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ras |
Grep of noun ras achras aegiceras aras arras blue copperas british honduras cape hatteras ceras dinoceras foie gras galeras genus achras genus aegiceras genus sassafras honduras madras mardi gras mithras pate de foie gras pythagoras ras ras tafari ras tafari makonnen rascal rascality rash rasher rashness rask raskolnikov rasmus christian rask rasmussen rasp rasp fern raspberry raspberry bush rasping rasputin rassling rasta rastafari rastafarian rastafarianism rastas raster raster font republic of honduras sassafras teras Grep of noun ra abracadabra acciaccatura accra achira acocanthera acokanthera acrocomia vinifera acropora actaea rubra adenanthera agathis dammara agora agra agrimonia procera ahura alectura algebra alhambra alnus rubra aloe vera alpine totara alsobia dianthiflora alternanthera amen-ra amhara amon-ra amphineura amphora amsinckia grandiflora amygdalus communis amara anadenanthera anaphora andira andorra angora angostura anisoptera ankara annona glabra anoplura antilocapra antilope cervicapra anura apatura aphrophora apis mellifera aplacophora appoggiatura ara arabis glabra araujia sericofera archaeozoic era archean era archeozoic era aricara arikara arteria gastrica sinistra asiatic cholera asmara asmera aspidistra astacura asura ateria gastrica dextra atlas vertebra atriplex hymenelytra attalea funifera audubon's caracara aura aurora avalokiteshvara avalokitesvara axis vertebra bairdiella chrysoura balaenoptera ballota nigra basra battle of leuctra bauhinia monandra beaumontia grandiflora bella sombra berra bessera beta vulgaris rubra betula nigra betula papyrifera biu-mandara black-necked cobra boolean algebra bougainvillea glabra box camera bra brachyura brahmaputra branchiura brassica nigra brassica oleracea gemmifera broussonetia papyrifera bujumbura bura burchell's zebra bursera cadra caesura calabura calamagrostis acutiflora calamintha grandiflora caldera calliandra calliphora calyptra camera camera obscura camorra canara canberra candelabra candid camera capibara capparis cynophallophora capra capybara caracara carbonara cardamine bulbifera cardinal tetra carissa grandiflora carnivora carnosaura carya glabra cascara cassandra cassia tora castilleja sessiliflora cathartes aura cathedra caudal vertebra cedrus deodara ceiba pentandra cenozoic era centaurea nigra cephalanthera cephalanthera rubra cercospora cervantes saavedra cervical vertebra chamber orchestra chara chateura chaulmoogra chaulmugra che guevara chelicera chelone glabra chelydra chicken cacciatora chimaera chimera chiroptera chlamydera chlorura chlorura chlorura cholera christian era chrysaora ciconia nigra ciliophora cine-camera cinnamomum camphora class ciliophora class mastigophora class onychophora class polyplacophora cleopatra clepsydra clethra clintonia uniflora clytemnestra cobra coccygeal vertebra cocos nucifera coffea canephora coleoptera collinsia parviflora coloratura comandra comic opera commiphora common era common zebra condylura conradina glabra copernicia cerifera copernicia prunifera copra cora cordia alliodora cornus stolonifera corypha umbraculifera cosa nostra crna gora ctenophora cuterebra cycliophora cynara cyphomandra cyrilla racemiflora cystophora cystopteris bulbifera dalbergia nigra dance orchestra daniel ortega saavedra darmera dasyatis centroura datura de valera decumaria barbara demerara dentaria bulbifera dermaptera dermoptera diapheromera diaspora dicentra dichondra dictyophera dictyoptera diervilla lonicera diodora apertura dioscorea bulbifera diptera discina macrospora dobra dorsal vertebra doura dovyalis caffra drosera dryopteris hexagonoptera duchess of ferrara dura durra eamon de valera egyptian cobra eira eira barbara el qahira elaeis oleifera electra embioptera emmanthe penduliflora enhydra entomophthora epanaphora ephedra ephemera ephemeroptera epidemic cholera epiphora episcia dianthiflora equus zebra zebra era erythrina caffra etcetera eucalyptus camphora eucalyptus citriodora eucalyptus maculata citriodora eucalyptus pauciflora eugenia uniflora euphorbia cyathophora extra eye of ra eyra fedora fenestra fissurella apertura flash camera