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Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb remove 6 of 8 senses of remove Sense 1 remove, take take away withdraw => epilate, depilate => bail => strip, undress => ablate => clean, pick => clean => winnow => unbrace => pick => clear, clear up => muck => lift => lift => lift => tear away tear off => take off => take away take out => pit, stone => seed => unhinge => shuck => hull => crumb => chip away chip away at => burl => knock out => scavenge, clean => hypophysectomize, hypophysectomise => degas => husk => bur, burr => clear off clear away => flick => strip, dismantle => strip => clear => defang => bone, debone => disembowel, eviscerate, draw => shell, pod => tusk, detusk => dehorn => scalp => weed => condense => bail out bale out => leach, strip => decalcify => detoxify, detoxicate => de-ionate => de-iodinate => decarbonize, decarbonise, decarburize, decarburise, decoke => delouse => ream => brush => wash, wash out wash off wash away => desorb => pull => defuse => dredge => wear away wear off => amputate, cut off => resect => skim, skim off cream off cream => strip => strip => scale, descale => circumcise => undock => dig, delve, cut into turn over => excavate, dig, hollow => scoop, scoop out lift out scoop up take up => extract, pull out pull pull up take out draw out => take out => unstring => string => wipe off wipe away => take away bear off bear away carry away carry off => unveil => unpack, take out => unburden, disburden => empty => discharge => unsaddle, offsaddle => shed, cast, cast off shake off throw, throw off throw away drop => dislodge, free => clean => aspirate, draw in suck in => delete, cancel => ladle, lade, laden => spoon => gut => draw off draw away pull off => clean, strip => draw, take out => draw, pull pull out get out take out => leach => draw => withdraw, draw, take out draw off Sense 2 remove => unseat => oust, throw out drum out boot out kick out expel => fire, give notice, can, dismiss, give the axe, send away sack, force out terminate => drop => pull off => winkle out => invalid => bench Sense 3 get rid of remove => discard, fling, toss toss out toss away chuck out cast aside, dispose, throw out cast out throw away cast away put away => weed out comb out => work off => cull => dump Sense 4 take out move out remove => clear => call in => estrange Sense 7 murder, slay, hit, dispatch, bump off polish off remove => burke => execute Sense 8 remove, take away => wash away Troponyms (hyponyms) of verb remove 6 of 8 senses of remove Sense 1 remove, take take away withdraw => epilate, depilate => bail => strip, undress => ablate => clean, pick => clean => winnow => unbrace => pick => clear, clear up => muck => lift => lift => lift => tear away tear off => take off => undress, discase, uncase, unclothe, strip, strip down disrobe => take off => peel off => slip off => uncloak => doff, take off => declaw => dehorn => disbud => take away take out => bus => kill, obliterate, wipe out => cross off cross out strike out strike off mark => erase, delete => cart off cart away haul off haul away => pit, stone => seed => unhinge => shuck => hull => crumb => chip away chip away at => burl => knock out => scavenge, clean => hypophysectomize, hypophysectomise => degas => husk => bur, burr => clear off clear away => flick => strip, dismantle => strip => clear => denude, bare, denudate, strip => defoliate, deforest, disforest, disafforest => burn off => stump => defang => bone, debone => disembowel, eviscerate, draw => shell, pod => tusk, detusk => dehorn => scalp => lift => weed => condense => bail out bale out => leach, strip => decalcify => detoxify, detoxicate => de-ionate => de-iodinate => decarbonize, decarbonise, decarburize, decarburise, decoke => delouse => ream => brush => wash, wash out wash off wash away => desorb => pull => defuse => dredge => wear away wear off => abrade, corrade, abrase, rub down rub off => chafe => rasp => amputate, cut off => resect => skim, skim off cream off cream => strip => skin, peel, pare => peel off => exfoliate => flay => bark, skin => decorticate => pluck, pull tear, deplume, deplumate, displume => strip => scale, descale => circumcise => undock => dig, delve, cut into turn over => furrow, rut, groove => rout, root, rootle => spade => ridge => shovel => trowel => burrow, tunnel => excavate, dig, hollow => drive => trench, ditch => scoop, scoop out lift out scoop up take up => extract, pull out pull pull up take out draw out => wring out squeeze out => demodulate => take out => pulp => unstring => string => wipe off wipe away => deterge => take away bear off bear away carry away carry off => spirit away => spirit away spirit off => whisk off whisk away => unveil => unpack, take out => bring out get out => winkle, winkle out => unbox => break out => uncrate => unburden, disburden => empty => unload, offload => discharge => unsaddle, offsaddle => shed, cast, cast off shake off throw, throw off throw away drop => shed, molt, exuviate, moult, slough => desquamate, peel off => exfoliate => autotomize => dislodge, free => clean => aspirate, draw