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sees sees definition


  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  see 
  14  of  24  senses  of  see 
  Sense  1 
  =>  glimpse 
  =>  see 
  =>  get  a  look  catch  a  glimpse 
  =>  behold,  lay  eyes  on 
  Sense  2 
  understand,  realize,  realise,  see 
  =>  perceive 
  =>  appreciate,  take  account 
  Sense  3 
  witness,  find  see 
  =>  catch 
  Sense  5 
  see  consider,  reckon,  view,  regard 
  =>  expect 
  =>  reconsider 
  =>  include 
  =>  call 
  =>  like 
  =>  relativize 
  =>  identify 
  =>  favor,  favour 
  =>  abstract 
  =>  reify 
  =>  idealize,  idealise 
  =>  deem,  hold  view  as  take  for 
  =>  respect,  esteem,  value,  prize,  prise 
  =>  disrespect,  disesteem 
  =>  make 
  =>  capitalize,  capitalise 
  =>  prize,  value,  treasure,  appreciate 
  Sense  6 
  learn,  hear,  get  word  get  wind,  pick  up  find  out  get  a  line  discover,  see 
  =>  wise  up 
  =>  trip  up  catch 
  =>  ascertain 
  =>  discover,  find 
  Sense  7 
  watch,  view,  see  catch,  take  in 
  =>  spectate 
  =>  preview 
  Sense  8 
  determine,  check,  find  out  see  ascertain,  watch,  learn 
  =>  test 
  Sense  9 
  meet  ran  into  encounter,  run  across  come  across  see 
  =>  intersect,  cross 
  Sense  10 
  see  check,  insure,  see  to  it  ensure,  control,  ascertain,  assure 
  =>  proofread,  proof 
  =>  control 
  =>  double-check 
  =>  cross-check 
  =>  cinch 
  =>  card 
  =>  spot-check 
  =>  cover 
  Sense  13 
  visit,  see 
  =>  take  in 
  =>  slum 
  Sense  14 
  attend,  take  care  look  see 
  =>  minister 
  =>  tend 
  Sense  20 
  examine,  see 
  =>  search 
  =>  x-ray 
  =>  candle 
  =>  autopsy 
  =>  auscultate 
  =>  survey 
  =>  scan,  skim,  rake,  glance  over  run  down 
  =>  scan 
  =>  peruse 
  =>  size  up  take  stock,  scrutinize,  scrutinise 
  =>  search,  look 
  =>  inspect 
  =>  check 
  Sense  21 
  experience,  undergo,  see  go  through 
  =>  know  experience,  live 
  =>  suffer,  endure 
  =>  suffer,  meet 
  =>  feel 
  =>  enjoy 
  =>  witness,  find  see 
  =>  come 
  Sense  24 
  interpret,  construe,  see 
  =>  mistake,  confuse,  confound 
  =>  misconstrue,  misinterpret,  misconceive,  misunderstand,  misapprehend,  be  amiss 
  =>  clarify,  clear,  clear  up  shed  light  on  crystallize,  crystallise,  crystalize,  crystalise,  straighten  out  sort  out  enlighten,  illuminate,  elucidate 
  =>  read  between  the  lines 
  =>  literalize 
  =>  spiritualize 
  =>  reinterpret 
  =>  allegorize,  allegorise 
  =>  take  read 
  =>  read 
  =>  read,  scan 
  =>  educe,  evoke,  elicit,  extract,  draw  out 
  Troponyms  (hyponyms)  of  verb  see 
  14  of  24  senses  of  see 
  Sense  1 
  =>  glimpse 
  =>  see 
  =>  get  a  look  catch  a  glimpse 
  =>  behold,  lay  eyes  on 
  Sense  2 
  understand,  realize,  realise,  see 
  =>  perceive 
  =>  appreciate,  take  account 
  Sense  3 
  witness,  find  see 
  =>  catch 
  Sense  5 
  see  consider,  reckon,  view,  regard 
  =>  expect 
  =>  reconsider 
  =>  include 
  =>  count 
  =>  subsume,  colligate 
  =>  carry 
  =>  call 
  =>  like 
  =>  relativize 
  =>  identify 
  =>  favor,  favour 
  =>  abstract 
  =>  reify 
  =>  hypostatize 