flora foraminifera forestiera fowl cholera francis albert sinatra frank capra frank sinatra frasera fraxinus nigra french riviera fritillaria biflora fritillaria parviflora fritillaria pluriflora fulica atra gaylussacia brachycera gentiana procera gentianopsid procera genus acocanthera genus acokanthera genus acropora genus adenanthera genus alectura genus alternanthera genus anadenanthera genus andira genus antilocapra genus apatura genus aphrophora genus ara genus aspidistra genus balaenoptera genus bessera genus bursera genus cadra genus calliandra genus calliphora genus capra genus cephalanthera genus cercospora genus chara genus chateura genus chelydra genus chimaera genus chlamydera genus chlorura genus chrysaora genus clethra genus comandra genus commiphora genus condylura genus cuterebra genus cynara genus cyphomandra genus cystophora genus darmera genus datura genus diapheromera genus dicentra genus dichondra genus dictyophera genus drosera genus eira genus enhydra genus entomophthora genus ephedra genus forestiera genus frasera genus gerbera genus goodyera genus gymnura genus gynura genus gyromitra genus hatiora genus hedera genus heliamphora genus heritiera genus heteranthera genus heuchera genus hyalophora genus hydra genus hymenanthera genus indigofera genus lagenophera genus lavatera genus lecanora genus leptospira genus lichanura genus lindera genus lindheimera genus listera genus lonicera genus lophophora genus lutra genus machaeranthera genus maclura genus macrocheira genus maeandra genus makaira genus mandragora genus mangifera genus manilkara genus megaptera genus melampsora genus mellivora genus menura genus monstera genus muscivora genus neurospora genus nicandra genus oenothera genus oleandra genus ondatra genus oxandra genus oxyura genus pachysandra genus packera genus panthera genus passiflora genus peltandra genus peronospora genus phylloxera genus phytophthora genus pipra genus planera genus plasmodiophora genus platanthera genus porphyra genus pseudowintera genus pyxidanthera genus radiigera genus radyera genus ranatra genus recurvirostra genus rhinoptera genus rhizophora genus rhodosphaera genus rumohra genus rupicapra genus salamandra genus salvadora genus schefflera genus schlumbergera genus sciara genus scorzonera genus scutigera genus solandra genus sonora genus sophora genus spirogyra genus spodoptera genus strepera genus telanthera genus vipera genus viverra genus wintera genus zenaidura genus zostera geological era gerbera glottis vera glycyrrhiza glabra goodyera grand opera grape phylloxera grevy's zebra grias cauliflora guadalajara guaira guevara gulf of sidra gymnura gynura gyromitra gyromitra sphaerospora habenaria albiflora habenaria lacera haematocolpometra haemulon parra hakea leucoptera halesia tetraptera hatiora hedera hegira hejira heliamphora helicteres isora hematocolpometra hemiptera hera heritiera hernaria glabra heteranthera heteroptera heuchera high sierra hog cholera homoptera honiara horse opera hyalophora hydra hymenanthera hymenoptera hymenoxys grandiflora idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura ilex glabra incisura indian cholera indian cobra indigofera indra insectivora intestinal flora ira isoptera isthmus of kra italian lira jerez de la frontera john henry o'hara juglans nigra junipero serra juniperus procera kanara kera khepera king cobra kingdom monera kookaburra kura labia majora labia minora lagenophera lavatera lawrence peter berra lecanora lempira lepidoptera lepiota procera leptospira leuctra liakoura libra lichanura light opera lindera lindheimera linear algebra lira liriodendron tulipifera listera lithocarpus glabra lonas inodora lonicera lonicera albiflora lophophora loxia curvirostra lumbar vertebra lutra lutra lutra lyra machaeranthera maclura maclura pomifera macrocheira madeira maeandra magnolia grandiflora maharashtra makaira makaira mazara malpighia glabra maltese lira mandara mandragora mangifera manilkara maniraptora mantichora manticora mantra maquiladora mara marinara marmara marmora mascara mastigophora matrix algebra matsyendra mecoptera megachiroptera megaderma lyra megaera megaloptera megaptera melagra melampsora melanitta