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  1  definition  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Sterculiaceous  \Ster*cu`li*a"ceous\,  a.  [NL.  Sterculia,  the 
  typical  genus,  fr  L.  Sterculius  the  deity  that  presided  over 
  manuring,  from  stercus  dung.  So  called  because  one  of  the 
  original  species  is  fetid.]  (Bot.) 
  Of  or  pertaining  to  a  natural  order  ({Sterculiace[ae]})  of 
  polypetalous  exogenous  plants,  mostly  tropical.  The  cacao 
  ({Theobroma  Cacao})  is  the  most  useful  plant  of  the  order