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methylemore about methyle


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Methyl  \Meth"yl\,  n.  [See  {Methylene}.]  (Chem.) 
  A  hydrocarbon  radical,  {CH3},  not  existing  alone  but  regarded 
  as  an  essential  residue  of  methane,  and  appearing  as  a 
  component  part  of  many  derivatives;  as  methyl  alcohol, 
  methyl  ether,  methyl  amine,  etc  [Formerly  written  also 
  {methule},  {methyle},  etc.] 
  {Methyl  alcohol}  (Chem.),  a  light,  volatile,  inflammable 
  liquid,  {CH3.OH},  obtained  by  the  distillation  of  wood, 
  and  hence  called  {wood  spirit} 

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