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Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb go 14 of 30 senses of go Sense 1 travel, go move locomote => go around spread, circulate => carry => ease => whish => float => swap => seek => whine => fly => ride => come => ghost => betake oneself => pass over overfly => travel => wend => do => navigate => raft => get around get about => repair to resort to go to => cruise => travel, journey => come come up => round => trundle => travel purposefully => swing => wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond => walk, take the air => weave, wind, thread, meander, wander => forge, spurt, spirt => crawl, creep => scramble => slither, slide => wheel, roll => glide => bounce, jounce => breeze => float, drift, be adrift, blow => play => float, swim => walk => turn, move around => circle => slice into slice through => stray, err, drift => run => step => drive, motor => automobile => ski => fly, wing => steam => taxi => ferry => ride, sit => swim => rise, lift, arise, move up go up come up uprise => ascend, go up => descend, fall, go down come down => fall => zigzag, crank => follow travel along => advance, progress, pass on move on march on go on => withdraw, retreat, pull away draw back recede, pull back retire, move back => retrograde => proceed, go forward, continue => back => pan => follow => precede, lead => pursue, follow => return, go back get back come back => derail, jump, run off the rails => flock => accompany => billow => circulate => circle, circulate => angle => pass, go through go across => travel by pass by surpass, go past, go by pass => travel rapidly, speed, hurry, zip => speed => zoom => drive => rush, hotfoot, hasten, hie, speed, race, pelt along rush along cannonball along bucket along belt along => trail, trudge, shack => shuttle => hiss, whoosh => whisk => career => circuit => lance => outflank, go around => propagate => draw => transfer, change => swash => pace => step, tread => hurtle => retreat => whistle => island hop => plow, plough => lurch, stagger => rip, tear => sift => fall => drag => run => bang => precess => travel, move around => ride => snowshoe Sense 2 go proceed, move => work => venture, embark => steamroller, steamroll Sense 3 go go away depart => shove off shove along blow Sense 4 become go get => sober up sober => sober up sober => work => take effect => run => take => break => settle => come Sense 7 run, go pass, lead, extend => come => radiate, ray => go far go deep Sense 8 proceed, go => drag, drag on drag out => do fare, make out come get along Sense 11 sound, go => snarl => whistle, sing => blow => ting => make noise, resound, noise => splat => twang => clang, clangor => clank => clangor, clangour => boom, boom out => drum, beat thrum => rattle => tick, ticktock, ticktack, beat => resonate => tweet, twirp => skirl => gurgle => glug => blow => whish => guggle => ping => ping, knock => trump => squelch => chug => ring, peal => buzz, bombinate, bombilate => chime => rustle => snap, crack => crack => honk, blare, beep, claxon, toot => whistle => resound, echo, ring, reverberate => thud, thump => crump, thud, crunch, scrunch => clop, clump, clunk, plunk => patter, pitter-patter => tap, rap, knock, pink => click tick => chatter, click => pop => tinkle, tink, clink, chink => splash, splosh, slosh, slush => hum, thrum => bleep => rumble, grumble => boom, din => bang => ripple, babble, guggle, burble, bubble, gurgle => lap, swish, swosh => drone => whizz, whiz, whirr, whir, birr, purr => roll Sense 12 function, work operate, go run => double => roll => run => cut => service, serve Sense 15 survive, last live, live on go endure, hold up hold out => stand up hold up hold water => perennate => live out Sense 17 die, decease, perish, go exit pass away expire, pass => suffocate => buy it pip out => drown => kick the bucket, buy the farm, conk, drop dead, pop off choke, croak, snuff it => predecease => starve, famish => fall => succumb, yield Sense 20 start go get going => go on come up come on => get off the ground, take off Sense 21 move go => bluff, bluff out => stalemate => castle => serve => open => draw, cast => trump, ruff => maneuver, manoeuvre, operate => check Sense 26 fit go => joint Sense 30 fail go bad give way die, give out conk out go break, break down => crash, go down => blow out burn out blow => misfire => malfunction, misfunction Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb go 14 of 30 senses of go Sense 1 travel, go move locomote => go around spread, circulate => carry => ease => whish => float => ride => swap => thrash => seek => whine => fly => ride => come => ghost => betake oneself => pass over overfly => travel => fly => red-eye => hop => ride => chariot => bicycle, cycle, bike, pedal, wheel => backpedal => motorcycle, cycle => train, rail => sled, sleigh => bobsled, bob => toboggan, luge => boat => yacht => sail => run => luff, point => weather => beat => scud, rack => outpoint => tack, wear round => wear ship => jibe, gybe, jib, change course => row => feather, square => pull => scull => canoe => kayak => paddle => feather, square => taxi => bus => sledge => joyride, tool, tool around => hitchhike, hitch, thumb => snowmobile => piggyback => wend => do => navigate => astrogate => raft => get around get about => repair to resort to go to => cruise => stooge => travel, journey => sail => ship => ride => fly => cruise => come come up => emanate => flow out effuse => address, accost, come up to => greet, recognize, recognise => shake hands, wring hands => curtsy, bob => salute => salaam => salute, present => salute => hail, herald => welcome, receive => say farewell => dismiss, usher out => wish, bid => congratulate, felicitate => notice, acknowledge => approach => approach, come near => get on => approach, near come on go up draw near draw close come near => drive up => bear down on bear down upon => edge in edge up => close => push crowd => round => trundle => travel purposefully => swing => wander, swan, stray, tramp, roam, cast, ramble, rove, range, drift, vagabond => maunder => gallivant, gad, jazz around => walk, take the air => constitutionalize => weave, wind, thread, meander, wander => snake => forge, spurt, spirt => crawl, creep => ramp => scramble => slither, slide => wheel, roll => bowl => troll => glide => skid, slip, slue, slew, slide => submarine => skid => side-slip => coast => freewheel => skitter => snake => skate => ice skate => figure skate => spread-eagle => roller skate => skateboard => roller blade => plane, skim => aquaplane => aquaplane => surf => windsurf => bounce, jounce => breeze => float, drift, be adrift, blow => waft => tide => stream => play => float, swim => buoy => walk => tramp down trample, tread down => lollop => tap => stumble, falter, bumble => foot, leg it hoof, hoof it => toe => traipse, shlep => perambulate, walk about walk around => ambulate => sneak, mouse, creep, steal, pussyfoot => wade => puddle => swagger, ruffle, prance, strut, sashay, cock => pimproll => sleepwalk, somnambulate => slink => limp, hobble, hitch => shuffle, scuffle, shamble => scuff, drag => stroll, saunter => amble, mosey => prowl => skulk => toddle, coggle, totter, dodder, paddle, waddle => promenade, stroll => march => troop => stride => hike => tramp => treck => backpack, pack => slog, footslog, plod, trudge, pad, tramp => squelch, squish, splash, splosh, slosh, slop => tiptoe, tip, tippytoe => stalk => flounce => stagger, reel, keel, lurch, swag, careen => stagger, flounder => stomp, stamp, stump => lumber, pound => pace => tread, trample => treadle => slouch => mince => clump, clomp => march, process => file => parade, troop, promenade => countermarch => debouch, march out => turn, move around => circle => circumambulate, walk around => circumnavigate, compass => revolve around circle around circle round => slice into slice through => stray, err, drift => run => step => backpedal => goose step => drive, motor => automobile => ski => schuss => slalom => water ski => fly, wing => buzz => rack => flight => fly on => soar => hover => poise => steam => taxi => ferry => ride, sit => override => ride herd => outride => ride horseback => canter => gallop => trot => canter => gallop, extend => swim => fin, break water => fin => paddle => crawl => breaststroke => backstroke => skinny dip => dive => skin-dive => snorkel => rise, lift, arise, move up go up come up uprise => climb, climb up mount, go up => scale => escalade => ramp => mountaineer => ride => soar, soar up soar upwards, surge, zoom => billow, wallow => cloud => go up => rocket, skyrocket => uplift => chandelle => steam => rise, come up uprise, ascend => ascend, go up => surface, come up rise up rise => emerge => resurface => bubble up intumesce => well swell => uprise => descend, fall, go down come down => fall down drop down => prolapse => rappel, abseil, rope down => unhorse, dismount, light, get off get down => avalanche, roll down => dive, plunge, plunk => power-dive => nosedive => duck => crash-dive => sky dive, parachute => set go down go under => precipitate => sink, subside => crash => flop => tumble, topple => keel over => drop => plunge, dump => plummet, plump => flump, flump down => decline => dip, sink => subside => plop => pitch => alight, climb down => sink, settle, go down go under => subside, settle => founder => submerge, submerse => dive => belly-flop => jackknife => pounce, swoop => stoop => drip => cascade, cascade down => fall => zigzag, crank => follow travel along => heel => ascend => advance, progress, pass on move on march on go on => forge => creep up sneak up => encroach, infringe, impinge => press on push on plough on => string, string along => pass, overtake, overhaul => get by => clear, top => hop => close in draw in => edge, inch => ratchet, rachet up ratchet down => elapse, lapse, pass, slip by glide by slip away go by slide by go along => fly, fell, vanish => withdraw, retreat, pull away draw back recede, pull back retire, move back => recede, fall back retire => ebb, ebb away ebb down ebb out ebb off => retrograde, retreat => back up back off back down => retrograde => proceed, go forward, continue => head => take make => trace => roar => limp => wander => back => back out => pan => follow => lag, dawdle, fall back fall behind => drag, trail, get behind, hang back drop behind => tailgate => shadow => carry => precede, lead => lead, head => draw away => pursue, follow => stalk => chase, chase after trail, tail, tag, dog, go after track => quest => hound, hunt, trace => ferret => run down => haunt, stalk => return, go back get back come back => rise, uprise => revisit => trace, retrace => backtrack, turn back double back => cut back flash back => home => go home, head home => return => boomerang => bounce => derail, jump, run off the rails => flock => accompany => walk => trot => march => frogmarch => run, consort => escort, esquire => squire => safeguard => convoy => chaperone, chaperon => see escort => tag along => billow => circulate => drift => circle, circulate => orbit, revolve => retrograde => troll => loop => loop => angle => pass, go through go across => break through crack => squeak by squeak through => traverse, track, cover, cross, pass over get over get across cut through cut across => tramp => stride => walk => crisscross => ford => bridge => jaywalk => drive, take => hop => infiltrate, pass through => run => transit, pass through pass across pass over => cut => cut => crash => muscle => transgress, trespass, overstep => lock => make work => claw => jostle => bushwhack => cycle => cycle on => fumble => travel by pass by surpass, go past, go by pass => skirt => run by => fly by => zip by fly by whisk by => travel rapidly, speed, hurry, zip => flit, flutter, fleet, dart => butterfly => run => trot, jog, clip => scurry, scamper, skitter, scuttle => romp => run bases => streak => run => outrun => jog => sprint => lope => rush => hare => zoom, zoom along whizz, whizz along => speed => zoom => drive => pull => cut in => rush, hotfoot, hasten, hie, speed, race, pelt along rush along cannonball along bucket along belt along => barge, thrust ahead, push forward => tear, shoot, shoot down charge, buck => dart, dash, scoot, scud, flash, shoot => plunge => trail, trudge, shack => shuttle => hiss, whoosh => whisk => career => circuit => lance => outflank, go around => propagate => draw => transfer, change => swash => pace => canter => walk => single-foot, rack => gallop => rack => step, tread => step on tread on => hurtle => retreat => high-tail => whistle => island hop => plow, plough => lurch, stagger => rip, tear => sift => fall => drag => run => bang => precess => travel, move around => ride => snowshoe Sense 2 go proceed, move => work => venture, embark => steamroller, steamroll Sense 3 go go away depart => shove off shove along blow Sense 4 become go get => sober up sober => sober up sober => work => take effect => run => take => break => settle => come Sense 7 run, go pass, lead, extend => come => radiate, ray => go far go deep Sense 8 proceed, go => drag, drag on drag out => do fare, make out come get along Sense 11 sound, go => snarl => whistle, sing => blow => ting => make noise, resound, noise => sizzle => roar, howl => vroom => yawp, bawl => thunder => purl => honk, claxon => hum => crunch, scranch, scraunch, crackle => squeak, screech, creak, screak, skreak => racket => clatter, clack, brattle => stridulate, clitter => drown out => jingle, jinglejangle, jangle => scream => backfire => ring out => blast, blare => splat => twang => clang, clangor => clank => clangor, clangour => boom, boom out => drum, beat thrum => rattle => ruckle => crepitate, crackle => tick, ticktock, ticktack, beat => resonate => purr, make vibrant sounds => tweet, twirp => skirl => gurgle => glug => blow => whish => guggle => ping => ping, knock => trump => squelch => chug => ring, peal => ding, dong, dingdong => tintinnabulate => toll, peal => knell => buzz, bombinate, bombilate => chime => rustle => snap, crack => crack => honk, blare, beep, claxon, toot => tootle => whistle => resound, echo, ring, reverberate => reverberate, consonate => reecho => reecho => bong => thud, thump => crump, thud, crunch, scrunch => clop, clump, clunk, plunk => patter, pitter-patter => tap, rap, knock, pink => click tick => chatter, click => pop => sputter => tinkle, tink, clink, chink => splash, splosh, slosh, slush => hum, thrum => bleep => rumble, grumble => boom, din => bang => ripple, babble, guggle, burble, bubble, gurgle => lap, swish, swosh => drone => whizz, whiz, whirr, whir, birr, purr => roll Sense 12 function, work operate, go run => double => roll => run => cut => service, serve Sense 15 survive, last live, live on go endure, hold up hold out => stand up hold up hold water => perennate => live out Sense 17 die, decease, perish, go exit pass away expire, pass => suffocate => buy it pip out => drown => kick the bucket, buy the farm, conk, drop dead, pop off choke, croak, snuff it => predecease => starve, famish => fall => succumb, yield Sense 20 start go get going => go on come up come on => get off the ground, take off Sense 21 move go => bluff, bluff out => stalemate => castle => serve => ace => open => draw, cast => trump, ruff => overtrump => crossruff => maneuver, manoeuvre, operate => jockey => check Sense 26 fit go => joint Sense 30 fail go bad give way die, give out conk out go break, break down => crash, go down => blow out burn out blow => misfire => malfunction, misfunction => jam Entailment of verb go 2 of 30 senses of go Sense 15 survive, last live, live on go endure, hold up hold out => be live Sense 21 move go => play Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Frequency) of verb go 30 senses of go Sense 1 travel, go move locomote Also See-> go on#3; go up#5; go by#1; go off#1; go out#5; go by#2; go up#1; go to#1; go down#2; go down#7; go down#1; go under#1; go on#4; go around#2 Sense 2 go proceed, move => act move Sense 3 go go away depart => exit go out get out leave Sense 4 become go get => change state, turn Sense 5 go Sense 6 run, go => be Sense 7 run, go pass, lead, extend => be Sense 8 proceed, go => happen, hap, go on pass off occur, pass, come about take place Sense 9 go => disappear, vanish, go away Sense 10 go => be Sense 11 sound, go => cause to be perceived Sense 12 function, work operate, go run Sense 13 run low run short, go => end finish, terminate, cease Sense 14 move go run => change Sense 15 survive, last live, live on go endure, hold up hold out Sense 16 go Also See-> go with#3 Sense 17 die, decease, perish, go exit pass away expire, pass => change state, turn Sense 18 belong, go => be Sense 19 go => compare Sense 20 start go get going Sense 21 move go Sense 22 go Sense 23 go Sense 24 blend, go blend in => harmonize, harmonise, consort, accord, concord, fit in agree Sense 25 go lead => be Sense 26 fit go => fit Sense 27 rifle, go => search Sense 28 go Sense 29 plump, go => choose take select, pick out Sense 30 fail go bad give way die, give out conk out go break, break down => change Familiarity of verb go go used as a verb is very familiar (polysemy count = 30) Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning) of verb go Sense 13 run low run short, go => end finish, terminate, cease Sense 28 go -------------- Sense 17 die, decease, perish, go exit pass away expire, pass => change state, turn Sense 30 fail go bad give way die, give out conk out go break, break down => change -------------- Sense 24 blend, go blend in => harmonize, harmonise, consort, accord, concord, fit in agree Sense 26 fit go => fit -------------- Sense 1 travel, go move locomote -------------- Sense 2 go proceed, move => act move -------------- Sense 3 go go away depart => exit go out get out leave -------------- Sense 4 become go get => change state, turn -------------- Sense 5 go -------------- Sense 6 run, go => be -------------- Sense 7 run, go pass, lead, extend => be -------------- Sense 8 proceed, go => happen, hap, go on pass off occur, pass, come about take place -------------- Sense 9 go => disappear, vanish, go away -------------- Sense 10 go => be -------------- Sense 11 sound, go => cause to be perceived -------------- Sense 12 function, work operate, go run -------------- Sense 14 move go run => change -------------- Sense 15 survive, last live, live