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intact definition


  Grep  of  noun  intact 
  Overview  of  adj  intact 
  The  adj  intact  has  5  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (5)  integral,  entire,  intact  --  (constituting  the  undiminished  entirety;  lacking  nothing  essential  especially  not  damaged;  "a  local  motion  keepeth  bodies  integral"-  Bacon;  "was  able  to  keep  the  collection  entire  during  his  lifetime";  "fought  to  keep  the  union  intact") 
  2.  (2)  intact  --  (not  impaired  or  diminished  in  any  way  "emerged  from  the  trial  with  his  prestige  intact";  "the  blast  left  his  hearint  intact") 
  3.  (1)  intact,  inviolate  --  ((of  a  woman)  having  the  hymen  unbroken;  "she  was  intact,  virginal") 
  4.  entire,  intact  --  ((used  of  domestic  animals)  sexually  competent;  "an  entire  horse") 
  5.  intact  --  (undamaged  in  any  way  whole;  "the  vase  remained  intact  despite  rough  handling") 
  Antonyms  of  adj  intact 
  5  senses  of  intact 
  Sense  1 
  integral,  entire,  intact 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  whole)  ->  fractional 
  Sense  2 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  unimpaired)  ->  impaired 
  Sense  3 
  intact,  inviolate 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  uninjured)  ->  injured 
  Sense  4 
  entire,  intact 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  uncastrated)  ->  castrated,  unsexed 
  Sense  5 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  undamaged)  ->  damaged 
  Similarity  of  adj  intact 
  5  senses  of  intact 
  Sense  1 
  integral,  entire,  intact 
  =>  whole  (vs.  fractional) 
  Sense  2 
  =>  unimpaired  (vs.  impaired) 
  Sense  3 
  intact,  inviolate 
  =>  uninjured  (vs.  injured) 
  Sense  4 
  entire,  intact 
  =>  uncastrated  (vs.  castrated) 
  Sense  5 
  =>  undamaged  (vs.  damaged) 
  Attributes  of  adj  intact 
  Familiarity  of  adj  intact 
  intact  used  as  an  adjective  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  5) 
  Grep  of  adj  intact 
  Overview  of  adj  intact 
  The  adj  intact  has  5  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (5)  integral,  entire,  intact  --  (constituting  the  undiminished  entirety;  lacking  nothing  essential  especially  not  damaged;  "a  local  motion  keepeth  bodies  integral"-  Bacon;  "was  able  to  keep  the  collection  entire  during  his  lifetime";  "fought  to  keep  the  union  intact") 
  2.  (2)  intact  --  (not  impaired  or  diminished  in  any  way  "emerged  from  the  trial  with  his  prestige  intact";  "the  blast  left  his  hearint  intact") 
  3.  (1)  intact,  inviolate  --  ((of  a  woman)  having  the  hymen  unbroken;  "she  was  intact,  virginal") 
  4.  entire,  intact  --  ((used  of  domestic  animals)  sexually  competent;  "an  entire  horse") 
  5.  intact  --  (undamaged  in  any  way  whole;  "the  vase  remained  intact  despite  rough  handling") 

intact definition