  =>  idealize,  idealise 
  =>  romanticize,  romanticise,  glamorize 
  =>  deify 
  =>  apotheosize,  apotheose 
  =>  deem,  hold  view  as  take  for 
  =>  respect,  esteem,  value,  prize,  prise 
  =>  think  the  world  of 
  =>  reverence,  fear,  revere,  venerate 
  =>  enshrine,  saint 
  =>  worship 
  =>  admire,  look  up  to 
  =>  envy 
  =>  disrespect,  disesteem 
  =>  undervalue 
  =>  make 
  =>  capitalize,  capitalise 
  =>  prize,  value,  treasure,  appreciate 
  =>  do  justice 
  =>  recognize,  recognise 
  =>  honor,  honour,  reward 
  =>  toast,  drink,  pledge,  salute,  wassail 
  =>  give 
  =>  ennoble,  dignify 
  =>  award,  bestow  an  award  upon 
  =>  decorate 
  =>  rubricate 
  Sense  6 
  learn,  hear,  get  word  get  wind,  pick  up  find  out  get  a  line  discover,  see 
  =>  wise  up 
  =>  trip  up  catch 
  =>  ascertain 
  =>  price 
  =>  discover,  find 
  =>  rake  up 
  =>  ferret  out  ferret 
  Sense  7 
  watch,  view,  see  catch,  take  in 
  =>  spectate 
  =>  preview 
  Sense  8 
  determine,  check,  find  out  see  ascertain,  watch,  learn 
  =>  test 
  Sense  9 
  meet  ran  into  encounter,  run  across  come  across  see 
  =>  intersect,  cross 
  =>  cross 
  Sense  10 
  see  check,  insure,  see  to  it  ensure,  control,  ascertain,  assure 
  =>  proofread,  proof 
  =>  control 
  =>  double-check 
  =>  cross-check 
  =>  cinch 
  =>  card 
  =>  spot-check 
  =>  cover 
  Sense  13 
  visit,  see 
  =>  take  in 
  =>  slum 
  Sense  14 
  attend,  take  care  look  see 
  =>  minister 
  =>  tend 
  =>  garden 
  =>  landscape 
  =>  shepherd 
  Sense  20 
  examine,  see 
  =>  search 
  =>  frisk 
  =>  strip-search 
  =>  scan 
  =>  rifle,  go 
  =>  rummage 
  =>  comb,  ransack 
  =>  x-ray 
  =>  candle 
  =>  autopsy 
  =>  auscultate 
  =>  survey 
  =>  overlook 
  =>  scan,  skim,  rake,  glance  over  run  down 
  =>  scan 
  =>  glass 
  =>  peruse 
  =>  flick,  flip,  thumb,  riffle,  leaf,  riff 
  =>  size  up  take  stock,  scrutinize,  scrutinise 
  =>  search,  look 
  =>  hunt 
  =>  cruise 
  =>  prospect 
  =>  pry,  nose,  poke 
  =>  inspect 
  =>  review,  go  over  survey 
  =>  perambulate 
  =>  case 
  =>  vet 
  =>  check 
  =>  screen,  test 
  =>  countercheck 
  =>  breathalyze,  breathalyse 
  Sense  21 
  experience,  undergo,  see  go  through 
  =>  know  experience,  live 
  =>  relive,  live  over 
  =>  suffer,  endure 
  =>  die 
  =>  suffer,  meet 
  =>  feel 
  =>  enjoy 
  =>  witness,  find  see 
  =>  catch 
  =>  come 
  Sense  24 
  interpret,  construe,  see 
  =>  mistake,  confuse,  confound 
  =>  misconstrue,  misinterpret,  misconceive,  misunderstand,  misapprehend,  be  amiss 
  =>  clarify,  clear,  clear  up  shed  light  on  crystallize,  crystallise,  crystalize,  crystalise,  straighten  out  sort  out  enlighten,  illuminate,  elucidate 
  =>  read  between  the  lines 
  =>  literalize 
  =>  spiritualize 
  =>  reinterpret 
  =>  allegorize,  allegorise 
  =>  take  read 
  =>  misread,  misinterpret 
  =>  read 
  =>  anagram,  anagrammatize,  anagrammatise 
  =>  reread 
  =>  dip  into 
  =>  spell  out 
  =>  decipher,  trace 
  =>  scan 
  =>  skim,  skim  over 
  =>  lipread 
  =>  read,  scan 
  =>  misread 
  =>  educe,  evoke,  elicit,  extract,  draw  out 
