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queerestmore about queerest


  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Queer  \Queer\,  a.  [Compar.  {Queerer};  superl.  {Queerest}.]  [G. 
  quer  cross,  oblique,  athwart  (cf.  querkopf  a  queer  fellow), 
  {OHG}.  twer,  twerh,  dwerah  akin  to  D.  dvars  AS 
  [thorn]weorh  thwart,  bent,  twisted,  Icel.  [thorn]verr  thwart, 
  transverse,  Goth.  [thorn]wa[`i]rhs  angry,  and  perh.  to  L. 
  torqyere  to  twist,  and  E.  through  Cf  {Torture},  {Through}, 
  {Thwart},  a.] 
  1.  At  variance  with  what  is  usual  or  normal;  differing  in 
  some  odd  way  from  what  is  ordinary;  odd;  singular; 
  strange;  whimsical;  as  a  queer  story  or  act  ``  A  queer 
  look.''  --W.  Irving. 
  2.  Mysterious;  suspicious;  questionable;  as  a  queer 
  transaction.  [Colloq.] 

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