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more about ftp


  5  definitions  found 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  n  :  (computer  science)  protocol  that  allows  users  to  copy  files 
  between  their  local  system  and  any  system  they  can  reach 
  on  the  network  [syn:  {file  transfer  protocol}] 
  v  :  use  the  File  Transfer  Protocol  to  transfer  data  from  one 
  computer  to  another;  "You  can  ftp  these  data" 
  From  Jargon  File  (4.2.3,  23  NOV  2000)  [jargon]: 
  FTP  /F-T-P/,  _not_  /fit'ip/  1.  [techspeak]  n.  The  File 
  Transfer  Protocol  for  transmitting  files  between  systems  on  the  Internet. 
  2.  vt  To  {beam}  a  file  using  the  File  Transfer  Protocol.  3.  Sometimes 
  used  as  a  generic  even  for  file  transfers  not  using  {FTP}.  "Lemme  get 
  a  copy  of  "Wuthering  Heights"  ftp'd  from  uunet." 
  From  The  Free  On-line  Dictionary  of  Computing  (13  Mar  01)  [foldoc]: 
  {File  Transfer  Protocol} 
  From  V.E.R.A.  --  Virtual  Entity  of  Relevant  Acronyms  13  March  2001  [vera]: 
  File  Transfer  Protocol  (Internet,  RFC  959) 
  From  V.E.R.A.  --  Virtual  Entity  of  Relevant  Acronyms  13  March  2001  [vera]: 
  Foiled  Twisted  Pair  [cable]  (UTP,  TP) 

more about ftp