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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Paracentric  \Par`a*cen"tric\,  Paracentrical  \Par`a*cen"tric*al\, 
  a.  [Pref.  para-  +  centric,  -ical:  cf  F.  paracentrique.] 
  Deviating  from  circularity;  changing  the  distance  from  a 
  {Paracentric  curve}  (Math.),  a  curve  having  the  property 
  that  when  its  plane  is  placed  vertically,  a  body 
  descending  along  it  by  the  force  of  gravity,  will 
  approach  to  or  recede  from  a  fixed  point  or  center,  by 
  equal  distances  in  equal  times;  --  called  also  a 
  {Paracentric  motton}  or  {velocity},  the  motion  or  velocity  of 
  a  revolving  body,  as  a  planet,  by  which  it  approaches  to 
  or  recedes  from  the  center,  without  reference  to  its 
  motion  in  space,  or  to  its  motion  as  reckoned  in  any  other 