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more about choicer


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Choice  \Choice\,  a.  [Compar.  {Choicer};  superl.  {Choicest}.] 
  1.  Worthly  of  being  chosen  or  preferred;  select;  superior; 
  precious;  valuable. 
  My  choicest  hours  of  life  are  lost.  --Swift. 
  2.  Preserving  or  using  with  care  as  valuable;  frugal;  -- 
  used  with  of  as  to  be  choice  of  time,  or  of  money. 
  3.  Selected  with  care  and  due  attention  to  preference; 
  deliberately  chosen. 
  Choice  word  measured  phrase.  --Wordsworth. 
  Syn:  Syn.  -  Select;  precious;  exquisite;  uncommon;  rare 
  chary;  careful/ 

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