  Entailment  of  verb  see 
  1  of  24  senses  of  see 
  Sense  20 
  examine,  see 
  =>  look 
  Synonyms/Hypernyms  (Ordered  by  Frequency)  of  verb  see 
  24  senses  of  see 
  Sense  1 
  =>  perceive,  comprehend 
  Sense  2 
  understand,  realize,  realise,  see 
  Sense  3 
  witness,  find  see 
  =>  experience,  undergo,  see  go  through 
  Sense  4 
  visualize,  envision,  project,  fancy,  see  figure,  picture,  image 
  =>  imagine,  conceive  of  ideate,  envisage 
  Sense  5 
  see  consider,  reckon,  view,  regard 
  =>  think,  believe,  consider,  conceive 
  Sense  6 
  learn,  hear,  get  word  get  wind,  pick  up  find  out  get  a  line  discover,  see 
  Sense  7 
  watch,  view,  see  catch,  take  in 
  =>  watch 
  Sense  8 
  determine,  check,  find  out  see  ascertain,  watch,  learn 
  Sense  9 
  meet  ran  into  encounter,  run  across  come  across  see 
  Sense  10 
  see  check,  insure,  see  to  it  ensure,  control,  ascertain,  assure 
  =>  verify 
  Sense  11 
  =>  visit,  call  in  call 
  Sense  12 
  =>  visit,  call  in  call 
  Sense  13 
  visit,  see 
  =>  tour 
  Sense  14 
  attend,  take  care  look  see 
  =>  care  give  care 
  Sense  15 
  =>  receive,  take  in  invite 
  Sense  16 
  go  steady,  go  out  date,  see 
  =>  consort,  associate,  affiliate,  assort 
  Sense  17 
  =>  see 
  Sense  18 
  =>  deliberate,  cogitate 
  Sense  19 
  =>  detect,  observe,  find  discover,  notice 
  Sense  20 
  examine,  see 
  Sense  21 
  experience,  undergo,  see  go  through 
  =>  participate,  take  part 
  Sense  22 
  see  escort 
  =>  accompany 
  Sense  23 
  =>  bet,  wager,  play 
  Sense  24 
  interpret,  construe,  see 
  =>  understand 
  Familiarity  of  verb  see 
  see  used  as  a  verb  is  very  familiar  (polysemy  count  =  24) 
  Synonyms  (Grouped  by  Similarity  of  Meaning)  of  verb  see 
  Sense  1 
  =>  perceive,  comprehend 
  Sense  7 
  watch,  view,  see  catch,  take  in 
  =>  watch 
  Sense  19 
  =>  detect,  observe,  find  discover,  notice 
  Sense  2 
  understand,  realize,  realise,  see 
  Sense  4 
  visualize,  envision,  project,  fancy,  see  figure,  picture,  image 
  =>  imagine,  conceive  of  ideate,  envisage 
  Sense  17 
  =>  see 
  Sense  3 
  witness,  find  see 
  =>  experience,  undergo,  see  go  through 
  Sense  6 
  learn,  hear,  get  word  get  wind,  pick  up  find  out  get  a  line  discover,  see 
  Sense  5 
  see  consider,  reckon,  view,  regard 
  =>  think,  believe,  consider,  conceive 
  Sense  24 
  interpret,  construe,  see 
  =>  understand 
  Sense  8 
  determine,  check,  find  out  see  ascertain,  watch,  learn 
  Sense  10 
  see  check,  insure,  see  to  it  ensure,  control,  ascertain,  assure 
  =>  verify 
  Sense  11 
  =>  visit,  call  in  call 
  Sense  15 
  =>  receive,  take  in  invite 
  Sense  12 
  =>  visit,  call  in  call 
  Sense  13 
  visit,  see 
  =>  tour 
  Sense  9 
  meet  ran  into  encounter,  run  across  come  across  see 
  Sense  14 
  attend,  take  care  look  see 
  =>  care  give  care 
  Sense  16 
  go  steady,  go  out  date,  see 
  =>  consort,  associate,  affiliate,  assort 
  Sense  18 
  =>  deliberate,  cogitate 
  Sense  20 
  examine,  see 
  Sense  21 