nigra mellivora menura mephitis macroura mesozoic era microchiroptera miguel de cervantes saavedra miguel jose serra mirabilis longiflora mirabilis multiflora mirabilis uniflora mitella pentandra mithra mitra modern era moehringia lateriflora mojarra monarda citriodora monera moneses uniflora monotropa uniflora monstera morchella semilibera morus nigra morus rubra motion-picture camera mountain zebra movie camera mudra multiflora muntingia calabura muscivora mwera myrciaria cauliflora myrica cerifera naira natrix maura ne plus ultra nelumbo nucifera nematocera neuroptera neurospora niagara nicandra nigra niobrara nomenklatura nonthrombocytopenic purpura nothofagus procera nullipara nusa tenggara o'hara oenothera okra oleandra ondatra onychophora opera ophrys apifera ophrys insectifera ophrys muscifera orchestra order anoplura order anura order aplacophora order branchiura order carnivora order chiroptera order coleoptera order dermaptera order dermoptera order dictyoptera order diptera order embioptera order ephemeroptera order foraminifera order hemiptera order hymenoptera order insectivora order isoptera order lepidoptera order mecoptera order neuroptera order orthoptera order plecoptera order protura order psocoptera order siphonaptera order siphonophora order thysanoptera order thysanura order trichoptera order xiphosura orthoptera oxandra oxyura pachysandra packera padda oryzivora palaestra paleozoic era palestra palmyra palpebra pandora panthera para parietal pleura passiflora pellagra peltandra penumbra peronospora phegopteris hexagonoptera phoenix dactylifera photographic camera phyllostachys nigra phylloxera phylum ctenophora phylum cycliophora phylum pogonophora phylum porifera phylum rotifera phytophthora phytophthora citrophthora pilularia globulifera pinctada margaritifera pinus cembra pinus densiflora pinus glabra pinus nigra pipra piranga rubra pistacia vera planera plasmodiophora platanthera plecoptera plectophera plethora pleura plumiera podocarpus amara podocarpus totara pogonophora poker heuchera polanisia dodecandra polaroid camera polaroid land camera polyplacophora pongamia glabra populus balsamifera populus nigra porifera porphyra portrait camera portulaca grandiflora preoterozoic era primipara principality of andorra prohibition era prosopis juliflora prosopis juliiflora protea mellifera protura provera prumnopitys amara prunus cerasifera prunus cerasus austera prunus dulcis amara prunus nigra pseudowintera psocoptera puerpera purpura pyrola uniflora pyrularia pubera pyxidanthera quadripara quassia amara quercus nigra quercus rubra quercus sessiliflora quinora quintipara quira ra rabat rabato rabbet rabbet joint rabbet plane rabbi rabbi moses ben maimon rabbinate rabbit rabbit's-foot fern rabbit-eared bandicoot rabbit-eye blueberry rabbit bandicoot rabbit brush rabbit burrow rabbit bush rabbit ears rabbit fever rabbit food rabbit hole rabbit hutch rabbit punch rabbit test rabbit warren rabbiteye rabbiteye blueberry rabbitfish rabbitweed rabbitwood rabble rabble-rouser rabelais rabi i rabi ii rabies raccoon raccoon dog raccoon fox race race car race driver race horse race meeting race murder race problem race riot race runner raceabout racecard racecourse racehorse raceme racemic acid racer racerunner racetrack raceway rachel rachel carson rachel louise carson rachet rachis rachischisis rachitis rachmaninoff rachmaninov rachycentridae rachycentron rachycentron canadum racial discrimination racial extermination racial immunity racial profiling racial segregation racialism racialist racine raciness racing racing boat racing car racing circuit racing gig racing shell racing skate racing skiff racing start racing yacht racism racist rack rack and pinion rack of lamb rack railway rack rent racker racket racket club racketeer racketeer influenced and corrupt organizations act racketeering racketiness racon raconteur racoon racquet racquetball rad radar radar beacon radar dome radar echo radar fire radar target radclyffe hall radial radial-ply tire radial artery radial asymmetry radial engine radial keratotomy radial nerve radial pulse radial symmetry radial tire radial vein radian radiance radiancy radiant