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sauciermore about saucier


  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Saucy  \Sau"cy\,  a.  [Compar.  {Saucier};  superl.  {Sauciest}.] 
  [From  {Sauce}.] 
  1.  Showing  impertinent  boldness  or  pertness;  transgressing 
  the  rules  of  decorum;  treating  superiors  with  contempt; 
  impudent;  insolent;  as  a  saucy  fellow. 
  Am  I  not  protector,  saucy  priest?  --Shak. 
  2.  Expressive  of  or  characterized  by  impudence; 
  impertinent;  as  a  saucy  eye;  saucy  looks 
  We  then  have  done  you  bold  and  saucy  wrongs.  --Shak. 
  Syn:  Impudent;  insolent;  impertinent;  rude. 
  From  U.S.  Gazetteer  (1990)  [gazetteer]: 
  Saucier,  MS 
  Zip  code(s):  39574 

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