  experience,  undergo,  see  go  through 
  =>  participate,  take  part 
  Sense  22 
  see  escort 
  =>  accompany 
  Sense  23 
  =>  bet,  wager,  play 
  Grep  of  noun  sees 
  champs  elysees 
  Grep  of  noun  see 
  arriere  pensee 
  capital  of  tennessee 
  holy  see 
  seed  beetle 
  seed  catalog 
  seed  catalogue 
  seed  coat 
  seed  corn 
  seed  fern 
  seed  grain 
  seed  lac 
  seed  leaf 
  seed  oyster 
  seed  pearl 
  seed  plant 
  seed  shrimp 
  seed  stock 
  seed  vessel 
  seed  weevil 
  seeded  player 
  seeded  raisin 
  seedless  raisin 
  seeing-eye  dog 
  seeing  red 
  seek  time 
  the  holy  see 
  Overview  of  noun  see 
  The  noun  see  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  see  --  (the  seat  within  a  bishop's  diocese  where  his  cathedral  is  located) 
  Overview  of  verb  see 
  The  verb  see  has  24  senses  (first  18  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (617)  see  --  (perceive  by  sight  or  have  the  power  to  perceive  by  sight;  "You  have  to  be  a  good  observer  to  see  all  the  details";  "Can  you  see  the  bird  in  that  tree?"  "He  is  blind--he  cannot  see") 
  2.  (159)  understand,  realize,  realise,  see  --  (perceive  mentally,  as  of  an  idea;  "Now  I  see!";  "I  just  can't  see  your  point";  "Does  she  realize  how  important  this  decision  is?";  "I  don't  understand  the  idea") 
  3.  (141)  witness,  find  see  --  (perceive  with  any  or  all  of  one's  senses  "We  found  Republicans  winning  the  offices";  "You'll  see  a  lot  of  cheating  in  this  school";  give  rise  to  or  be  characterized  by  "The  1960  saw  the  rebellion  of  the  younger  generation  against  established  traditions";  "I  want  to  see  results") 
  4.  (58)  visualize,  envision,  project,  fancy,  see  figure,  picture,  image  --  (imagine;  conceive  of  see  in  one's  mind;  "I  can't  see  him  on  horseback!"  "I  can  see  what  will  happen";  "I  can  see  a  risk  in  this  strategy") 
  5.  (47)  see  consider,  reckon,  view,  regard  --  (consider  or  deem  to  be  regard;  "She  views  this  quite  differently  from  me";  "I  consider  her  to  be  shallow";  "I  don't  see  the  situation  quite  as  negatively  as  you  do") 
  6.  (40)  learn,  hear,  get  word  get  wind,  pick  up  find  out  get  a  line  discover,  see  --  (get  to  know  or  become  aware  of  usually  accidentally;  "I  learned  that  she  has  two  grown-up  children";  "I  see  that  you  have  been  promoted") 
  7.  (31)  watch,  view,  see  catch,  take  in  --  (see  or  watch;  "view  a  show  on  television";  "This  program  will  be  seen  all  over  the  world";  "view  an  exhibition";  "Catch  a  show  on  Broadway";  "see  a  movie") 
  8.  (29)  determine,  check,  find  out  see  ascertain,  watch,  learn  --  (find  out  learn,  or  determine  with  certainty,  usually  by  making  an  inquiry  or  other  effort;  "I  want  to  see  whether  she  speaks  French";  "See  whether  it  works";  "find  out  if  he  speaks  Russian";  "Check  whether  the  train  leaves  on  time") 
  9.  (27)  meet  ran  into  encounter,  run  across  come  across  see  --  (come  together;  "I'll  probably  see  you  at  the  meeting";  "How  nice  to  see  you  again!") 
