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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Webster's  Revised  Unabridged  Dictionary  (1913)  [web1913]: 
  Subornation  \Sub`or*na"tion\,  n.  [F.  subornation.] 
  1.  (Law)  The  act  of  suborning;  the  crime  of  procuring  a 
  person  to  take  such  a  false  oath  as  constitutes  perjury. 
  2.  The  sin  or  offense  of  procuring  one  to  do  a  criminal  or 
  bad  action  as  by  bribes  or  persuasion. 
  Foul  subornation  is  predominant.  --Shak. 
  The  sort  of  chicanery  attending  the  subornation  of 
  managers  in  the  Leibnitz  controversy.  --De  Quinsey. 
  From  WordNet  r  1.6  [wn]: 
  n  :  underhandedly  or  improperly  inducing  someone  to  do  something 
  improper  or  unlawful;  "subornation  of  perjury  is  a  crime" 

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