on go endure, hold up hold out -------------- Sense 16 go -------------- Sense 18 belong, go => be -------------- Sense 19 go => compare -------------- Sense 20 start go get going -------------- Sense 21 move go -------------- Sense 22 go -------------- Sense 23 go -------------- Sense 25 go lead => be -------------- Sense 27 rifle, go => search -------------- Sense 29 plump, go => choose take select, pick out -------------- Grep of noun go agrostemma githago albugo alexander archipelago alter ego anthericum liliago archipelago argo argonauta argo balibago bastard indigo belgian congo bingo bismarck archipelago blue false indigo bongo borago canis dingo capital of togo capital of trinidad and tobago cargo chicago chicken marengo colugo congo dago democratic republic of the congo dingo domingo doroteo arango durango ego embargo eringo eryngo false indigo false sago fandango fargo farrago filago flamingo french congo fuego galago galium mollugo gallinago gallinago gallinago genus albugo genus borago genus filago genus galago genus gallinago genus ginkgo genus loligo genus medicago genus plantago genus plumbago genus pongo genus pritzelago genus sillago genus solidago genus tussilago genus ustilago get-up-and-go gigo ginkgo give-and-go go go-ahead go-around go-between go-cart go-getter go-kart go-slow go board go fish go game goa goa bean goa bean vine goa powder goad goading goal goal-kick goal line goalie goalkeeper goalmouth goalpost goaltender goat goat's foot goat's rue goat antelope goat cheese goat grass goat rue goat willow goatee goatfish goatherd goatherder goats' milk goatsbeard goatsfoot goatskin goatsucker gob gobbet gobble gobbledygook gobbler gobi gobi desert gobiesocidae gobiesox gobiesox strumosus gobiidae gobio gobio gobio goblet goblet cell goblin gobs goby god god's acre god's will god's wisdom god almighty god of war god tree godard godchild goddard goddaughter goddess godfather godhead godiva godlessness godliness godmother godown godparent godsend godson godspeed godunov godwin austen godwit goebbels goer goering goeteborg goethals goethe goethite gofer goffer goggle-eye goggle box goggles gogh gogol goidelic going going-over going ashore going away going under goiter goitre goitrogen golan heights golconda gold gold-crowned kinglet gold-tail moth gold braid gold coast gold digger gold dust gold fern gold foil gold leaf gold medal gold mine gold miner gold of pleasure gold panner gold plate gold rush gold standard golda meir goldbeater goldberg goldbrick goldbricking goldcrest goldcup golden-beard penstemon golden-crested kinglet golden-eyed fly golden age golden algae golden aster golden barrel cactus golden boy golden buttons golden calf golden calla golden chain golden chinkapin golden clematis golden club golden crown beard golden crownbeard golden cup golden delicious golden eagle golden everlasting golden fairy lantern golden fern golden fig golden fleece golden gate golden gate bridge golden glow golden gram golden groundsel golden hamster golden handshake golden heather golden honey plant golden horde golden ironweed golden larch golden maidenhair golden marguerite golden mean golden mole golden oak mushroom golden oldie golden oriole golden parachute golden pea golden pheasant golden pholiota golden plover golden polypody golden pothos golden potto golden ragwort golden rain golden retriever golden rule golden saxifrage golden seal golden section golden shiner golden shower tree golden spleen golden star golden stars golden state golden syrup golden thistle golden thread golden trumpet golden warbler golden wattle golden wedding anniversary golden willow golden wonder millet golden yarrow goldenbush goldeneye goldenrod goldenseal goldfield goldfields goldfinch goldfish goldfish bowl goldie's fern goldie's shield fern goldie's wood fern goldilocks goldilocks aster golding goldman goldmark goldmine goldoni goldsmith goldstone goldthread goldworker goldwyn golem golf golf bag golf ball golf caddie golf cap golf cart golf club golf course golf equipment golf game golf glove golf hole golf lesson golf links golf player golf pro golf range golf shot golf stroke golf tee golf widow golfcart golfclub golfclub head golfer golfing golfo de mexico golgi golgi's cell golgi apparatus golgi body golgi cell golgi complex golgotha goliard goliath goliath frog golliwog golliwogg golosh gomel gomorrah gomorrha gompers gomphothere gomphotheriidae gomphotherium gomphrena gomphrena globosa gomuti gomuti palm gonad gonadotrophic hormone gonadotrophin gonadotropic hormone gonadotropin goncalo alves goncourt gond gondang