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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Platonic  \Pla*ton"ic\,  Platonical  \Pla*ton"ic*al\,  a.  [L. 
  Platonicus  Gr  ?:  cf  F.  platonique.] 
  1.  Of  or  pertaining  to  Plato,  or  his  philosophy,  school,  or 
  2.  Pure,  passionless;  nonsexual;  philosophical. 
  {Platonic  bodies},  the  five  regular  geometrical  solids; 
  namely,  the  tetrahedron,  hexahedron  or  cube,  octahedron, 
  dodecahedron,  and  icosahedron. 
  {Platonic  love},  a  pure,  spiritual  affection,  subsisting 
  between  persons  of  opposite  sex,  unmixed  with  carnal 
  desires,  and  regarding  the  mind  only  and  its  excellences; 
  --  a  species  of  love  for  which  Plato  was  a  warm  advocate.