  10.  (22)  see  check,  insure,  see  to  it  ensure,  control,  ascertain,  assure  --  (be  careful  or  certain  to  do  something  make  certain  of  something  "He  verified  that  the  valves  were  closed";  "See  that  the  curtains  are  closed";  "control  the  quality  of  the  product") 
  11.  (13)  see  --  (go  to  see  for  professional  or  business  reasons;  "You  should  see  a  lawyer";  "We  had  to  see  a  psychiatrist") 
  12.  (12)  see  --  (go  to  see  for  a  social  visit;  "I  went  to  see  my  friend  Mary  the  other  day") 
  13.  (10)  visit,  see  --  (visit  a  place  as  for  entertainment;  "We  went  to  see  the  Eiffel  Tower  in  the  morning") 
  14.  (7)  attend,  take  care  look  see  --  (take  charge  of  or  deal  with  "Could  you  see  about  lunch?";  "I  must  attend  to  this  matter";  "She  took  care  of  this  business") 
  15.  (4)  see  --  (receive  as  a  specified  guest;  "the  doctor  will  see  you  now";  "The  minister  doesn't  see  anybody  before  noon") 
  16.  (1)  go  steady,  go  out  date,  see  --  (date  regularly;  have  a  steady  relationship  with  "Did  you  know  that  she  is  seeing  an  older  man?"  "He  is  dating  his  former  wife  again!") 
  17.  (1)  see  --  (see  and  understand,  have  a  good  eye;  "The  artist  must  first  learn  to  see") 
  18.  (1)  see  --  (deliberate  or  decide;  "See  whether  you  can  come  tomorrow";  "let's  see--which  movie  should  we  see  tonight?") 
  19.  see  --  (observe  as  if  with  an  eye;  "The  camera  saw  the  burglary  and  recorded  it") 
  20.  examine,  see  --  (observe,  check  out  and  look  over  carefully  or  inspect;  "The  customs  agent  examined  the  baggage";  "I  must  see  your  passport  before  you  can  enter  the  country") 
  21.  experience,  undergo,  see  go  through  --  (go  or  live  through  "We  had  many  trials  to  go  through";  "he  saw  action  in  Viet  Nam") 
  22.  see  escort  --  (accompany  or  escort:  "I'll  see  you  to  the  door") 
  23.  see  --  (match  or  meet  in  card  games;  "I  saw  the  bet  of  one  of  my  fellow  players") 
  24.  interpret,  construe,  see  --  (make  sense  of  assign  a  meaning  to  "What  message  do  you  see  in  this  letter?"  "How  do  you  interpret  his  behavior?") 
  Overview  of  noun  see 
  The  noun  see  has  1  sense  (no  senses  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  see  --  (the  seat  within  a  bishop's  diocese  where  his  cathedral  is  located) 
  Overview  of  verb  see 
  The  verb  see  has  24  senses  (first  18  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (617)  see  --  (perceive  by  sight  or  have  the  power  to  perceive  by  sight;  "You  have  to  be  a  good  observer  to  see  all  the  details";  "Can  you  see  the  bird  in  that  tree?"  "He  is  blind--he  cannot  see") 
  2.  (159)  understand,  realize,  realise,  see  --  (perceive  mentally,  as  of  an  idea;  "Now  I  see!";  "I  just  can't  see  your  point";  "Does  she  realize  how  important  this  decision  is?";  "I  don't  understand  the  idea") 
  3.  (141)  witness,  find  see  --  (perceive  with  any  or  all  of  one's  senses  "We  found  Republicans  winning  the  offices";  "You'll  see  a  lot  of  cheating  in  this  school";  give  rise  to  or  be  characterized  by  "The  1960  saw  the  rebellion  of  the  younger  generation  against  established  traditions";  "I  want  to  see  results") 
  4.  (58)  visualize,  envision,  project,  fancy,  see  figure,  picture,  image  --  (imagine;  conceive  of  see  in  one's  mind;  "I  can't  see  him  on  horseback!"  "I  can  see  what  will  happen";  "I  can  see  a  risk  in  this  strategy") 