energy radiant flux radiant heating radiation radiation diagram radiation field radiation pattern radiation pressure radiation pyrometer radiation sickness radiation syndrome radiation therapy radiator radiator cap radiator grille radiator hose radical radical hysterectomy radical mastectomy radical sign radicalism radicchio radicle radiculitis radiigera radiigera fuscogleba radio radio-controlled aircraft radio-frequency spectrum radio-gramophone radio-opacity radio-phonograph radio aerial radio announcer radio antenna radio astronomy radio beacon radio beam radio brightness radio broadcast radio chassis radio compass radio detection and ranging radio emission radio frequency radio interferometer radio link radio news radio noise radio observation radio radiation radio receiver radio reflector radio set radio signal radio source radio spectrum radio station radio telescope radio transmitter radio wave radioactive dating radioactive decay radioactive dust radioactive iodine excretion test radioactive iodine test radioactive iodine uptake test radioactive material radioactive waste radioactivity radioactivity unit radiobiology radiocarbon radiocarbon dating radiocarpal joint radiochemist radiochemistry radiochlorine radiocommunication radiogram radiograph radiographer radiography radioimmunoassay radioisotope radiolaria radiolarian radiolocation radiologic technologist radiologist radiology radiolysis radiometer radiomicrometer radiopacity radiopaque dye radiopharmaceutical radiophone radiophoto radiophotograph radiophotography radioprotection radioscopy radiosensitivity radiotelegraph radiotelegraphic signal radiotelegraphy radiotelephone radiotelephony radiotherapist radiotherapy radiotherapy equipment radiothorium radish radish plant radium radium therapy radius radius of curvature radius vector radix radome radon radyera radyera farragei raetam raf raffaello santi raffaello sanzio raffia raffia farinifera raffia palm raffia ruffia raffia taedigera raffia vinifera raffinose raffle raffles rafflesiaceae raft raft foundation rafter raftman rafts raftsman rag rag day rag doll rag gourd rag paper ragamuffin ragbag rage ragee ragged-fringed orchid ragged orchid ragged orchis ragged robin raggedness ragi raglan raglan sleeve ragnar anton kittil frisch ragnar frisch ragnarok ragout ragtag ragtag and bobtail ragtime ragusa ragweed ragweed pollen ragwort rahu raid raider rail rail-splitter rail fence rail line rail technology railbird railcar railhead railing raillery railroad railroad bed railroad car railroad engineer railroad flat railroad line railroad man railroad siding railroad station railroad terminal railroad ticket railroad tie railroad track railroad train railroad tunnel railroad vine railroad worm railroader railroading rails railway railway car railway junction railway line railway locomotive railway man railway station railway system railway yard railwayman raiment rain rain-giver rain barrel rain check rain cloud rain dance rain date rain forest rain gauge rain shower rain tree rainbow rainbow cactus rainbow fish rainbow lorikeet rainbow perch rainbow pink rainbow runner rainbow seaperch rainbow shower rainbow smelt rainbow trout raincoat raindrop rainer maria rilke rainfall rainmaker rainmaking rainstorm rainwater rainy day rainy season raise raised doughnut raiser raisin raisin-nut cookie raisin bran raisin bread raisin cookie raisin moth raising raising hell raison d'etre raita raiu raj raja raja batis raja erinacea raja laevis raja radiata rajab rajah rajidae rajiformes rajpoot rajput rakaposhi rake rake-off rake handle rakishness rale ralegh raleigh rallidae rally rallying rallying cry rallying point ralph barton perry ralph bunche ralph johnson bunche ralph richardson ralph vaughan williams ralph waldo emerson ram ram's-head ram's-head lady's slipper ram's horn ram disk rama ramachandra ramadan ramalina ramble rambler rambotan rambouillet rambutan rambutan tree ramee ramekin ramequin rameses rameses ii rameses the great ramesses ramesses ii ramesses the great ramie ramification ramjet ramjet engine ramman rammer ramon lully ramon y cajal ramona ramontchi ramp rampage rampant arch rampart ramphastidae