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possibilities possibilities definition


  Grep  of  noun  possibility 
  Overview  of  noun  possibility 
  The  noun  possibility  has  4  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (21)  possibility  --  (a  future  prospect  or  potential;  "this  room  has  great  possibilities") 
  2.  (18)  possibility,  possibleness  --  (capability  of  existing  or  happening  or  being  true;  "there  is  a  possibility  that  his  sense  of  smell  has  been  impaired") 
  3.  (12)  hypothesis,  possibility,  theory  --  (a  tentative  theory  about  the  natural  world;  a  concept  that  is  not  yet  verified  but  that  if  true  would  explain  certain  facts  or  phenomena;  "a  scientific  hypothesis  that  survives  experimental  testing  becomes  a  scientific  theory";  "he  proposed  a  fresh  theory  of  alkalis  that  later  was  accepted  in  chemical  practices") 
  4.  (6)  possibility,  possible  action  opening  --  (a  possible  alternative;  "bankruptcy  is  always  a  possibility") 
  Overview  of  noun  possibility 
  The  noun  possibility  has  4  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (21)  possibility  --  (a  future  prospect  or  potential;  "this  room  has  great  possibilities") 
  2.  (18)  possibility,  possibleness  --  (capability  of  existing  or  happening  or  being  true;  "there  is  a  possibility  that  his  sense  of  smell  has  been  impaired") 
  3.  (12)  hypothesis,  possibility,  theory  --  (a  tentative  theory  about  the  natural  world;  a  concept  that  is  not  yet  verified  but  that  if  true  would  explain  certain  facts  or  phenomena;  "a  scientific  hypothesis  that  survives  experimental  testing  becomes  a  scientific  theory";  "he  proposed  a  fresh  theory  of  alkalis  that  later  was  accepted  in  chemical  practices") 
  4.  (6)  possibility,  possible  action  opening  --  (a  possible  alternative;  "bankruptcy  is  always  a  possibility") 

possibilities definition