in suck in => delete, cancel => erase, rub out score out efface, wipe off => sponge => scratch out cut out => strike, expunge, excise => ladle, lade, laden => slop => spoon => gut => draw off draw away pull off => clean, strip => draw, take out => milk => strip => pump => siphon, syphon, siphon off => sluice => tap => suck => rack => deglycerolize, deglycerolise => draw, pull pull out get out take out => unsheathe => leach => draw => withdraw, draw, take out draw off => cheque, check out => overdraw => tap => divest Sense 2 remove => unseat => oust, throw out drum out boot out kick out expel => depose, force out => overthrow, subvert, overturn, bring down => revolutionize => fire, give notice, can, dismiss, give the axe, send away sack, force out terminate => retire => superannuate => pension off => clean out => furlough, lay off => squeeze out => dismiss, send packing, send away drop => drop => pull off => winkle out => invalid => bench Sense 3 get rid of remove => discard, fling, toss toss out toss away chuck out cast aside, dispose, throw out cast out throw away cast away put away => unlearn => deep-six, give it the deep six => jettison => trash, junk, scrap => waste => dump => retire, pension off => abandon => chuck, ditch => dispense with => forfeit, give up throw overboard, waive, forgo => lapse => consign => sell out sell up liquidize => de-access, sell off => close out => weed out comb out => work off => cull => dump Sense 4 take out move out remove => clear => call in => estrange Sense 7 murder, slay, hit, dispatch, bump off polish off remove => burke => execute Sense 8 remove, take away => wash away Entailment of verb remove Synonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Frequency) of verb remove 8 senses of remove Sense 1 remove, take take away withdraw Sense 2 remove Sense 3 get rid of remove Sense 4 take out move out remove Sense 5 remove, transfer => transfer, shift Sense 6 absent, remove => disappear, vanish, go away Sense 7 murder, slay, hit, dispatch, bump off polish off remove => kill Sense 8 remove, take away Familiarity of verb remove remove used as a verb is common (polysemy count = 8) Synonyms (Grouped by Similarity of Meaning) of verb remove Sense 1 remove, take take away withdraw -------------- Sense 2 remove -------------- Sense 3 get rid of remove -------------- Sense 4 take out move out remove -------------- Sense 5 remove, transfer => transfer, shift -------------- Sense 6 absent, remove => disappear, vanish, go away -------------- Sense 7 murder, slay, hit, dispatch, bump off polish off remove => kill -------------- Sense 8 remove, take away -------------- Overview of verb remove The verb remove has 8 senses (first 6 from tagged texts) 1. (91) remove, take take away withdraw -- (remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, taking off etc.; or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment") 2. (4) remove -- (remove from a position or an office) 3. (4) get rid of remove -- (dispose of "Get rid of these old shoes!" "The company got rid of all the dead wood") 4. (3) take out move out remove -- (cause to leave "The teacher took the children out of the classroom") 5. (3) remove, transfer -- (shift the position or location of as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes; "He removed his children to the countryside"; "Remove the troops to the forest surrounding the city"; "remove a case to another court") 6. (2) absent, remove -- (go away or leave "He absented himself") 7. murder, slay, hit, dispatch, bump off polish off remove -- (kill intentionally and with premeditation; "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered") 8. remove, take away -- (get rid of something abstract; "The death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage"; "God takes away your sins") Overview of verb remove The verb remove has 8 senses (first 6 from tagged texts) 1. (91) remove, take take away withdraw -- (remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, taking off etc.; or remove something abstract; "remove a threat"; "remove a wrapper"; "Remove the dirty dishes from the table"; "take the gun from your pocket"; "This machine withdraws heat from the environment") 2. (4) remove -- (remove from a position or an office) 3. (4) get rid of remove -- (dispose of "Get rid of these old shoes!" "The company got rid of all the dead wood") 4. (3) take out move out remove -- (cause to leave "The teacher took the children out of the classroom") 5. (3) remove, transfer -- (shift the position or location of as for business, legal, educational, or military purposes; "He removed his children to the countryside"; "Remove the troops to the forest surrounding the city"; "remove a case to another court") 6. (2) absent, remove -- (go away or leave "He absented himself") 7. murder, slay, hit, dispatch, bump off polish off remove -- (kill intentionally and with premeditation; "The mafia boss ordered his enemies murdered") 8. remove, take away -- (get rid of something abstract; "The death of her mother removed the last obstacle to their marriage"; "God takes away your sins")
removing definition