laces land resources las cruces macrozoarces maritime provinces market forces mineral resources national academy of sciences natural resources naval forces pisces rising prices saccharomyces schizosaccharomyces secretary of health and human services services special forces streptomyces strobilomyces u. s. army special forces use of goods and services van der waal's forces zoarces Grep of noun ce aberrance abeyance abhorrence abidance abience about-face absence absolute space absorptance abstinence abundance acceptance accidence accomplice accordance ace acid-base balance acoustic device acoustic impedance acoustic reactance acoustic resistance acquaintance acquiescence acquittance active voice adamance adherence adience admission price admittance adolescence adult intelligence advance advertence advice aerodynamic force aerospace affluence afterpiece aioli sauce air force air reconnaissance airforce airspace alfred russel wallace allegiance allemande sauce alliance allice allowance allspice alsace altarpiece ambiance ambience ambivalence ambrose bierce ambrose gwinett bierce ambulance american licorice american liquorice american plaice american war of independence amerindian race analysis of variance analytical balance anatole france anatomical reference anchovy sauce angle of incidence angular distance ankle brace annoyance annuity in advance antecedence aortic orifice apache dance apache devil dance apium graveolens dulce apothecaries' ounce appearance appetence apple juice apple sauce applesauce appliance applied science apprentice appurtenance apricot sauce armed service armistice arms race arrogance article of commerce artifice artificial intelligence ascendance ascendence asking price assistance associate in applied science assonance assurance astringence attendance attractive force audience auspice autofluorescence automobile insurance automobile race avarice avoidance bachelor of arts in library science bachelor of naval science bachelor of science back brace back entrance balance ballroom dance banker's acceptance barbecue sauce baritone voice barn dance bass voice beam balance beatrice bechamel sauce beggar's lice beggar lice belligerence belly dance benefice beneficence benevolence benjamin peirce bibb lettuce bicycle race bid price bierce big-cone spruce big science biological science bioluminescence biomedical science birefringence birth control device birthplace black ice black prince black race black spruce blackface blank space blast furnace boat race bobbin lace bocce bodice body substance bold face boldface bolognese pasta sauce bonce bootlace borderline intelligence boston lettuce bounce bourguignon sauce box office brace brain science bravais lattice breach of the peace bread sauce break dance breathing device breathing place breathing space brewer's spruce bride price brilliance brisance brown onion sauce brown rice brown sauce bruce brussels lace bubble dance buckingham palace bullace bunce burgundy sauce bus service business office butterhead lettuce cable television service cadence california allspice camphor ice canadian province cancer juice capacitance caper sauce capital of france capital of greece caprice car insurance car race carapace carolina allspice carrot juice cash advance caucasian race caucasoid race ce cease cease-fire cease and desist order ceaselessness cebidae cebu cebu city cebu maguey cebuan cebuano cebuella cebuella pygmaea cebus cebus capucinus cecal appendage cecidomyidae cecil b. de mille cecil blount de mille cecil j. rhodes cecil john rhodes cecil rhodes cecil scott forester cecity cecropia cecropia moth cecropia peltata cecropiaceae cecum cedar cedar-apple rust cedar chest cedar elm cedar mahogany cedar nut cedar of goa cedar of lebanon cedar rapids cedar tree cedar waxwing cedarbird cedarwood cedi cedilla ceding ceding back cedrela cedrela calantas cedrela odorata cedrus cedrus atlantica cedrus deodara cedrus libani cefadroxil cefobid cefoperazone cefotaxime ceftazidime ceftin ceftriaxone cefuroxime ceiba ceiba pentandra ceiba tree ceibo ceiling celandine celandine poppy celastraceae celastric articulatus celastrus celastrus orbiculatus celastrus scandens celebes celebrant celebrater celebration celebrator celebrex celebrity celecoxib celeriac celerity celery celery-leaved buttercup celery-topped pine celery blight celery cabbage celery pine celery root celery salt celery seed celery stick celery top pine celesta celestial body celestial city celestial equator celestial globe celestial guidance celestial horizon celestial latitude celestial longitude celestial mechanics celestial navigation celestial orbit celestial point celestial pole celestial sphere celestite celiac artery celiac disease celiac trunk celibacy celibate celiocentesis celioma celioscopy cell cell-mediated immune response cell death cell division cell membrane cell nucleus cell organ cell theory cell wall cellar cellarage cellaret cellblock cellini cellist cello cellophane cellular division cellular inclusion cellular phone cellular respiration cellular slime mold cellular telephone cellularity cellulite cellulitis celluloid cellulose cellulose acetate cellulose ester cellulose nitrate