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  2  definitions  found 
  From  Easton's  1897  Bible  Dictionary  [easton]: 
  liar  or  drunkard  (see  Isa.  28:1,  7),  has  been  from  the  time  of 
  the  Crusaders  usually  identified  with  Sychem  or  Shechem  (John 
  4:5).  It  has  now  however,  as  the  result  of  recent  explorations, 
  been  identified  with  'Askar,  a  small  Samaritan  town  on  the 
  southern  base  of  Ebal,  about  a  mile  to  the  north  of  Jacob's 
  From  Hitchcock's  Bible  Names  Dictionary  (late  1800's)  [hitchcock]: 
  Sychar,  end