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phratrymore about phratry


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Phratry  \Phra"try\,  n.;  pl  {Phratries}.  [Gr.  ?,  ?.]  (Gr. 
  A  subdivision  of  a  phyle,  or  tribe,  in  Athens. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  n  :  people  descended  from  a  common  ancestor;  "his  family  had 
  lived  in  Masachusetts  since  the  Mayflower"  [syn:  {family}, 
  {family  line},  {folk},  {kinfolk},  {kinsfolk},  {sept}] 

more about phratry