cellulose tape cellulose triacetate cellulose xanthate cellulosic celom celoma celosia celosia argentea celosia argentea cristata celosia cristata celsius celsius scale celt celtic celtic cross celtic deity celtic language celtis celtis australis celtis laevigata celtis occidentalis celtuce cembra nut cembra nut tree cement cement mixer cementite cementum cemetery cenchrus cenchrus ciliaris cenchrus tribuloides cenobite cenogenesis cenotaph cenozoic cenozoic era censer censor censoring censorship censure census census bureau census taker cent cental centare centaur centaurea centaurea americana centaurea cineraria centaurea cyanus centaurea gymnocarpa centaurea imperialis centaurea moschata centaurea nigra centaurea scabiosa centaurea solstitialis centauria calcitrapa centaurium centaurium calycosum centaurium minus centaurium scilloides centaurus centaury centavo centenarian centenary centennial centennial state center center bit center field center fielder center for disease control center line center of attention center of curvature center of gravity center of mass center spread centerboard centerfield centerfold centering centerline centerpiece centesimo centesis centigrade scale centigrade thermometer centile centiliter centilitre centime centimeter centimetre centimo centipede centner central central africa central african republic central african republic franc central america central american central american country central american nation central american strap fern central artery of the retina central bank central body central chimpanzee central city central dravidian central gyrus central heating central intelligence agency central nervous system central office central park central processing unit central processor central standard time central sulcus central thai central time central vein of retina central vein of suprarenal gland central veins of liver central vision centralisation centrality centralization centranthus centranthus ruber centrarchid centrarchidae centre centre bit centre of curvature centre of gravity centre spread centreboard centred centrefold centrepiece centrex centrifugal force centrifugal pump centrifugation centrifuge centriole centripetal acceleration centripetal force centriscidae centrist centrocercus centrocercus urophasianus centroid centrolobium centrolobium robustum centromere centropistes striata centropomidae centropomus centropristis centropristis philadelphica centropus centropus phasianinus centropus sinensis centrosema centrosema virginianum centrosome centrospermae centrum centunculus centurion century century plant ceo cephalalgia cephalanthera cephalanthera rubra cephalaspid cephalaspida cephalexin cephalhematoma cephalic index cephalic vein cephalitis cephalobidae cephalochordata cephalochordate cephaloglycin cephalohematoma cephalopod cephalopod mollusk cephalopoda cephalopterus cephalopterus ornatus cephaloridine cephalosporin cephalotaceae cephalotaxaceae cephalotaxus cephalothin cephalotus cephalotus follicularis cepheus cepphus cepphus columba cepphus grylle cer cerambycidae ceramic ceramic ware ceramicist ceramics ceramist cerapteryx cerapteryx graminis ceras cerastes cerastes cornutus cerastium cerastium alpinum cerastium arvense cerastium tomentosum cerate ceratin ceratitis ceratitis capitata ceratodontidae ceratodus ceratonia ceratonia siliqua ceratopetalum ceratopetalum gummiferum ceratophyllaceae ceratophyllum ceratopogon ceratopogonidae ceratopsia ceratopsian ceratopsidae ceratopteris ceratopteris pteridioides ceratopteris thalictroides ceratosaur ceratosaurus ceratostomataceae ceratostomella ceratostomella ulmi ceratotherium ceratotherium simum ceratozamia cerberus cercaria cercidiphyllaceae cercidiphyllum cercidiphyllum japonicum cercidium cercidium floridum cercis cercis canadenis cercis occidentalis cercocebus cercopidae cercopithecidae cercopithecus cercopithecus aethiops cercopithecus aethiops pygerythrus cercopithecus aethiops sabaeus cercopithecus talapoin cercospora cercospora kopkei cercosporella cereal cereal bowl cereal box cereal grass cereal oat cerebellar artery cerebellar vein cerebellum cerebral aneurysm cerebral aqueduct cerebral artery cerebral cortex cerebral death cerebral hemisphere cerebral hemorrhage cerebral mantle cerebral palsy cerebral thrombosis cerebral vein cerebration cerebrospinal fever cerebrospinal fluid cerebrospinal meningitis cerebrovascular accident cerebrum cerecloth cerement ceremonial ceremonial dance ceremonial occasion ceremoniousness ceremony ceres ceresin cereus ceriman cerise cerium cerivastatin cero cerotic acid ceroxylon ceroxylon alpinum ceroxylon andicola cerriped cerripede cert certainty certhia certhia americana certhia familiaris certhiidae certificate certificate of deposit certificate of incorporation certificate of indebtedness certification certified check certified cheque certified milk certified public accountant certiorari certitude cerulean cerulean blue cerumen cerussite cervantes cervantes saavedra cervical artery cervical canal cervical cap cervical disc syndrome cervical glands cervical glands of the uterus cervical nerve cervical plexus cervical root syndrome cervical smear