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roughly roughly definition


  Overview  of  adv  roughly 
  The  adv  roughly  has  3  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (11)  approximately,  about  close  to  just  about  some  roughly,  more  or  less  around  or  so  --  ((of  quantities)  imprecise  but  fairly  close  to  correct;  "lasted  approximately  an  hour";  "in  just  about  a  minute";  "he's  about  30  years  old";  "I've  had  about  all  I  can  stand";  "we  meet  about  once  a  month";  "some  forty  people  came";  "weighs  around  a  hundred  pounds";  "roughly  $3,000";  "holds  3  gallons,  more  or  less";  "20  or  so  people  were  at  the  party") 
  2.  (1)  roughly,  rough  --  (with  roughness  or  violence;  "he  was  pushed  roughly  aside";  (`rough'  is  informal  as  in  "they  treated  him  rough")) 
  3.  (1)  roughly,  rough  --  (with  rough  motion  as  over  a  rough  surface;  "ride  rough") 
  Overview  of  adv  roughly 
  The  adv  roughly  has  3  senses  (first  3  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (11)  approximately,  about  close  to  just  about  some  roughly,  more  or  less  around  or  so  --  ((of  quantities)  imprecise  but  fairly  close  to  correct;  "lasted  approximately  an  hour";  "in  just  about  a  minute";  "he's  about  30  years  old";  "I've  had  about  all  I  can  stand";  "we  meet  about  once  a  month";  "some  forty  people  came";  "weighs  around  a  hundred  pounds";  "roughly  $3,000";  "holds  3  gallons,  more  or  less";  "20  or  so  people  were  at  the  party") 
  2.  (1)  roughly,  rough  --  (with  roughness  or  violence;  "he  was  pushed  roughly  aside";  (`rough'  is  informal  as  in  "they  treated  him  rough")) 
  3.  (1)  roughly,  rough  --  (with  rough  motion  as  over  a  rough  surface;  "ride  rough") 

roughly definition