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medleysmore about medleys


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Medley  \Med"ley\,  n.;  pl  {Medleys}.  [OE.  medlee,  OF  mesl['e]e, 
  medl['e]e,  mell['e]e,  F.  m[^e]l['e]e.  See  {Meddle},  and  cf 
  {Mel['E]e},  {Mellay}.] 
  1.  A  mixture;  a  mingled  and  confused  mass  of  ingredients, 
  usually  inharmonious;  a  jumble;  a  hodgepodge;  --  often 
  used  contemptuously. 
  This  medley  of  philosophy  and  war.  --Addison. 
  Love  is  a  medley  of  endearments,  jars,  Suspicions, 
  reconcilements,  wars.  --W.  Walsh. 
  2.  The  confusion  of  a  hand  to  hand  battle;  a  brisk,  hand  to 
  hand  engagement;  a  m[^e]l['e]e.  [Obs.]  --Holland. 
  3.  (Mus.)  A  composition  of  passages  detached  from  several 
  different  compositions;  a  potpourri. 
  Note:  Medley  is  usually  applied  to  vocal,  potpourri  to 
  instrumental,  compositions. 
  4.  A  cloth  of  mixed  colors.  --Fuller. 

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