cervical vein cervical vertebra cervicitis cervicofacial actinomycosis cervid cervidae cervix cervix uteri cervus cervus canadensis cervus elaphus cervus nipon cervus sika cervus unicolor ceryle ceryle alcyon cesar chavez cesar estrada chavez cesar ritz cesare borgia cesarean cesarean delivery cesarean section cesarian cesarian section cesium cesium 137 cessation cession cesspit cesspool cestida cestidae cestoda cestode cestrum cestrum diurnum cestrum nocturnum cestum cestum veneris cetacea cetacean cetacean mammal cetchup ceterach ceterach officinarum cetonia cetonia aurata cetoniidae cetorhinidae cetorhinus cetorhinus maximus cetraria cetraria islandica cetrimide cetus ceylon ceylon bowstring hemp ceylon cinnamon ceylon cinnamon tree ceylon gooseberry ceylonite cezanne chainlink fence chalice chamber of commerce chance change-of-pace chapel service character reference chariot race charles franklin peirce charles peirce cheekpiece cheese sauce chemical balance chemical defence chemical mace chemical science chemiluminescence chess piece chest voice chicken and rice chief justice child welfare service chili sauce chimneypiece chinese brown sauce chinese fried rice choc-ice chocolate sauce choice christian science chronological sequence church service cicatrice circe circumference circumstance circumstantial evidence civil disobedience civil service claiming race clairvoyance clare booth luce clear-air turbulence clearance clock face clog dance closing price co-occurrence coalescence coalface cockatrice cocktail sauce codpiece coefficient of concordance coexistence cogent evidence cognitive science cognizance coherence coincidence coinsurance color force colorado blue spruce colorado spruce combat intelligence comeupance comeuppance command guidance command line interface commerce committal service common lettuce commonplace communications intelligence compact disc write-once comparative negligence competence complacence complaisance complex absence complex sentence compliance compound sentence computer science computing device concert dance concomitance concordance concupiscence concurrence concurrent negligence conditioned avoidance condolence conductance conference confidence confluence conformance congruence connivance conscience consequence consistence consonance conspiracy of silence continence continuance contraceptive device contributory negligence contrivance control surface convalescence convenience convergence conversance conversation piece conveyance copper glance coppice coral necklace coreference coriolis force corn dance cornice corpulence correspondence corroborating evidence cos lettuce cost-of-living allowance cotes de provence countenance counterbalance counterintelligence country-dance coup de grace covalence covariance cowardice cranberry juice cranberry sauce crapulence crawl space crawlspace cream sauce creation science credence crevice criminal negligence crisphead lettuce cross-reference crosspiece crown prince crystal lattice culpable negligence cultivated rice current intelligence curry sauce cut price cyberspace d. h. lawrence dace dalliance dance dance palace data input device date of reference david bruce david herbert lawrence day of remembrance decadence decalescence declaration of independence declarative sentence declaratory sentence deed of conveyance deep space defence defence force defense force deference defervescence defiance dehiscence deliberate defence deliverance deltoid eminence demiglace dental appliance dental practice dentifrice department of commerce department of computer science department of justice dependance dependence depreciation allowance despondence detergence deterrence detonating device deuce deuce-ace deviance device dice difference diffidence digestive juice diligence dinner service diplomatic service direct evidence disability insurance disappearance disc space discontinuance discordance disgrace disinheritance disk space disobedience disservice dissidence dissilience dissonance distance disturbance disturbance of the peace divergence divine office divine service divorce divulgence doctor of science domestic science dominance douglas spruce dramatic performance drift ice driving force dry ice duce duck sauce dunce durance dynamic balance e. o. lawrence earpiece earth's surface earth science eastern spruce eating place ebullience ecclesiastical benefice economic science edgar wallace edifice effervescence efflorescence effluence effulgence eightpence elastance elastic device electric-arc furnace electric furnace electric resistance electrical device electrical disturbance electrical elastance electrical line of force electrical resistance electrolyte balance electromechanical device electromotive force electron paramagnetic resonance electron spin resonance electronic balance electronic device electronic information service electronic reconnaissance electronic surveillance electronics intelligence elegance elmer leopold rice elmer rice eloquence embrace emergence eminence emotional disturbance employment office enclosed space encumbrance endurance engelmann's spruce engelmann spruce engineering science entrance environmental science equivalence