wax gondi gondola gondola car gondolier gondoliere gondwanaland goner gong gong buoy goniometer gonion goniopteris gonne gonococcus gonorhynchidae gonorhynchus gonorhynchus gonorhynchus gonorrhea gonorrhoea goo goober goober pea good good-by good-bye good-for-naught good-for-nothing good-humoredness good-king-henry good-neighborliness good-neighbourliness good-temperedness good afternoon good authority good book good condition good day good deal good example good faith good form good fortune good friday good guy good health good humor good humour good humouredness good looks good luck good luck charm good manners good morning good nature good naturedness good night good part good person good samaritan good sense good shape good shepherd good speller good spirit good story good temper good turn good weather good will good word goodall goodby goodbye goodenia goodenia family goodeniaceae goodman goodness goods goodwill goody goody-goody goodyear goodyera goof goof-off goofing off goofy googly googol googolplex gook goon gooney gooney bird goonie goony goora nut goosander goose goose-tansy goose barnacle goose bump goose down goose egg goose grass goose grease goose liver goose pimple goose plum goose skin goose step gooseberry gooseberry bush gooseberry family goosefish gooseflesh goosefoot goosefoot family goosefoot maple gooseneck gooseneck loosestrife gop gopher gopher hole gopher snake gopher state gopher tortoise gopher turtle gopherus gopherus agassizii gopherus polypemus gopherwood goral gorbachev gordian knot gordimer gordius gordon setter gore gore vidal gorgas gorge gorger gorgerin gorget gorgon gorgonacea gorgoniacea gorgonian gorgonian coral gorgonocephalus gorgonzola gorilla gorilla gorilla gorilla gorilla beringei gorilla gorilla gorilla gorilla gorilla grauri goring gorki gorkiy gorky gorse gosainthan gosan-chiku goshawk gosling gosmore gospel gospel according to john gospel according to luke gospel according to mark gospel according to matthew gospel singing gospel truth gospeler gospeller gospels gossamer gossip gossip columnist gossiper gossiping gossipmongering gossypium gossypium arboreum gossypium barbadense gossypium herbaceum gossypium hirsutum gossypium peruvianum gossypium thurberi goteborg goth gothenburg gothic gothic arch gothic architecture gothic romance gothic romancer gothite gotterdammerung gottfried wilhelm leibnitz gottfried wilhelm leibniz gotthold ephraim lessing gottlieb daimler gouache gouda gouda cheese gouge gouger goujon goulash gould gounod gourd gourd family gourd vine gourde gourmand gourmet gout gouty arthritis gouverneur morris governance governed governess governing governing board government government-in-exile government activity government agency government agent government bond government building government department government income government issue government man government minister government note government office government officials government revenue government security governor governor's plum governor's race governor general governor plum governorship gowen cypress gown goy goya gran santiago greater pichiciego gringo hide and go seek hugo iago imago impetigo indigo intertrigo japanese archipelago jingo kongo lanugo largo lentigo lingo logo loligo low archipelago lumbago lycopodium selago malay archipelago mango marengo medicago merry-go-round mongo niger-congo outgo pago pago pango pango paumotu archipelago pearl sago pengo pichiciago pichiciego pinus mugo placido domingo plantago plumbago pongo pritzelago prurigo republic of the congo republic of trinidad and tobago sago san diego sango santiago santo domingo sapsago sentry go sillago solidago sorgo supercargo superego tango tierra del fuego tobago togo trade embargo trinidad and tobago tuamotu archipelago tussilago university of chicago ustilago vertigo victor-marie hugo victor hugo victoria de durango virago virgo vitiligo white false indigo wild indigo wild mango winnebago zygophyllum fabago Overview of noun go The noun go has 3 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. go spell, tour, turn -- (a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else); "it's my go"; "a spell of work") 2. crack, fling, go pass, whirl, offer -- (a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl") 3. go go game -- ((Japanese) a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters) Overview of verb go The verb go has 30 senses (first 21 from tagged texts) 1. (343) travel, go move locomote -- (change location; move travel, or proceed; "How fast does your new car go?" "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect";"The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell") 2. (95) go proceed, move -- (follow a procedure or take a course; "We should go farther in this matter"; "She went through a lot of trouble"; "go about the world in a certain manner"; "Messages must go through diplomatic channels") 3. (49) go go away depart -- (move away from a place into another direction; "Go away before I start to cry"; "The train departs at noon") 4. (29) become go get -- (enter or assume a certain state or condition; "He became annoyed when he heard the bad news"; "It must be getting more serious"; "her face went red with anger"; "She went into ecstasy"; "Get going!") 