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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Reclination  \Rec`li*na"tion\,  n.  [Cf.  F.  r['e]clinaison.] 
  1.  The  act  of  leaning  or  reclining,  or  the  state  of  being 
  2.  (Dialing)  The  angle  which  the  plane  of  the  dial  makes  with 
  a  vertical  plane  which  it  intersects  in  a  horizontal  line 
  --Brande  &  C. 
  3.  (Surg.)  The  act  or  process  of  removing  a  cataract,  by 
  applying  the  needle  to  its  anterior  surface,  and 
  depressing  it  into  the  vitreous  humor  in  such  a  way  that 
  front  surface  of  the  cataract  becomes  the  upper  one  and 
  its  back  surface  the  lower  one  --Dunglison.