ernest orlando lawrence essence esurience euclidean space eurydice evanescence even chance evidence excellence excrescence exercise device existence exorbitance expedience experience explosive device extension service external orifice extravagance exuberance eyepiece face factory price faience faineance fair-maids-of-france false face false pretence fan dance farce farmplace federal office fence fer-de-lance fiance fibonacci sequence field of force fifty-cent piece film advance finance fire insurance fireplace first appearance fish slice fivepence flag of truce flamboyance flatulence fleece florence florescence flotation device flounce flowering quince fluid ounce fluidounce fluorescence focal distance foeniculum dulce foeniculum vulgare dulce folk dance foot race footrace forbearance forbiddance force foreign office foreign service fourpence fowling piece fragrance frame of reference france franklin pierce fraudulence freelance french foreign office frequence fried rice frog's lettuce front entrance frontal eminence frontispiece frozen orange juice fruit juice fudge sauce fugitive from justice funeral-residence fur-piece furnace furtherance game of chance garden lettuce garlic sauce gas furnace gas service gastric juice gathering place genetic science genus phyllodoce genus prionace geometric pace geophysical science gertrude lawrence ghost dance gianni versace glance golden fleece gothic romance governance government office governor's race grace grandiloquence grandniece grape juice grapefruit juice graphical user interface gravitational force gray substance great-niece greece greenpeace grey substance grievance grimace ground substance guidance guilty conscience gulf of saint lawrence gulf of st lawrence hairpiece happenstance happy chance hard sauce harness race harvest-lice hasty defence head lettuce head lice head voice headpiece headrace headspace health insurance hearsay evidence henry luce henry robinson luce herb of grace hesitance hiding place high finance high renaissance hilbert space hindrance hobson's choice hoisin sauce holding device holy place home appliance home office homing device horace horizontal surface horse race horseradish sauce hospice hot-fudge sauce hot sauce household appliance human face human race hungarian sauce hunter's sauce hurdle race hyperfocal distance hypnotic trance ice iceberg lettuce iditarod trail dog sled race ignorance il duce ile-de-france ill service illuminance imaginary place imbalance immanence imminence immunofluorescence impatience impedance impendence impenitence impermanence impertinence importance impotence improvidence imprudence impudence impuissance inadvertence incalescence incandescence incidence incipience incoherence incompetence inconsequence incontinence inconvenience incumbrance incurrence independence indian lettuce indian race indian rice indifference indigence indirect evidence indirect immunofluorescence indolence inductance indulgence inelegance inertial guidance inexpedience inexperience inference inflorescence influence information science inherence inheritance injustice innocence insentience insignificance insistence insolence insouciance instance insurance intelligence intemperance intercellular substance interdependence interface interference intergalactic space intermittence internal revenue service international court of justice interplanetary space interpretative dance interpretive dance interrogative sentence interstellar space interstice intestinal juice intolerance intransigence intrauterine device intumescence invariance invisible balance invoice iridescence irrelevance irreverence issuance itallian rice james augustine aloysius joyce james joyce japan allspice japanese allspice japanese quince jaundice jounce joyce jubilance juice jumping-off place jurisprudence just-noticeable difference justice justice of the peace juvenescence king of france kiss of peace kitchen appliance knee brace knee piece knight's service labor force lace lactose intolerance lamb's lettuce lance land office landing place laplace latinesce lattice launce law practice lawrence leaf lettuce least resistance leave of absence left-luggage office lemon juice length of service lenience leontyne price lettuce libra the balance library science licence licorice life assurance life force life insurance life office life science lifting device light source lime juice line of defence line of force line of least resistance lip service liquid body substance liquorice list price little office living space living substance loan office local post office logistic assistance long-distance long-sufferance longways dance loose-leaf lettuce loose sentence lorentz force lovelace lubricating substance luce luminance luminescence lurking place luxuriance lyonnaise sauce lysine intolerance mace magnetic force magnetic line of force magnetic resonance magnetomotive force magnificence magniloquence mail service main office maintenance make-peace maleficence malevolence malfeasance malheur wire lettuce malice malignance malpractice man of science mantelpiece mantlepiece market price marketplace marquis de laplace marriage of convenience mary leontyne price masking piece master