5. (14) go -- (be awarded; be allotted; "The first prize goes to Mary"; "Her money went on clothes") 6. (10) run, go -- (have a particular form "the story or argument runs....", "as the saying goes...") 7. (10) run, go pass, lead, extend -- (stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets") 8. (10) proceed, go -- (follow a certain course; "The inauguration went well"; "how did your interview go?") 9. (9) go -- (be abolished or discarded; "These ugly billboards have to go!" "These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge") 10. (7) go -- (be or continue to be in a certain condition; "The children went hungry that day") 11. (3) sound, go -- (make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'") 12. (3) function, work operate, go run -- (perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesn't work anymore") 13. (3) run low run short, go -- (to be spent or finished; "The money had gone after a few days"; "Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest") 14. (3) move go run -- (progress by being changed: "The speech has to go through several more drafts"; "run through your presentation before the meeting") 15. (2) survive, last live, live on go endure, hold up hold out -- (continue to live; endure or last "We went without water and food for 3 days"; "The legend of Elvis lives on"; "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"; "The racecar driver lived through several very serious accidents") 16. (2) go -- (pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action "How is it going?" "The day went well until I got your call") 17. (2) die, decease, perish, go exit pass away expire, pass -- (pass from physical life and lose all all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "They children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully") 18. (1) belong, go -- (be in the right place or situation; "Where do these books belong?" "Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government"; "Where do these books go?") 19. (1) go -- (be ranked or compare; "This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go") 20. (1) start go get going -- (begin or set in motion; "I start at eight in the morning"; "Ready, set go!") 21. (1) move go -- (have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?") 22. go -- (be contained in "How many times does 18 go into 54?") 23. go -- (be sounded, played, or expressed; "How does this song go again?") 24. blend, go blend in -- (blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs") 25. go lead -- (lead. extend, or afford access "This door goes to the basement"; "The road runs South") 26. fit go -- (be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This skirt won't go around your waist") 27. rifle, go -- (go through in search of something search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way "Who rifled through my desk drawers?") 28. go -- (be spent; "All my money went for food and rent") 29. plump, go -- (give support to or make a choice of one out of a group or number; "I plumped for the losing candidates") 30. fail go bad give way die, give out conk out go break, break down -- (stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident") Overview of noun go The noun go has 3 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. go spell, tour, turn -- (a time for working (after which you will be relieved by someone else); "it's my go"; "a spell of work") 2. crack, fling, go pass, whirl, offer -- (a usually brief attempt; "he took a crack at it"; "I gave it a whirl") 3. go go game -- ((Japanese) a board game for two players who place counters on a grid; the object is to surround and so capture the opponent's counters) Overview of verb go The verb go has 30 senses (first 21 from tagged texts) 1. (343) travel, go move locomote -- (change location; move travel, or proceed; "How fast does your new car go?" "We travelled from Rome to