ramphomicron rampion rampion bellflower ramrod ramsay hunt syndrome ramses ramses ii ramses the great ramsons ramus rana rana cascadae rana catesbeiana rana clamitans rana goliath rana palustris rana pipiens rana sylvatica rana tarahumarae rana temporaria ranales ranalian complex ranatra ranch ranch hand ranch house rancher ranching rancor rancour rand randall jarrell random-access memory random access memory random memory random number generator random sample random sampling random variable randomisation randomization randomness ranee range range finder range hood range of mountains range pole rangefinder rangeland ranger rangifer rangifer arcticus rangifer caribou rangifer tarandus ranging pole rangoon rangpur rangpur lime rani ranid ranidae ranier ranitidine rank rank-difference correlation rank-difference correlation coefficient rank-order correlation rank-order correlation coefficient rank and file rank order ranker rankin rankine rankine scale ranking rankness ransacking ransom ransom money rant ranter ranting ranula ranunculaceae ranunculales ranunculus ranunculus acris ranunculus aquatilis ranunculus bulbosus ranunculus ficaria ranunculus flammula ranunculus glaberrimus ranunculus lingua ranunculus lyalii ranunculus occidentalis ranunculus repens ranunculus sceleratus ranvier's nodes raoul dufy raoulia raoulia australis raoulia lutescens rap rap group rap music rap session rapaciousness rapacity rapateaceae rape rape conviction rape oil rape suspect raper rapeseed rapeseed oil raphael raphanus raphanus raphanistrum raphanus sativus raphanus sativus longipinnatus raphe raphia raphicerus raphicerus campestris raphidae raphidiidae raphus raphus cucullatus rapid rapid city rapid climb rapid eye movement rapid eye movement sleep rapid growth rapid transit rapidity rapier rapine rapist rappee rapport rapprochement rapscallion raptor raptores raptorial bird rapture raptus raptus hemorrhagicus rara avis rare-earth element rare bird rare earth rarebit raree-show rarefaction rareness rariora rarity ras ras tafari ras tafari makonnen rascal rascality rash rasher rashness rask raskolnikov rasmus christian rask rasmussen rasp rasp fern raspberry raspberry bush rasping rasputin rassling rasta rastafari rastafarian rastafarianism rastas raster raster font rat rat's-tail cactus rat-a-tat-tat rat-catcher rat-tail file rat-tat rat chinchilla rat kangaroo rat race rat snake rat terrier rat typhus ratability ratables ratafee ratafia ratafia biscuit ratan ratbite fever ratbite fever bacterium ratch ratchet ratchet screwdriver ratchet wheel rate rate of acceleration rate of attrition rate of depreciation rate of exchange rate of flow rate of growth rate of inflation rate of interest rate of pay rate of payment rate of respiration rateability rateables ratel ratepayer rates rathole rathskeller ratibida ratibida columnaris ratibida columnifera ratibida tagetes ratification ratifier rating rating system ratio ratiocination ratiocinator ration ration card rational motive rational number rationale rationalisation rationalism rationalist rationality rationalization rationalness rationing ratitae ratite ratite bird ratlin ratline rattail rattail cactus rattail fish rattan rattan cane rattan palm ratter rattigan ratting rattle rattle weed rattlebox rattler rattlesnake rattlesnake's master rattlesnake fern rattlesnake master rattlesnake orchid rattlesnake plantain rattlesnake root rattlesnake weed rattletop rattling rattrap rattus rattus norvegicus rattus rattus rau-sed raudixin rauli beech rauvolfia rauwolfia rauwolfia serpentina ravage ravaging rave rave-up ravehook ravel raveling ravelling raven ravenala ravenala madagascariensis ravenna ravenna grass ravenousness raver ravi shankar ravigote ravine raving ravioli ravisher ravishment raw raw beauty raw data raw deal raw material raw meat raw milk raw recruit raw sienna raw talent raw throat raw umber raw vegetable raw weather raw wood raw wool raw wound rawhide ray ray bradbury ray douglas bradbury ray floret ray flower ray m. dolby ray of light ray robinson rayleigh rayleigh disk rayless chamomile raymond chandler raymond lully raymond thornton chandler raynaud's sign rayon rayon stocking rayons