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loaded loaded definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  load 
  3  of  5  senses  of  load 
  Sense  1 
  load,  lade,  laden,  load  up 
  =>  reload 
  =>  stack 
  Sense  2 
  load,  charge 
  =>  recharge,  reload 
  Sense  4 
  =>  pack,  load  down 
  =>  bomb  up 
  =>  overload,  surcharge,  overcharge 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  load 
  3  of  5  senses  of  load 
  Sense  1 
  load,  lade,  laden,  load  up 
  =>  reload 
  =>  stack 
  Sense  2 
  load,  charge 
  =>  recharge,  reload 
  Sense  4 
  =>  pack,  load  down 
  =>  bomb  up 
  =>  overload,  surcharge,  overcharge 
  Entailment  of  verb  load 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  load 
  5  senses  of  load 
  Sense  1 
  load,  lade,  laden,  load  up 
  =>  fill,  fill  up  make  full 
  Sense  2 
  load,  charge 
  =>  fill,  fill  up  make  full 
  Sense  3 
  stow,  load 
  =>  pack 
  Sense  4 
  =>  charge 
  Sense  5 
  =>  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay 
  Familiarity  of  verb  load 
  load  used  as  a  verb  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  5) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  load 
  Sense  1 
  load,  lade,  laden,  load  up 
  =>  fill,  fill  up  make  full 
  Sense  2 
  load,  charge 
  =>  fill,  fill  up  make  full 
  Sense  3 
  stow,  load 
  =>  pack 
  Sense  4 
  =>  charge 
  Sense  5 
  =>  put  set  place  pose,  position,  lay 
  Overview  of  verb  load 
  The  verb  load  has  5  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (8)  load,  lade,  laden,  load  up  --  (fill  or  load;  "load  a  car") 
  2.  (3)  load,  charge  --  (provide  with  munition  "He  loaded  his  gun  carefully") 
  3.  (2)  stow,  load  --  (fill  by  packing  tightly;  "stow  the  cart") 
  4.  (1)  load  --  (place  a  load  on  "Load  the  cart  with  apples") 
  5.  load  --  (put  something  on  a  structure  or  conveyance;  "load  the  bags  onto  the  trucks") 
  Overview  of  adj  loaded 
  The  adj  loaded  has  5  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (6)  laden,  loaded,  ladened  --  (filled  with  a  great  quantity;  "a  tray  loaded  with  dishes";  "table  laden  with  food";  "`ladened'  is  not  current  usage") 
  2.  (3)  loaded  --  ((of  weapons)  charged  with  ammunition;  "a  loaded  gun") 
  3.  (1)  loaded  --  ((of  statements  or  questions)  charged  with  associative  significance  and  often  meant  to  mislead  or  influence;  "a  loaded  question") 
  4.  affluent,  flush,  loaded,  moneyed,  wealthy  --  (having  an  abundant  supply  of  money  or  possessions  of  value;  "an  affluent  banker";  "a  speculator  flush  with  cash";  "not  merely  rich  but  loaded";  "moneyed  aristocrats";  "wealthy  corporations") 
  5.  besotted,  blind  drunk,  blotto,  crocked,  fuddled,  loaded,  pie-eyed,  pissed,  pixilated,  plastered,  potty,  slopped,  sloshed,  smashed,  soaked,  soused,  sozzled,  squiffy,  stiff,  tiddly,  tiddley,  tight,  tipsy,  wet  --  (slang  for  `drunk') 
  Antonyms  of  adj  loaded 
  5  senses  of  loaded 
  Sense  1 
  laden,  loaded,  ladened 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  full)  ->  empty 
  Sense  2 
  loaded  (vs.  unloaded) 
  unloaded  (vs.  loaded) 
  =>  blank 
  =>  dud 
  Sense  3 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  prejudiced)  ->  unprejudiced,  impartial 
  Sense  4 
  affluent,  flush,  loaded,  moneyed,  wealthy 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  rich)  ->  poor 
  Sense  5 
  besotted,  blind  drunk,  blotto,  crocked,  fuddled,  loaded,  pie-eyed,  pissed,  pixilated,  plastered,  potty,  slopped,  sloshed,  smashed,  soaked,  soused,  sozzled,  squiffy,  stiff,  tiddly,  tiddley,  tight,  tipsy,  wet 
  INDIRECT  (VIA  intoxicated)  ->  sober 
  Similarity  of  adj  loaded 
  5  senses  of  loaded 
  Sense  1 
  laden,  loaded,  ladened 
  =>  full  (vs.  empty) 
  Sense  2 
  loaded  (vs.  unloaded) 
  =>  live 
  =>  undischarged,  unexploded 
  Sense  3 
  =>  prejudiced  (vs.  unprejudiced),  discriminatory 
  Sense  4 
  affluent,  flush,  loaded,  moneyed,  wealthy 
  =>  rich  (vs.  poor) 
  Sense  5 
  besotted,  blind  drunk,  blotto,  crocked,  fuddled,  loaded,  pie-eyed,  pissed,  pixilated,  plastered,  potty,  slopped,  sloshed,  smashed,  soaked,  soused,  sozzled,  squiffy,  stiff,  tiddly,  tiddley,  tight,  tipsy,  wet 
  =>  intoxicated  (vs.  sober),  drunk,  inebriated 
  Attributes  of  adj  loaded 
  Familiarity  of  adj  loaded 
  loaded  used  as  an  adjective  is  common  (polysemy  count  =  5) 
  Grep  of  adj  loaded 
  loaded  down 
  Overview  of  verb  load 
  The  verb  load  has  5  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (8)  load,  lade,  laden,  load  up  --  (fill  or  load;  "load  a  car") 
  2.  (3)  load,  charge  --  (provide  with  munition  "He  loaded  his  gun  carefully") 
  3.  (2)  stow,  load  --  (fill  by  packing  tightly;  "stow  the  cart") 
  4.  (1)  load  --  (place  a  load  on  "Load  the  cart  with  apples") 
  5.  load  --  (put  something  on  a  structure  or  conveyance;  "load  the  bags  onto  the  trucks") 
  Overview  of  adj  loaded 
  The  adj  loaded  has  5  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (6)  laden,  loaded,  ladened  --  (filled  with  a  great  quantity;  "a  tray  loaded  with  dishes";  "table  laden  with  food";  "`ladened'  is  not  current  usage") 
  2.  (3)  loaded  --  ((of  weapons)  charged  with  ammunition;  "a  loaded  gun") 
  3.  (1)  loaded  --  ((of  statements  or  questions)  charged  with  associative  significance  and  often  meant  to  mislead  or  influence;  "a  loaded  question") 
  4.  affluent,  flush,  loaded,  moneyed,  wealthy  --  (having  an  abundant  supply  of  money  or  possessions  of  value;  "an  affluent  banker";  "a  speculator  flush  with  cash";  "not  merely  rich  but  loaded";  "moneyed  aristocrats";  "wealthy  corporations") 
  5.  besotted,  blind  drunk,  blotto,  crocked,  fuddled,  loaded,  pie-eyed,  pissed,  pixilated,  plastered,  potty,  slopped,  sloshed,  smashed,  soaked,  soused,  sozzled,  squiffy,  stiff,  tiddly,  tiddley,  tight,  tipsy,  wet  --  (slang  for  `drunk') 

loaded definition