of arts in library science master of library science master of science master race masterpiece material resource maule's quince mean distance measuring device mechanical device medical practice medical science meeting place memory device memory trace menace mental balance mental disturbance mesalliance method of choice metric space microbalance middle distance militance military force military pace military police military science military service milk intolerance millrace mince miner's lettuce minister of finance mint sauce misalliance mischance misfeasance mitigating circumstance modern dance monetary resource mongolian race mongoloid race monitoring device monitrice monstrance moral excellence moral force mornay sauce morris dance mortice mountain rice mouthpiece multivalence munificence mushroom sauce mushroom win sauce musical instrument digital interface musical performance mustard sauce mutual inductance mutual resemblance nance narrow-leaved reedmace nascence national assistance national insurance national park service national weather service natural resource natural science nautch dance neck brace necklace neckpiece negligence negro race negroid race nescience nesting place neuroscience newburg sauce news conference nez perce nice niece ninepence nitrogen balance nonacceptance nonappearance nonattendance nonce nonchalance noncompliance nonconformance nonequivalence nonexistence nonfeasance nonindulgence noninterference nonobservance nonoccurrence nonperformance nonresistance nonverbal intelligence nonviolence nonviolent resistance norway spruce nosepiece notice novice nuance nuclear magnetic resonance nuclear resonance nuisance null space nurturance obedience obeisance observance obsolescence obstacle race obstinance obstruction of justice occipital protuberance occurrence off-licence offence offer price office ohmic resistance oil-water interface oil furnace old-age insurance omnipotence omnipresence omniscience opalescence open-air marketplace open fireplace optical device opulence orange juice ordinance ordnance oriental spruce orifice ounce outer space oval office overabundance overconfidence overflow incontinence overindulgence overtolerance pace pack ice palace paleface pancreatic juice papaya juice paprika sauce parallel interface parking space parlance passive resistance passive voice pasta sauce patent office path of least resistance patience patterned advance paved surface peace peach sauce peacock flower fence pecuniary resource peirce penance penitence pepper sauce perceptual experience performance pericardial space period piece periodic sentence peripheral device permanence perseverance persistence personnel office pertinence pestilence peter's pence petulance phone service phosphorescence phyllodoce physical science picket fence picture palace piece piece de resistance pierce pieris protodice pierre simon de laplace pillow lace pineapple juice pinnace pipe of peace piquance pithecellobium dulce pittance place placement office plaice pleasance pleural space ploce plum sauce poetic justice poignance point lace point of reference point source poisonous substance poker face police police force police office polished rice political science polling place polyvalence ponce populace port-au-prince post office postal service potato race potential difference poultice pounce power service practice prance prayer service precedence precipice precipitance predominance preeminence preexistence preface preference prejudice prentice preponderance prepuce prescience presence president pierce press conference pretence pretrial conference prevalence price prickly lettuce pride of place prince principle of equivalence prionace private security force procurance produce projective device prominence prophylactic device prosthetic device proton magnetic resonance protuberance provenance provence providence province prudence prurience pseudoscience psychoactive substance psychological science pubescence public service public violence puce puddingface puffed rice puissance pumice purace purchase price pure absence pursuance purulence purveyance putrescence quadric surface quasi-stellar radio source queen anne's lace quiescence quince quintessence quittance race radiance radio source rail fence rain dance rat race reactance real presence reappearance reassurance recalcitrance recce recognisance recognizance reconnaissance reconnaissance in force recrudescence recurrence red spruce redolence redundance reed mace reedmace reference reflectance refulgence regular recurrence regulatory offence reinsurance relative incidence relay race relevance reliance religious residence religious service religious trance reluctance remembrance reminiscence remittance remonstrance remoulade sauce renaissance renascence renewable resource repentance repugnance repulsive force rerebrace resemblance residence resilience resistance resonance resource resplendence resurgence retarding force reticence reverberance reverence rhetorical device rice richard horatio edgar wallace richard lovelace riddance ritual dance road surface robert the bruce robert william service romaine lettuce roman pace romance round-table conference round