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substance substance definition


  Grep  of  noun  substance 
  body  substance 
  gray  substance 
  grey  substance 
  ground  substance 
  intercellular  substance 
  liquid  body  substance 
  living  substance 
  lubricating  substance 
  poisonous  substance 
  psychoactive  substance 
  solid  body  substance 
  substance  abuse 
  substance  abuser 
  translucent  substance 
  transparent  substance 
  Overview  of  noun  substance 
  The  noun  substance  has  6  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (68)  substance,  matter  --  (that  which  has  mass  and  occupies  space;  "an  atom  is  the  smallest  indivisible  unit  of  matter") 
  2.  (4)  substance  --  (the  stuff  of  which  an  object  consists) 
  3.  (2)  kernel,  substance,  core,  center,  essence,  gist,  heart,  heart  and  soul,  inwardness,  marrow,  meat,  nub,  pith,  sum,  nitty-gritty  --  (the  choicest  or  most  essential  or  most  vital  part  of  some  idea  or  experience:  "the  gist  of  the  prosecutor's  argument";  "the  heart  and  soul  of  the  Republican  Party";  "the  nub  of  the  story") 
  4.  (2)  meaning,  substance  --  (the  idea  that  is  intended;  "What  is  the  meaning  of  this  proverb?") 
  5.  means  substance  --  (considerable  capital  (wealth  or  income);  "he  is  a  man  of  means") 
  6.  message,  content,  subject  matter,  substance  --  (what  a  communication  that  is  about  something  is  about) 
  Overview  of  noun  substance 
  The  noun  substance  has  6  senses  (first  4  from  tagged  texts) 
  1.  (68)  substance,  matter  --  (that  which  has  mass  and  occupies  space;  "an  atom  is  the  smallest  indivisible  unit  of  matter") 
  2.  (4)  substance  --  (the  stuff  of  which  an  object  consists) 
  3.  (2)  kernel,  substance,  core,  center,  essence,  gist,  heart,  heart  and  soul,  inwardness,  marrow,  meat,  nub,  pith,  sum,  nitty-gritty  --  (the  choicest  or  most  essential  or  most  vital  part  of  some  idea  or  experience:  "the  gist  of  the  prosecutor's  argument";  "the  heart  and  soul  of  the  Republican  Party";  "the  nub  of  the  story") 
  4.  (2)  meaning,  substance  --  (the  idea  that  is  intended;  "What  is  the  meaning  of  this  proverb?") 
  5.  means  substance  --  (considerable  capital  (wealth  or  income);  "he  is  a  man  of  means") 
  6.  message,  content,  subject  matter,  substance  --  (what  a  communication  that  is  about  something  is  about) 

substance definition