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more about dunghill


  3  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Dunghill  \Dung"hill`\,  n. 
  1.  A  heap  of  dung. 
  2.  Any  mean  situation  or  condition;  a  vile  abode. 
  He  .  .  .  lifteth  up  the  beggar  from  the  dunghill.  -- 
  1.  Sam.  ii  8. 
  {Dunghill  fowl},  a  domestic  fowl  of  common  breed. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  n  1:  a  foul  or  degraded  condition 
  2:  a  heap  of  dung  or  refuse  [syn:  {midden},  {muckheap},  {muckhill}] 
  From  Easton's  1897  Bible  Dictionary  [easton]: 
  to  sit  on  a,  was  a  sign  of  the  deepest  dejection  (1  Sam.  2:8; 
  Ps  113:7;  Lam.  4:5). 

more about dunghill