Naples by bus"; "The policemen went from door to door looking for the suspect";"The soldiers moved towards the city in an attempt to take it before night fell") 2. (95) go proceed, move -- (follow a procedure or take a course; "We should go farther in this matter"; "She went through a lot of trouble"; "go about the world in a certain manner"; "Messages must go through diplomatic channels") 3. (49) go go away depart -- (move away from a place into another direction; "Go away before I start to cry"; "The train departs at noon") 4. (29) become go get -- (enter or assume a certain state or condition; "He became annoyed when he heard the bad news"; "It must be getting more serious"; "her face went red with anger"; "She went into ecstasy"; "Get going!") 5. (14) go -- (be awarded; be allotted; "The first prize goes to Mary"; "Her money went on clothes") 6. (10) run, go -- (have a particular form "the story or argument runs....", "as the saying goes...") 7. (10) run, go pass, lead, extend -- (stretch out over a distance, space, time, or scope; run or extend between two points or beyond a certain point; "Service runs all the way to Cranbury"; "His knowledge doesn't go very far"; "My memory extends back to my fourth year of life"; "The facts extend beyond a consideration of her personal assets") 8. (10) proceed, go -- (follow a certain course; "The inauguration went well"; "how did your interview go?") 9. (9) go -- (be abolished or discarded; "These ugly billboards have to go!" "These luxuries all had to go under the Khmer Rouge") 10. (7) go -- (be or continue to be in a certain condition; "The children went hungry that day") 11. (3) sound, go -- (make a certain noise or sound; "She went `Mmmmm'"; "The gun went `bang'") 12. (3) function, work operate, go run -- (perform as expected when applied; "The washing machine won't go unless it's plugged in"; "Does this old car still run well?"; "This old radio doesn't work anymore") 13. (3) run low run short, go -- (to be spent or finished; "The money had gone after a few days"; "Gas is running low at the gas stations in the Midwest") 14. (3) move go run -- (progress by being changed: "The speech has to go through several more drafts"; "run through your presentation before the meeting") 15. (2) survive, last live, live on go endure, hold up hold out -- (continue to live; endure or last "We went without water and food for 3 days"; "The legend of Elvis lives on"; "These superstitions survive in the backwaters of America"; "The racecar driver lived through several very serious accidents") 16. (2) go -- (pass, fare, or elapse; of a certain state of affairs or action "How is it going?" "The day went well until I got your call") 17. (2) die, decease, perish, go exit pass away expire, pass -- (pass from physical life and lose all all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life; "She died from cancer"; "They children perished in the fire"; "The patient went peacefully") 18. (1) belong, go -- (be in the right place or situation; "Where do these books belong?" "Let's put health care where it belongs--under the control of the government"; "Where do these books go?") 19. (1) go -- (be ranked or compare; "This violinist is as good as Juilliard-trained violinists go") 20. (1) start go get going -- (begin or set in motion; "I start at eight in the morning"; "Ready, set go!") 21. (1) move go -- (have a turn; make one's move in a game; "Can I go now?") 22. go -- (be contained in "How many times does 18 go into 54?") 23. go -- (be sounded, played, or expressed; "How does this song go again?") 24. blend, go blend in -- (blend or harmonize; "This flavor will blend with those in your dish"; "This sofa won't go with the chairs") 25. go lead -- (lead. extend, or afford access "This door goes to the basement"; "The road runs South") 26. fit go -- (be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired; "This skirt won't go around your waist") 27. rifle, go -- (go through in search of something search through someone's belongings in an unauthorized way "Who rifled through my desk drawers?") 28. go -- (be spent; "All my money went for food and rent") 29. plump, go -- (give support to or make a choice of one out of a group or number; "I plumped for the losing candidates") 30. fail go bad give way die, give out conk out go break, break down -- (stop operating or functioning; "The engine finally went"; "The car died on the road"; "The bus we travelled in broke down on the way to town"; "The coffee maker broke"; "The engine failed on the way to town"; "her eyesight went after the accident")
goes definition