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mockeriesmore about mockeries


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Mockery  \Mock"er*y\,  n.;  pl  {Mockeries}.  [F.  moquerie.] 
  1.  The  act  of  mocking,  deriding,  and  exposing  to  contempt,  by 
  mimicry,  by  insincere  imitation,  or  by  a  false  show  of 
  earnestness;  a  counterfeit  appearance. 
  It  is  as  the  air,  invulnerable,  And  our  vain  blows 
  malicious  mockery.  --Shak. 
  Grace  at  meals  is  now  generally  so  performed  as  to 
  look  more  like  a  mockery  upon  devotion  than  any 
  solemn  application  of  the  mind  to  God.  --Law. 
  And  bear  about  the  mockery  of  woe.  --Pope. 
  2.  Insulting  or  contemptuous  action  or  speech;  contemptuous 
  merriment;  derision;  ridicule. 
  The  laughingstock  of  fortune's  mockeries.  --Spenser. 
  3.  Subject  of  laughter,  derision,  or  sport. 
  The  cruel  handling  of  the  city  whereof  they  made  a 
  mockery.  --2  Macc. 
  viii.  17. 

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