  5.  (47)  see  consider,  reckon,  view,  regard  --  (consider  or  deem  to  be  regard;  "She  views  this  quite  differently  from  me";  "I  consider  her  to  be  shallow";  "I  don't  see  the  situation  quite  as  negatively  as  you  do") 
  6.  (40)  learn,  hear,  get  word  get  wind,  pick  up  find  out  get  a  line  discover,  see  --  (get  to  know  or  become  aware  of  usually  accidentally;  "I  learned  that  she  has  two  grown-up  children";  "I  see  that  you  have  been  promoted") 
  7.  (31)  watch,  view,  see  catch,  take  in  --  (see  or  watch;  "view  a  show  on  television";  "This  program  will  be  seen  all  over  the  world";  "view  an  exhibition";  "Catch  a  show  on  Broadway";  "see  a  movie") 
  8.  (29)  determine,  check,  find  out  see  ascertain,  watch,  learn  --  (find  out  learn,  or  determine  with  certainty,  usually  by  making  an  inquiry  or  other  effort;  "I  want  to  see  whether  she  speaks  French";  "See  whether  it  works";  "find  out  if  he  speaks  Russian";  "Check  whether  the  train  leaves  on  time") 
  9.  (27)  meet  ran  into  encounter,  run  across  come  across  see  --  (come  together;  "I'll  probably  see  you  at  the  meeting";  "How  nice  to  see  you  again!") 
  10.  (22)  see  check,  insure,  see  to  it  ensure,  control,  ascertain,  assure  --  (be  careful  or  certain  to  do  something  make  certain  of  something  "He  verified  that  the  valves  were  closed";  "See  that  the  curtains  are  closed";  "control  the  quality  of  the  product") 
  11.  (13)  see  --  (go  to  see  for  professional  or  business  reasons;  "You  should  see  a  lawyer";  "We  had  to  see  a  psychiatrist") 
  12.  (12)  see  --  (go  to  see  for  a  social  visit;  "I  went  to  see  my  friend  Mary  the  other  day") 
  13.  (10)  visit,  see  --  (visit  a  place  as  for  entertainment;  "We  went  to  see  the  Eiffel  Tower  in  the  morning") 
  14.  (7)  attend,  take  care  look  see  --  (take  charge  of  or  deal  with  "Could  you  see  about  lunch?";  "I  must  attend  to  this  matter";  "She  took  care  of  this  business") 
  15.  (4)  see  --  (receive  as  a  specified  guest;  "the  doctor  will  see  you  now";  "The  minister  doesn't  see  anybody  before  noon") 
  16.  (1)  go  steady,  go  out  date,  see  --  (date  regularly;  have  a  steady  relationship  with  "Did  you  know  that  she  is  seeing  an  older  man?"  "He  is  dating  his  former  wife  again!") 
  17.  (1)  see  --  (see  and  understand,  have  a  good  eye;  "The  artist  must  first  learn  to  see") 
  18.  (1)  see  --  (deliberate  or  decide;  "See  whether  you  can  come  tomorrow";  "let's  see--which  movie  should  we  see  tonight?") 
  19.  see  --  (observe  as  if  with  an  eye;  "The  camera  saw  the  burglary  and  recorded  it") 
  20.  examine,  see  --  (observe,  check  out  and  look  over  carefully  or  inspect;  "The  customs  agent  examined  the  baggage";  "I  must  see  your  passport  before  you  can  enter  the  country") 
  21.  experience,  undergo,  see  go  through  --  (go  or  live  through  "We  had  many  trials  to  go  through";  "he  saw  action  in  Viet  Nam") 
  22.  see  escort  --  (accompany  or  escort:  "I'll  see  you  to  the  door") 
  23.  see  --  (match  or  meet  in  card  games;  "I  saw  the  bet  of  one  of  my  fellow  players") 
  24.  interpret,  construe,  see  --  (make  sense  of  assign  a  meaning  to  "What  message  do  you  see  in  this  letter?"  "How  do  you  interpret  his  behavior?") 

sees definition