dance royal air force royal brace royal canadian mounted police rule of evidence run-on sentence sack race sacrifice sailing-race sailor's-choice sailors choice saint lawrence saint vitus dance sales force sales resistance salience sand lance sand launce sapience sauce saving grace scapegrace scarface scheduled maintenance science sconce scratch race sea lettuce seafood sauce seance secret police secret service secretary of commerce security force security intelligence seismic disturbance selective service self-assurance self-confidence self-defence self-importance self-inductance self-indulgence self-insurance self-reliance self-sacrifice self-service self acceptance selling price selling race semblance semiconductor device semitrance senate race senescence sense experience sense of balance sentence sentience sequence servant's entrance service service entrance set piece severance sexual practice shelf ice shipping office shoe lace shoelace showpiece showplace shrimp sauce siberian spruce side-glance side entrance signaling device signals intelligence significance silence silver-lace silver spruce silverlace simple absence singing voice sir david bruce sir thomas lawrence sir tim rice sir william wallace sixpence ski race skiing race skip distance skull practice slam dance slavic race slice sluice small computer system interface small voice snake-rail fence snake dance snake fence social assistance social insurance social science social service solace solar prominence solid body substance solstice somnolence song and dance source soy sauce space space lattice spaghetti sauce spanish rice spark advance specific performance sphere of influence spice splice spring balance spruce square dance st lawrence st vitus dance st lawrence staff office stake race stance stassano furnace state's evidence state of grace statice statutory offence steak sauce stem lettuce stone life face stoneface storage device storage space straight face strategic intelligence stress incontinence stridence strong force student residence subarachnoid space subclinical absence submergence subsequence subservience subsidence subsistence subspace substance succulence sufferance summer solstice sun dance sunk fence superabundance superintendence surface surplice surveillance survivors insurance sustenance swap space sword dance symploce t. e. lawrence tabasco sauce table service taco sauce tactical intelligence tailpiece tailrace tank furnace tap dance target practice tarriance tartar sauce tartare sauce task force tax avoidance tea service teleconference telemetry intelligence telephone service temperance tenor voice tenpence terce terence term insurance term of office terrace terrain intelligence terrestrial guidance theatrical performance theory of inheritance thomas edward lawrence thought transference thrace threepence ticket office tierce timeless existence timepiece timothy miles bindon rice tobacco juice toe dance tolerance tomato juice tomato sauce tone of voice tontine insurance topic sentence topological space torch race torsion balance tour de force tour de france trace trade acceptance trade balance trance transcendence transference transience translucence translucent substance transmittance transparence transparent substance travel allowance trial balance trice troy ounce truce truculence tuileries palace tumescence tumultuous disturbance tuppence turbulence tv audience two-piece twopence typeface ultraviolet source unauthorized absence unbalance underbodice undersurface unimportance united states secret service upper surface upset price urethral orifice urge incontinence urinary incontinence usance user interface utterance v-8 juice valance valence valiance valvular incompetence vambrace variance vatican palace vehemence vengeance venice verbal intelligence versace vertical surface vice viewing audience vigilance violence virginia fence virulence visible balance visual space vital force viva voce voice voice of conscience voidance volte-face vote of confidence wallace war dance war of american independence war of the grand alliance warning device water ice water lettuce watering place weak force wee small voice weeping spruce white lettuce white onion sauce white race white rice white sauce white spruce whiteface wild licorice wild liquorice wild rice wince wine sauce winter solstice wire service worcester sauce worcestershire sauce word of advice work force work surface workforce workpiece workplace workspace worm fence wry face x-linked dominant inheritance x-linked recessive inheritance yacht race year of grace yellow race yellow spruce zoological science Overview of noun ce The noun ce has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. cerium, Ce atomic number 58 -- (a ductile gray metallic element of the lanthanide series; used in lighter flints; the most abundant of the rare-earth group) Grep of adj ces cesarean cesarian cespitose in straitened circumstances Overview of noun ce The noun ce has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. cerium, Ce atomic number 58 -- (a ductile gray metallic element of the lanthanide series; used in lighter flints; the most abundant of the rare-earth group)
ces definition