razing razmataz razor razor-billed auk razor clam razor edge razorback razorback hog razorbacked hog razorbill razorblade razorfish razzing razzle razzle-dazzle razzmatazz recurvirostra reflex camera remora rhinoptera rhizophora rhodosphaera rhus glabra riviera rock opera rosa multiflora rotifera round-spored gyromitra rudra rumohra rupicapra rupicapra rupicapra sabra sacral vertebra sahara sakkara salamandra salamandra atra salamandra salamandra salix nigra salix pentandra salix triandra salvadora samara sambucus nigra samsara santa barbara santa clara saqqara satureja grandiflora savara saxicola rubetra saxifraga stolonifera sayonara schefflera schlumbergera schmidt camera sciara sclera scomberomorus sierra scorzonera scutellaria lateriflora scutigera sea of marmara sea of marmora senora serra sesbania grandiflora shudra sidalcea malviflora sierra signora silene uniflora simarouba amara sinatra siphonaptera siphonophora smilax aspera soap opera solandra solanum dulcamara solidago odora sonora sophora sophora secundiflora sophora tetraptera sound camera spanish sahara spergularia rubra spirogyra spitting cobra spodoptera strepera string orchestra styphelia triflora subclass amphineura suborder anisoptera suborder brachyura suborder carnosaura suborder ceratosaura suborder heteroptera suborder homoptera suborder maniraptora suborder megachiroptera suborder megaloptera suborder microchiroptera suborder nematocera suborder thyreophora suborder xenarthra suborder zygoptera sudra sumatra sundacarpus amara sura sutura svizzera swainsona grandiflora symbion pandora symphony orchestra tabora taira tantra tara tarahumara tatahumara tayra telanthera television camera tellima grandiflora tempera tempra tempura tera tessera tetra tetraneuris grandiflora thelypteris hexagonoptera thoracic vertebra thrinax parviflora thrombocytopenic purpura thyreophora thysanoptera thysanura tiara tibia vara todea barbara totara trichoptera trichys lipura tristan tzara tuatara tundra turkish lira turritis glabra tuscarora tussilago farfara tv camera tzara ulmus glabra ulmus procera ulmus rubra umbra urethra urtica pipulifera usumbura uvularia grandiflora vajra vara vector algebra vena gastrica-dextra vena gastrica sinistra vertebra viagra vinifera vipera viscera visceral pleura vitis vinifera viverra western sahara wintera xenarthra xiphosura yellowfin mojarra yogi berra zarathustra zebra zenaidura zenaidura macroura zinnia grandiflora zostera zygoptera Overview of noun ras The noun ras has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. reticular activating system, RAS -- (the network in the reticular formation that serves an alerting or arousal function) Overview of noun ra The noun ra has 3 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. radium, Ra atomic number 88 -- (an intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in uranium ores) 2. right ascension, RA celestial longitude -- ((astronomy) the angular distance eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle that passes through the body; expressed in hours and minutes and second used with declination to specify positions on the celestial sphere; "one hour of right ascension equals fifteen degrees") 3. Ra Re -- (ancient hawk-headed Egyptian sun god; a universal creator) Grep of adj ras rascally rash rasping raspy rastafarian Overview of noun ras The noun ras has 1 sense (no senses from tagged texts) 1. reticular activating system, RAS -- (the network in the reticular formation that serves an alerting or arousal function) Overview of noun ra The noun ra has 3 senses (no senses from tagged texts) 1. radium, Ra atomic number 88 -- (an intensely radioactive metallic element that occurs in minute amounts in uranium ores) 2. right ascension, RA celestial longitude -- ((astronomy) the angular distance eastward along the celestial equator from the vernal equinox to the intersection of the hour circle that passes through the body; expressed in hours and minutes and second used with declination to specify positions on the celestial sphere; "one hour of right ascension equals fifteen degrees") 3. Ra Re -- (ancient hawk-headed Egyptian sun god; a universal creator)
ras definition